100字范文 > 知乎高赞:为什么女生要多赚钱?


时间:2022-10-31 17:06:08



Today isThursday,Nov. 14,.

First, listen to the dialogue twice, then try to answer the questions after the dialogue.


A: Good afternoon, this is Dolphin Hotel reservation. My name is Maggie, how can I help you?B: Hello, could you please check if there is a room for two available from 14 to 16 November ?A: Please hold on for a moment.B: OK。A: Ma"am, thank you for your time. All our room types are available during your stay. Based on your condition, we recommend two-bed room or King"s bed room for you. The prices are slightly different. Two-bed room is rmb 698 per night, including breakfast for two. And King"s bed room is rmb 598 per night, include only one breakfast.B: Can I do laundry in the room?A: Yes Ma"am, our rooms are all equipped with washing machine and dryer.B: OK. Please kindly reserve a two-bed room for me. I prefer non-smoking with window.A: Can I have your full name please?B: Alex Cooper.A: Ms. Cooper, I have made reservation according to your requirements. Thank you for calling Dolphin Hotel. See you next week.B: Thank you.

Q1: How many days will Alex stay in Dolphin Hotel?

Q2: Which type of room did Alex decide to book?

Key words

reservation[rezəˈveɪʃn] 预留;预订



slightly[ˈslaɪtli] 略微;稍微

laundry[ˈlɔːndri] 要洗的衣服

equip[ɪˈkwɪp] 配备;装备


A: Good afternoon, this is Dolphin Hotel reservation. My name is Maggie, how can I help you?你好,这里是海豚酒店预订,我叫Maggie,请问有什么可以帮您?B: Hello, could you please check if there is a room for two available from 14 to 16 November ?你好,麻烦帮我查一下11月14-16日有没有两人间?A: Please hold on for a moment.稍等我查一下。B: OK。好的。A: Ma’am, thank you for your time. All our room types are available during your stay. Based on your condition, we recommend two-bed room or King’s bed room for you. The prices are slightly different. Two-bed room is rmb 698 per night, including breakfast for two. And King’s bed room is rmb 598 per night, include only one breakfast.谢谢您的等待,这个时间段全部的房型都可以预定,根据您的情况我们推荐标准间或大床房,价格略有区别。标准间每晚698元,包含两份早餐,大床房每晚598元,包含一份早餐。B: Can I do laundry in the room?请问可以洗衣吗?A: Yes Ma’am, our rooms are all equipped with washing machine and dryer.是的,房内均配洗衣机和烘干设备。B: OK. Please kindly reserve a two-bed room for me. I prefer non-smoking with window.好的,请帮我预留一个标准间,我喜欢无烟房,要有窗。A: Can I have your full name please?请问您的全名是?B: Alex Cooper.Alex Cooper。A: Ms. Cooper, I have made reservation according to your requirements. Thank you for calling Dolphin Hotel. See you next week.Copper女士,我已经按照您的要求为您预订了,谢谢您致电海豚酒店,下周见。B: Thank you Maggie.谢谢你Maggie。



Question 1: How many days will Alex stay in Dolphin Hotel?


Question 2: Which type of room did Alex decide to book?




