100字范文 > 最新小学五年级英语上册测试卷


时间:2023-04-08 12:31:12



Listening (听力部分)I. Listen and choose. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词或短语(5%)( ) 1. A. today B. Tuesday C. Thursday( ) 2. A. fish B. fresh C. finish( ) 3. A. sing B. send C. learn( ) 4. A. hair B. here C. there( ) 5. A. tall and thin B. tall and shy C. tall and strongII.Listen and draw. 听音,图片与录音内容是否一致,一致画笑脸,不一致画哭脸(10%)III.Listen and choose. 听小对话,根据问题选择符合对话内容的选项。(5%)( ) 1. What does Mike have on Wednesdays?A. He has Chinese, math and music. B. He has English, math and music.( ) 2. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?A. It’s windy and cool. B. It’s rainy and warm.( ) 3. How many students are there in Amy’s class?A. Thirty-three. B. Thirty-six.( ) 4. Are there any flowers in Miss Chen’s room?A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t.( ) 5. Can John draw cartoons?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t.IV. Listen and number. 听小对话,按对话内容的顺序给图片标号(10%)V. Listen and tick or cross. 听短文,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×(10%)( ) 1. Tom lives in a village.( ) 2. Tom’s father can do many things in the city.( ) 3. Tom likes the village.( ) 4. There is a river in front of the village.( ) 5. There aren’t any tall buildings in the city.Writing(笔试部分)I. Look, choose and write. 看图,选择合适的字母或字母组合补全单词(8%)II. Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内(12%)( ) 1. A. shy B. read C. play D. cook( ) 2. A. tree B. lake C. swim D. mountain( ) 3. A. mouse B. watch C. play D. dance( ) 4. A. salad B. tea C. robot D. sandwich( ) 5. A. eight B. seven C. science D. thirteen( ) 6. A. bike B. above C. beside D. underIII. Read and choose. 读一读,从右栏中选择合适的选项,使句子完整、通顺,将其序号填入题前的括号内(12%)( ) 1. Look, there is a cat ____________ the table. A. get up( ) 2. There are some clouds ____________. B. have a try( ) 3. My friend is quiet. She has ____________. C. in front of( ) 4. I can’t use chopsticks,but I’d like to ____________. D. in the sky( ) 5. It’s 6:30. It’s time to ____________. E. short black hair( ) 6. She has a Chinese class ____________. F. every dayIV. Look,read and write. 根据图片内容,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。(10%)1. A: Is it ________ today?B: Yes, it is. We have ________ class.2. A: What’s your favourite food?B: I like ________ ________.It’s ________.3. A: ________ are the ________?B: They’re near the clock.4. A: What can you do at home ?B: I can ________ my _________.5. A: Is there a ________ in the village?B: Yes, there is.V. Read and choose. 根据上下文意思,选择正确选项补全对话(将其字母代号写在横线上),使对话通顺。(8分)Zip: Hello, Robin. ________Robin: Listen! I can ________Zip: ________Robin: Yes, I can speak English.Zip: Can you cook?Robin: Of course, I can.Zip: Wonderful! Can you swim?Robin: ________I can’t play basketball, either.Zip: Haha! I can swim and play basketball.VI. Read and judge. 阅读短文,并判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。(10%)Chen Jie: Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers?Sarah: Yes. We have three new teachers.Chen Jie: Who are they?Sarah: An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher.Chen Jie: Wow, it’s so good. Who’s your English teacher?Sarah: Miss White. She’s very clever and friendly. Her class is so much fun.Chen Jie: What’s she like?Sarah: She’s tall and thin. She has big eyes and brown hair. She’s young. We have English class on Thursdays and Fridays.Chen Jie: That’s great!( ) 1. Sarah has three new teachers.( ) 2. Sarah’s music teacher is a new teacher.( ) 3. Miss White is very funny ,and she is old.( ) 4. Miss White has brown hair and big eyes. She is tall and thin.( ) 5. Sarah has English class on Tuesdays.
