100字范文 > 三只小猪学英语第51集:大灰狼得了高血压


时间:2020-08-22 02:11:30



Do you remember Big Wolf? He wants to eat the three little pigs, but he cannot, because he is too silly and the three little pigs are too clever. Now big wolf is old and fat. He is not as strong as before. He cannot run fast. If he runs fast, he has a headache, his heart aches, and he feels very tired. He cannot understand why he is so weak.他说,“I eat a lot of meat every day. I should be a strong wolf. I cannot understand why I am so weak.” One day, his younger brothers ask him to go to the second little pig"s hospital for animals, but他不好意思去,because他曾经做过对不起the three little pigs的事。He thinks the three little pigs must hate him very. The young wolf and the very young wolf tell him the three little pigs才没那么小心眼呢,他们早就把你过去干的坏事给忘记了。

你们还记得大灰狼吗?他想吃掉三只小猪,但是他做不到,因为他太愚蠢,三只小猪太聪明了。现在大灰狼是又老又胖。他不像以前那么强壮了。他跑不快。如果他跑很快,他会头疼,心也会疼,他会感到非常疲劳。他弄不明白他为什么如此虚弱。他说,“我每天吃好多的肉。我应该是一只强壮的狼。我弄不明白我的身体为什么如此虚弱。” 一天,他的两个弟弟让他去第二只小猪动物医院,但他不好意思去,因为他曾经做过对不起三只小猪的事。他想,三只小猪一定非常恨他。但是年轻的狼和非常年轻的狼告诉他,三只小猪才没有那么小心眼呢,他们早就把你过去干的坏事给忘记了。

"You know, your son is in the first little pig"s kindergarten for animals. I hear he"s very happy in the kindergarten." “He"s right. I don"t think the three little pigs hate you. You should go to the second little pig"s hospital right away. You know, the second little pig is now a very famous doctor. If you listen to him and take his medicine, your heart will be all right.”


“Ok, I will go. But can you go with me? 我自己去总觉得不大好意思的。”Young wolf and very young wolf说,“Ok, we will go with you.”So the three wolves go to the hospital for animals by taxi. They go into the second little pig"s office. The second little pig is reading a book. "Good morning, doctor, this is my brother, Big Wolf. He feels very weak. " "Sit down, please. Now let me ask you some questions. Do you eat vegetables?" "No, I don"t. I don"t like eating vegetables. I hate turnip, I hate celery, I hate spinach, and I hate bittermellon. Bittermelon is too bitter." "Do you eat a lot of meat every day?" "Yes, I do. I love eating meat. I eat beef and chicken every day." "Do you like to eat salted food?" "Yes, I do. I love eating salted duck eggs and salted duck.""What do you drink every day?" "I drink chicken soup and duck soup every day. " "Can you run very fast? " "No, I can"t. If I run very fast, I have a headache and my heart aches." "Do you feel tired and weak after you run for some time?" "Yes, I do." "Ok, let me量一量your blood pressure." So the second little pig就开始给big wolf量blood pressure. wow, the big wolf"s blood pressure is very high. The second little pig says,"You have high blood pressure. Your heart is weak. You must take some medicine right away. And you must stop eating meat and salted food. Every day, you must eat vegetables. You must eat turnip,celery,spinach, bittermellon, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, potatao, mushroom, and black mushroom. 特别是turnip, celery, spinach, bittermellon, mushroom and black mushroom. They are very good for your heart. You must eat a lot of turnip, celery, spinach, bittermellon, mushroom and black mushroom because they can help to get your blood pressure down. Also, you should not drink too much chicken soup and duch soup. You should drink bitter tea. Bitter tea can also help to get

your blood pressure down. Understand? "

"好吧,我去医院。你们能不能跟我一起去呀?我自己去总觉得不大好意思。" 年轻的狼和非常年轻的饿狼说,好的,我们跟你一起去。于是,三只狼打的去了医院。他们来到第二只小猪的办公室。第二只小猪正在读一本书。“早上好,医生,这是我的哥哥,大灰狼。他觉得很虚弱。” “请坐,让我让来问你几个问题。你吃蔬菜吗?” “不,我不吃。我讨厌吃蔬菜,我讨厌萝卜,芹菜,菠菜,苦瓜, 苦瓜太苦了。”“你每天吃很多的肉吗?”"是的,我每天吃很多的肉,我喜欢吃肉。我每天吃牛肉和鸡肉。" “你喜欢味道咸的东西吗?”“是的,我喜欢,我喜欢吃咸鸭蛋和咸水鸭。”“你每天喝什么?”“我每天喝鸡汤和鸭汤。”“你能跑很快吗?”“不能,如果我跑很快,我头就会疼,心脏也疼。”“如果你跑了一段时间,你感到累和虚弱吗?”是的。“好的,让我来量一量你的血压吧。”于是第二只小猪就开始给大灰狼量起了血压。哇,大灰狼的血压非常高。第二只小猪说,“你的血压非常高,你的心脏很虚弱。你必须马上吃药了。还有你必须停止吃肉和咸味的食物。每天你要吃蔬菜,你必须吃萝卜,芹菜,菠菜,苦瓜,黄瓜,圆白菜,胡萝卜,土豆,蘑菇和黑木耳。他们对你的心脏很有好处。他们也可以帮你降血压。还有,你不能喝那么多的鸡汤和鸭汤了。你要喝苦丁茶,苦丁茶也能帮你降血压。”

