100字范文 > 普通高校招生统一考试全国2卷(模拟考试)(英语)


时间:2023-12-20 06:06:35




第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)

第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



A.gave B. save C. hat D. made


1 machine

A alive B magazine C advertise D rewrite

2 percent

A chance B ocean C cooker D official

3 bargain

A train B remain C contain D mountain

4 course

A tour B neighbour C pour D journey

5 society

A friend B believe C science D receive

第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever


6. ------Tom didn"t do well in his new job, did he?

------- .

A.No, but in fact he did well B.No , but I wish he had done well

C.Yes , but I wish he did well D.Yes, but I wish he wouldn"t

7.It is known to all that only in this way progress in your English study.

A.do you make a great B.are you able to make a

C.you are able to make D.can you make

8.We can now get weather information from a new type of weather satellite.

A.the;不填 B.the;the

C.不填;不填 D.a;a

9.It is certain that people may agree with most of what you said, but they don"t have to agree with .

A.everything B.anything

C.something D.nothing

10. You know questions like this kind difficult .

A.is; to answer B.is; to be answered

C.are; to be answered D.are; to answer

11.The boxing game, over two thousand years ago, did not include women until the late 60"s.

A.first playing B.first played

C.to be firstly played D.played first

12.This pair of trousers here isn"t good but that pair on the wall is better.

A.less B.rather

C.even D.hardly

13.To my great disappointment, I didn"t receive any letter from her for a long time, I my letter in a short time.

A.have hoped that she would answer B.hoped her answering

C.had hoped that she would answer D.hope she would answer

14.In previous times, when rice was in short , some wild plants were kept by many households as a source of food.

A.store B.increase

C.reserve D.supply

15.With more and more forests being destroyed, large quantities of rich earth each year.

A.are being washed away B.is being washed away

C.are washing away D.is washing away

16.It was that caused the important meeting to start an hour later than usual.

A.you being late B.your being late

C.your were too late D.because you were late

17.What surprises us most is that she doesn"t even know the difference between the two countries lies .

A.where B.whether

C.how D.what

18.Yao Ming as a basketball star in the world, and is loved by basketball fans both at home and abroad.

A.sticks out B.builds up

C.stands out D.keeps up

19.During the war was feared that they not be able to defend the town.

A.it;would B.that;might

C.as;should D.as;would

20.The new comer asked our teacher, “Is that is needed by every student in the school?”

A.the book one B.the book the one

C.book one which D.book the one which 第三节 完形填空(共20小题;没小题1.5分,满分30分)


The journey begins

The name of the spaceship was Sirius; I was the only passenger because this was a cargo (货运)spaceship, not a passenger spaceship. It was 21 for the television company to send me on a cargo spaceship. I got 22 the bus and stepped into a 23 which took me up into the rocket. It was quiet and cold inside the spaceship, a nice 24 after the hot sunshine outside. The pilot was already in his seat and, when I 25 , he turned round and smiled at me.

I sat down but I was too 26 to rest. I looked eagerly all around me and watched the pilot. He was talking over his radio. I heard him 27 , ‘ten minutes to go,’ and then ‘five minutes to go.’ Later he said, ‘lie down. We’re ready to 28 .’ He moved a large red switch, 29 his arms and lay down in his 30 . There was a loud noise and the ship began to 31 . On the television in front of me, lines appeared and row of red 32 turned to green. Suddenly, I felt as if someone had jumped on 33 of me. My body felt heavy, I couldn’t lift my arms and it was difficult to breathe. I stayed 34 down in this position for some time and soon I felt more 35 . The noise of the 36 sometimes got louder and sometimes softer. There were also bangs and the ship shook with the noise. The pilot didn’t look 37 so I decided everything must be all right. Then there was 38 and I couldn’t hear any noise from the engines, I knew this 39 that we had left the pull of earth‘s gravity. I saw the pilot unfasten his seat belt and 40 towards me.

21、A. happier B. safer C. cheaper D. faster

22、A. on B. down C. up D. off

23、A. lift B. house C. building D. field

24、A. life B. change C. movement D. thought

25、A. began B. entered C. left D. stopped

26、A. surprised B. disappointed C. encouraged D. excited

27、A. smile B. inform C. say D. cry

28、A. leave B. rest C. land D. reach

29、A. hidden B. stretched C. tied D. raised

30、A. bed B. body C. room D. seat

31、A. turn B. jump C. shake D. sink

32、A. lights B. programs C. floors D. systems

33、A. top B. side C. bottom D. foot

34、A .sleeping B. standing C. facing D. lying

35、A. terrible B. dependable C. comfortable D. believable

36、A. wind B. engines C. crowds D. plane

37、A. worried B. interested C. tired D. astonished

38、A. flash B. strength C. silence D. fantasy

39、A. pointed B. showed C. declared D. meant

40、A. run B. float C. shoot D. swim

第二部分 阅读理解 (共25小题。 第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Physical fitness can help you to live longer, feel healthier and settle life"s problems better. Various activities can help you to keep fit; from running marathons to climbing mountains to lifting weights. For the ordinary non-sporting person without much time to spare, activities like these are not very practical and, to be honest, they are a waste of time .It is much better in my opinion to spend no more than half an hour every other day in doing exercises. The important thing is to form such a habit so that you don"t say to yourself, " I won"t take the trouble today!" or "I"ll do it later!" If you haven"t got the will to form a habit like this, a sport like tennis might suit you better. The person who takes part in the game with you will help you to remember to play often and you"ll be able to get your exercise outdoors, too.

Another good way of keeping fit is jogging ( 慢跑 ). The important thing here is to build up slowly and not to overdo it --otherwise you may give yourself a heart attack on your first run! It"s best to keep away from roads so as not to breathe in the strong -smelling smoke of the traffic instead of fresh air and in case you get run over!

Doing exercise will take your time but the feeling of being healthy makes up for the few minutes a day it takes. We should always keep in mind that health is better than wealth and no medicine is as good as sport.

41.In the writer"s opinion, .

A. a few minutes’ exercise every other day will help you keep fit

B. you should run away from the roads to take in fresh air

C. having a good habit is most important in physical fitness

D. nothing is better than sports in treating heart trouble

42. According to this passage , tennis has the advantage that .

A. there is no danger of car accident B. it takes up only half an hour a day

C. the person who takes part in it with you will make you play it often D. it helps you to form a habit easily

43.The writer tells us that while jogging , we should .

A. keep in mind to breathe slowly B. do it together with someone else

C. do it according to our ability D. increase it step by step

44.Which statement is NOT TRUE according to this passage?

A. Jogging sometimes causes heart trouble B. Running marathons is not practical for many people.

C. Tennis is a kind of outdoor sport. D. In doing sports, we should know some rules.


Jim walked into the hall of the large office building. It was the first time he had ever visited his girlfriend at work, and he was looking forward to seeing her office and meeting her co-workers. He decided he would use the bathroom before trying to find her office. As he was looking around the hall for the men"s room he saw the security guard, a man in his fifties who was clearly of Hispanic (Latin American )family . The guard was busy fixing something on his desk when Jim interrupted.

"Excuse me; do you know where the men"s room is?”

Without nodding or stopping his work , the guard pursed (撅起 )his lips . Seeing the guard"s response ( 反应), Jim wondered to himself, "What"s the matter with this man? How can he work here and not know where the bathroom is?”

The security guard looked at Him, who continued to stand there, a puzzled expression on his face. The guard thought to himself, "What"s the matter with this man? He asks me for directions, and when I show him he just stands there. Maybe he"s up to no good. "

Jim was displeased and asked, “Do you speak English? "

The guard answered, angry at having been asked such a question, “Of course I speak English, I wouldn’t have this job if I didn"t speak English."

"Then can you tell me where the bathroom is?” Jim asked. "Down the hall,” the guard replied. As Jim walked down the hall he shook his head and thought to himself, “Why didn"t he help me in the first place?""

45.When the guard was asked if he knew where the toilet was, he .

A. refused to answer the question B. wondered what was wrong with the man

C. showed its direction by using his lips D. got angry at being asked such a question

46.Seeing Jim still standing there, the guard believed .

A. the man didn"t understand him clearly B. there was something up to the man

C. the man hadn"t heard his answer D. the man was intending to do something bad

47.Jim was though at last found the men’s room.

A. surprised at what the guard did B. persuaded to leave.

C. forced to leave. D. angry at what the guard did.

48.It can be inferred from this story that .

A. generation gap may give rise to problems

B. differences in body language can cause misunderstanding

C. the guard in the large office building is not always ready to help others

D. young people should always be polite to the older


Time and time again, one may be warned, “Your name will be mud”. Many have used the expression in the mistaken belief that it has something to do with the kind of dirt found in the streets or on unclean river bottoms. But the expression comes from the name of Doctor Samuel Alexander Mudd, a physician who fixed the broken leg off John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed President Abraham Lincoln. Doctor Mudd treated Booth’s injured leg without knowing who the was.

A small group helped Booth to plan Lincoln’s murder. They were all caught and sentenced to death or prison terms.

Doctor Mudd had nothing to do with Lincoln’s murder or with any of the men who had planned it. All seemed to show that he was an innocent(清白)man. But he had given some kind of help only to leave Booth to escape. This in itself was a crime then. And so, Doctor Mudd was sentenced to prison for life.

In prison, Doctor saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak. President Andrew Johnson pardoned him in 1869, after the doctor had spent almost four years in prison.

The American people considered the murder of Lincoln a heavy blow to them. It filled them with bitterness that lasted many years. They hated Booth very, very much and they also hated anybody who had helped the murderer in any way. Doctor Mudd was freed, but people never forgave him and his name passed into American folk speech as something bad, hateful. The Mudd family had also suffered a lot because of the name until not long ago.

49. The best title for this text is .

A. Abraham Lincoln, the Great President for the American People B. Your Name will be Mud

C. Social Problems of the U.S.A During the 1860s D. Old Law System of the U.S.A

50. The underlined word ‘physician’ means .

A. teacher B. physicist C. health trainer D. doctor

51. From the last paragraph it can be inferred that. .

A. Doctor Mudd had recently been set free B. Doctor Mudd’s innocence was declared

C. there will be more expressions with mud D. the American people hate anyone who kills their president

52. If it had not been for President Andrew Johnson, Doctor Mudd. .

A. would have spent the rest of his life in prison B. would have been sentenced to five years’ prison life

C. would be thought of crime forever D. would suffer a lot from the name


You say you want my advice about reading. Perhaps the following are pieces of advice that I hope you"ll find useful.

If the book is in English, that may mean slow progress for you. But I don"t advise you to read too slowly .When I was living in Tokyo I used to go to Kanda, where the second-hand book shops are (just as in London, when you were there last year, you used to spend hours in Charing Cross Road ). The shelves were full of English books. The first twenty or thirty pages of many of them had their margins ( 书边空白 )filled with penciled notes and there were lots of words and phrases underlined . The owners, probably university students, had started out very seriously, determined to master the books. Then, as I turned the pages over, I found the reader had given up his attempt.

I suppose that"s a common experience in many countries with books in a foreign language. The reader starts out, full of hope. Then the need to turn to a dictionary, perhaps ten or even twenty times a page, tires him out.

Therefore, don"t start reading a book unless you see , from the first few pages , that it"s one you can read with ease and understanding . Don"t try to run before you can walk. Don"t stop reading the whole chapter quickly. Quite often you’ll find the unknown word comes again, perhaps several times. And by the end of the chapter you"ll have guessed its meaning. That"s how we learn the meaning of words in our own language, isn"t it?

53. In Charing Cross you can expect to find .

A.books having twenty or thirty pages B.many books full of penciled notes

C.many bookshops where the used books were sold D.books you need to read

54. The writer says .

A.you should choose a book of interest if you prefer not to read slowly

B. too many new words in the page will prevent learners from reading to the end

C. you should never read a book that has ten or twenty new words per page

D. it"s a good idea for the university students to use a dictionary while reading

55.The writer suggests that

A. you go on with your reading when a new word appears

B. you immediately find the meaning of a new word in a dictionary

C. you stop and guess the meaning when an unknown word comes

D. you keep guessing the meaning of a word until you have got its meaning

56.This passage also tells us .

A .how to overcome the difficulty that many university students have in studies

B. how to learn words with the help of a dictionary

C. how learners choose their books in a foreign language and learn new words

D. how the book owners write the notes on the book


When he stopped his car at a traffic light in Basra, Bassam Rady noticed the motorbike with two riders on it inch past him. Suddenly the bike swung round and Mr. Rady, sensing danger, tried to drive off. Before he could, a man on the back of the bike pulled a gun from his jacket and fired. The bullet went through the windscreen and just missed him. As he sped away another shot was fired, but missed the car.

Mr. Rady is a former interpreter for British forces in Iraq. As such, his life is in danger from the militia that once terrorised the Iraqi city and is now returning.

More than a year ago Iraqi soldiers, backed by US forces, brought peace and stability to Basra by driving militants over the Iranian border in an operation called Charge of the Knights.

According to local estimates, however, about half have returned. Although they have not become as active as before, the militants are targeting Iraqi citizens who co-operated with British forces. Most at risk are translators such as Mr. Rady.

The 31-year-old father accompanied soldiers on dangerous missions but was refused resettlement in Britain at the end of his employment. He worked with nine translators. Seven of them have been killed.

“I’m like a cancer patient — now that the militia are back, my family is just waiting for me to die,” Mr. Rady said. “I see reports in the media that Basra is safe but it’s not true. I know these militia people. I went to school with some of them. I didn’t see them for a year but now they are around again. They have told me, ‘Your day will come soon’.” He takes security precautions and never follows a routine. This means that he cannot work because that would give the militants a better chance of success.

Militiamen belonging to the alMahdi Army, took control of Basra between and with other Shia fighters. They enforced strict Islamic rules at the same time as running criminal rackets. British troops were unable or unwilling to fight back and eventually withdrew to their base at the airport.

57. Mr. Bassam Rady was .

A. a motorbike rider B. a car driver C. an Iraqi D. a British soldier

58. According to the text, which statement is right?

A. Iraqi soldiers brought back peace and stability to Basra by driving militants over the Iranian border.

B. Mr. Bassam Rady didn’t feel the danger from the two motorbike riders until he was shot at,

C. Most translators like Mr. Rady have to face danger from militants every day.

D. The militants were so strong that British troops were unable to fight back.

59. We can draw the conclusion that the interpreters’ work in Iraq is very .

A. happy B. tiring C. busy D. dangerous

60. “Your day will come soon” means that .

A. You will be killed as punishment for your work in a short time

B. You will settle in Britain soon at the end of your employment.

C. You will return to your work with the militants after your employment

D. You will soon be protected by the militants for your dangerous situation

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

(Mr. Black sees Mr. Smith off at the railway station.)

Smith: Hi, Mr. Black! How are you this morning?

Black: Fine, I"m afraid I"m late.

Smith: 61 We still have half an hour to go.

Black: You know, I stayed up very late last night. And the alarm didn’t go off this morning.

Smith: 62 .

Black: Not at all. It"s the least I could do.

Smith: Thank you.

Black: 63 We hope you’ll come back again in the near future.

Smith: 64 . Thank you for everything you’ve done for me during my stay here.

Black: You"re welcome. Give my regards to your wife. Good -bye, Mr. Smith. 65 .

A. Have you enjoyed our stay here?

B. It"s a pity you"re leaving so soon.

C. I wish you a pleasant journey.

D. Oh, I"m sorry I have to go.

E. I hope so too.

F. It"s very kind of you to come to see me off.

G. No . The train leaves at 8 :30.


第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.Keep a (记录) of the mistakes you often make in your writing.

67.The supply of water is under (控制) here because they are short of water.

68.Helen is thought to be one of the best (歌手) in our college .

69.The more you praise him, the (努力)he works.

70.Her (解释) sounded reasonable.

71.China is large in size and rich in (资源) .

72.His ideas are clearly put in the book which has been (出版) recently .

73.A thing of (美丽) is a joy for ever.

74.All students (在场) were each given a nice gift.

75.A great deal of coffee is (船运) from Africa to different parts of the world.

第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






The expression "to talk turkey" means to

talk openly. It come from this story. One day, a white man 76______

and Indian went hunting together. They agreed to share 77 ______

what they would caught. In the evening, they came back 78 ______

with just two birds. One was a turkey, which about twenty 79 ______

pounds. The others was a small bird. The white man had his 80 ______

eyes on the turkey, and then he had an idea. He pretended to be 81 ______

kind, and if the Indian was so nice as him, he himself would 82 ______

not have the turkey. So, he said to the Indian “Now, you take 83 ______

a turkey if you wish and I"ll take the bird." The Indian saw 84 ______

through the white man, but said:" All the time you talk turkey 85 ______

to me, and now let me talk turkey to you ..."

第三节 书面表达(满分30分)




1. 说得流利的所在国的语言

2. 和不同文化背景的人交朋友

3. 了解另一种文化

4. 开拓自己的视野

5. 培养自己的独立生活能力

1. 在学习上会有些不适

2. 陌生的环境会感到不安全

3. 学习和生活费用高

要求: 1.字数:100--120词。

2. 必须谈出自己的观点。

3. 书面表达开头已给出,但不计入文章的词数。

Studying abroad, Advantage or disadvantage

More and more Chinese students have gone abroad to study. As many language learners say, spending a time abroad is the best way to study a foreign language. Studying abroad may have a lot of advantages.


1. 语音知识

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C

2. 语法和词汇知识

6. B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11 B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A

16 B 17.A 18 C 19.A 20.D

3. 完形填空

21. C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.B 26. D 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.D

31. C 32.A 33.A 34.D 35.C 36 .B 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.B

4. 阅读理解

A篇;41. A 42. C 43. D 44. A

B篇;45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B

C篇;49. B 50. D 51. B 52. A

D篇;53. C 54. B 55. A 56. C

E篇;57. C 58. C 59. D 60. A

5. 对话填空

61.G 62.F 63.B 64.E 65.C

6. 单词拼写

66. record 67 control 68. singers 69. harder 70. explanation

71. resource 72. published 73. beauty 74.present 75. shipped

7. 短文改错

76 come 后加s 77 Indian 前加 an 78 caught改成catch 79 which后加was

80 others改成other 81正确 82 so改成as 83 去掉not 84 a改成the 85 but改成so.

8. 书面表达

Studying abroad, Advantage or disadvantage


The students usually become fluent in the language and can make friends with people from different backgrounds and know more of another culture. They can also broaden their horizons and improve their understanding of their own culture while studying abroad .Besides, they must depend on themselves.

Of course, studying abroad may also have disadvantages. It’s possible that some students may fall behind in their studies. and some may feel it unsafe to stay abroad. Moreover, their parents may be concerned about the cost.

In my opinion, the students had better finish their college education at home and then go abroad to experience another education and culture . If parents do hope to send their children to study abroad, I advise them to look before they leap.
