100字范文 > 关于我的家乡英语作文【带翻译】


时间:2020-11-01 06:52:06




【参考范文】I was born in a small village with a hill behind it and many big areas of feilds in front. Most of the villagers live in tall buildings like the people in cities.In their home, they have telephones,TV sets,washing machines and so on.They can also use drinking water supplied by the water company in the village,but it costs them a little money every year.If they plant crops, the goverment will give them some money as encouragement.The more land they farm, the more money they will get.All around the year, they work on their farm land for only four or five months.In the rest time,they often work in the cities nearby for money.They needn’t worry about anything for living, such as food or clothes.There is a tall teaching building with a computer room, a reading room, a meeting room,a lab and sixteen class-rooms in our school.Around it are big trees and behind the building is a wide playground for us to do sports on.All the teachers work carefully and teach us very well.What is more,when we are ill or want to do some shopping and so on, everything is OK without leaving the village.But in the past, it is said there were few people living in two houses made of wood,grass and mud.That is why it is still called Two Houses today.It is not hard to imagine what their life was like.Now I feel that I am proud of my hometown.As a student,I must study hard to get more knowledge so that I can build my village better when I grow up.【参考译文】我出生在一个小村庄有它背后的山和许多大的行业领域。大多数村民住在高楼大厦像在城市里的人。在家里,他们有电话、电视机、洗衣机等等。他们还可以使用饮用水由自来水公司提供在村里,但每年花费他们一点钱。如果他们种庄稼,政府会给他们一些钱作为鼓励。他们农场的土地越多,他们将会得到更多的钱。周围,他们工作在他们的农场土地上只有四、五个月。在休息时间,他们经常在附近的城市工作。他们不必担心任何生活,如食物或衣服。有高大的教学楼计算机室、阅览室、会议室、实验室、十六个我们学校的教室。周围建筑背后的大树,对我们是一个宽阔的操场上做运动。所有的老师工作认真,教我们很好。更重要的是,当我们生病或想要做一些购物等等,一切正常,没有离开村庄。但在过去,据说有几个人住在两座房子由木头、草和泥。这就是为什么今天仍然被称为两座房子。不难想象他们的生活是什么样子。现在我觉得我为我的家乡感到骄傲。作为一名学生,我必须努力学习获得更多的知识,这样我能更好地建立我的村庄,当我长大。
