100字范文 > 整理了一些小学三年级英语知识点 喜欢就收藏吧!

整理了一些小学三年级英语知识点 喜欢就收藏吧!

时间:2023-03-20 06:38:44


整理了一些小学三年级英语知识点 喜欢就收藏吧!



1 打招呼

Hi! Hello!(你好!你好!)

How do you do?(你好?)

Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上好/中午好/晚上好)

How are you? —I'm OK./I'm fine.(你好吗?我很好/我很好。)

And you? — I'm fine,too.(你呢?我也很好。)

Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too.(很高兴认识你.-也很高兴认识你。)

Glad to meet you. — Glad to meet you, too.(很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你。)

Goodbye! Bye-bye!(再见!再见!)

2 介绍自己

My name is ….(我的名字叫)

What is your name?(你的名字叫什么?)

I'm …. / My name is …(我是…/ 我的名字叫)

3 询问年龄

How old are you? —I'm nine/ten。/ Sorry, I don't know.(你多大了?我是九/十/对不起,我不知道。)

Are you nine, too? —Yes, I am./No, I'm ten.(你也是九岁吗?是的,我是。/不,我十岁。)


Are you boy? —Yes, I am./ No, I am a girl.(你是男孩吗?是的,我是/不,我是一个女孩。)

Are you new? — Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.(你是新来的吗?是的,我是/不,我不是。)

Is this…? —Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.(这是...?—


Is that…? — Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.(那是...?是的,它是。/不,它不是。)

It's… Is this big/ fat? — Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.



What's this? — It's….(这是什么?)

What's that? — It's…(那是什么 ?)

What's in your bag? — A hat.(你的书包里有什么?一顶帽子。)


Can you see …? Yes, I can./ No, I can‟t.(你能看到……吗?是的,我可以./我不可以)

I can‟t find…. Can you find…?(我找不到...../你能找到...?)


Stand up.(站起来.) Sit down.(坐下来.)

Come here.(过来) Go back.(回去.)

Open your book/ the door.(打开你的书/门)

Close your book/ the door.(合上你的书/门)

Put up your hand.(把手举起来)

Put down your hand.(放下你的手)

Put on your cap.(戴上你的帽子)

Take off your cap.(脱下你的帽子)

Clap your hands.(拍拍你的手)

Nod your head.(点头你的头)

Touch your ear/nose/eye(摸你的耳朵/鼻子/眼睛)


Excuse me.(请原谅)

Thank you. —Not at all. That‟s OK.(谢谢您.-根本不。这是确定的。)

Sit down, please.(请坐)

Here you are. — Thanks.(给你.-谢谢)

I miss you. — I miss you ,too.(我想你。我也很想你。)

02 上册重点知识点

1 名词单复数:


①能用数目来计算的叫可数名词,有单、复数两种形式,复数形式多数是在词尾加“s”如:pens, books;

②不可数名词是无法用数目来计算的名词,如:milk, juice.

2 用情态动词can的用法


She can’t sing. He can’t dance.(她不会唱歌。他不会跳舞。)

② can 等情态动词后,用动词原形

She can dance. He can swim.



Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too(很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你)

Glad to see you again. —Me, too.(很高兴再次见到你。-我也是。)

How are you? —Not bad. / I’m ok. /I’m fine.(你好吗?-不坏。我很好。我很好。)

And you? — I'm OK.(你呢?我很好。)

How do you do? —(你好吗-你好吗?)

Thank you. ----That's ok.(谢谢您.那是好的)

Thank you. ----Not at all.(谢谢您.----根本不)

2It's a ….It's too short/big/long/old/new.(太短了/大/长/老/新)

It's a nice blouse/vest.(这是件漂亮的衬衫/马甲)

I am not good at English/Chinese/maths. ----- I can help you.(我不擅长英语/语文/数学。我可以帮你。)

What colour is your dress? — It's red/yellow….(你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?它是红色的/黄 色的)

The hat/coat(帽子/外套)… is yellow/red….(

黄 色/红色)

A red dress for you. It's a nice blouse/vest.(给你的一条红裙子。这件衬衫很漂亮/背心。)

So many animals.(这么多动物)

So many good things How nice on a ship! How nice! Cool!(船上有这么多好东西!多好的!酷!)

What a fine day! What a big cake!(多好的天气啊!多大的蛋糕!)

It's fun ( to run) in the sun.(在阳光下跑步是有趣的)

3Is it hot /sunny /rainy…? —Yes, it is. / No,it isn‟t.(天气热/晴朗/下雨吗?是的,它是。不,它不是。)

It’s rainy/cloudy/windy…(下雨/多云/有风的)

It‟s so cold!(天气很冷!)

Are you (still) cold? Yes,I am./ No, I‟m not.(你(仍然)冷吗?是的,我是/不,我不是。)

My nose is running.(我在流鼻涕。)

Happy birthday to you. —Thank you.(祝你生日快乐.-谢谢。)

I can‟t find /see….(我无法找到/看见...)


Is it a/an …?(这是一个...?) —Yes, it is. / No. it isn't.(是的,它是。不,它不是)

Is she with…? (是她...?)— Yes, she is with …(她是...)


Line up, please.(请排队。)

One, two! Run!(一,二!运行!)

Come on!(来吧) Please wait.(请等待)

Come in, please.(请进来) Sit down, please.(请坐)

Please don‟t open the door.(请不要打开门)

Please have a cake/an apple…. —Thank you.(请吃蛋糕/苹果...谢谢你)

Take out / Put down your book.(拿出/放下你的书)

Open /close your book.(打开/合上你的书)

Look at your book/the blackboard.(看你的书/黑板)

02 下册重点知识点

1 介词on/in用法

on the chair(在椅子上)/in the pencil-box(在文具盒里)/in the desk(在课桌里)/in the sky(空中)

2 特殊疑问句用法


Where is …?(在哪里...?) ----It‟s on…. / It‟s in….


What‟s on the table? — A plate of cakes.(桌子上有什么?一盘蛋糕。)


Who is he/she? He/ She is….(他/她是谁?他/她是...)

They are brother and sister.(他们是兄妹。)


Who is it? ----- It‟s me.(他是谁?这就是我。)

“感叹句用what和how: what修饰名词;how修饰形容词

How nice on a ship! How nice!(船上有多好!多好的!)

What a fine day! What a big cake!(多好的天气啊!多大的蛋糕!)”

3 let’s 句型:

let‟s =let us

Let‟s make a blouse/vest.(让我们做一件衬衫/马甲)

Let‟s run a race.( 让我们赛跑)/Let‟s play games.(让我们玩游戏)

Let‟s ride it.(让我们骑它)

Let‟s give her nice things.(让我们给她美好的事物)

Let‟s count the candles.(让我们数蜡烛)

Let me help you.(让我帮助你)

Let me open/close the door.(让我开/关上门)

Let me get the apples/pears.(让我给你苹果/梨)

Let‟s go home.(让我们回家吧)

4 can句型:

We can't let him in.(我们不能让他进来)

She can’t swim.(她不会游泳)

I can‟t find/see….(我不能找到/看到...)

Can she swim? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.(她会游泳吗?是的,她可以。不,她不会。)

Can you make cakes? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.(你会做蛋糕吗?是,我会。不,我不会。)

Can you fly it? —Of course,I can.(你会飞吗?-当然,我可以。)



I have a kite/ a new bike.(我有一个风筝/一辆新自行车。)

We have some nice things for you.(我们有一些好东西给你)


Have a coke/an apple. —Yes, thank you./ No, thanks.(喝一杯可乐/一个苹果。是的,谢谢。/不,谢谢。)

Please have the cake. —Thank you.(请吃蛋糕。-谢谢。)

Let‟s have the good things.(让我们拥有美好的事物。)
