100字范文 > 爱尔兰留学 都柏林大学概况及专业课程设置介绍

爱尔兰留学 都柏林大学概况及专业课程设置介绍

时间:2022-09-15 04:02:46


爱尔兰留学 都柏林大学概况及专业课程设置介绍



——都柏林大学(University College Dublin)


都柏林大学(University College Dublin 简称UCD)世界排名89 位,其前身可追溯到19世纪中期的爱尔兰天主教大学。1881年天主教大学更名为都柏林大学,并于1908年组成爱尔兰国立大学联盟。1997年爱尔兰出台大学法案,都柏林大学从此自治。至今,都柏林大学已发展成为爱尔兰最大、 最具国际化的大学,是世界上仅有的几所“三皇冠认证”的大学之一。学校与工商界及国际教育、科研机构建立了广泛的合作关系。该校以其高质量的教育水准和开拓性研究课题而享誉世界。目前都柏林大学的商学院无论从国际排名,毕业生就业率,毕业生就业后的薪金水准以及职位提升的速度皆名列世界前十位。目前,都柏林大学有超过24000名学生,其中包括来自全球各地的留学生4500名,占学生总数的五分之一。该大学课程设置广泛,从本科学位到博士学位的各种水平和必修课程均有设置。






l 提高硕士课程录取几率

l 降低语言门槛

l 缩短学习周期

l 提前适应都柏林大学的紧张学习氛围以及全英文教学环境


成功率50%90 %以上

语言要求雅思6.5,单项不低于6.05.5 -6.0

学习时间4年本科+1年英文课+1年硕士3.5 +0.5+1


l 入学要求:大学四年平均分75%,IELTS6.0

l 学费:3.5+0.5+1 捷径课程学费€6000

4+1+1 捷径课程学费€9000

* 捷径课程结束后成功注册法学院硕士学位课程,硕士课程学费减免€2250


Master of Arts in ArchaeologyMaster of Arts in Cognitive Science (MA/MSc)

Master of Arts in Cultural Policy and Arts ManagementMaster of Science in Developmental Disabilities

Master of Arts in Art HistoryMaster of Science in Rehabilitation Studies

Master of Arts in ClassicsMA in Women"s Studies

Master of Arts in English

-Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama

-American Literature

-Early Modern Literature

-Medieval Literature

-Modern English Literature

-Directing for TheatreMSC in Equality Studies

Master of Arts in Drama and Performance StudiesMaster of Social Science in Sociology

Master of Arts in Creative WritingMaster of Social Science in Sociology of Health and Illness

Master of Arts in Gender and writingMaster of Accounting

Master of Arts in Archives and Records ManagementMaster of Buiness Studies

-Health Services Management


-International Executive

Master of Arts in Early Irish HistoryMaster of Business Studies



-Human Resource Management

-International Business

-Management Consultance


-Project Management

-Management and Organisation Studies

-Strategic Management and planning

-Supply Chain Management

Master of Arts in Medieval Studies (History)Master of Management Science

Master of Arts in Early Modern History 1500-1800Master of Science in Project Management

Master of Arts in Twentieth Century Irish HistoryMSc in Marketing Practice

Master of Arts in History of International RelationsMSc in Quantitative Finance

Master of Arts in British-Irish RelationsMSc in Technology Management

Master of Arts in Irish

-Early and Medieval IrishMSc in International Management

Master of Arts in LinguisticsMaster of International Management

Master of Arts in WelshMaster of Laws in Commercial Law

Master of Arts in Film StudiesMaster of Laws in European Law

Master of Arts in FrenchMaster of Landscape Architecture

Master of Arts in German

-International German Cultural and Language StudiesMaster of Landscape Management

Master of Arts in ItalianMaster of Engineering Science in Biopharmaceutical Engineering

Master of Arts in SpanishMSc in Advanced Software Engineering

Master of Arts in Second Laguage StudiesMSc in Cognitive Science

Master of Arts in American StudiesMSc in Computational Science

Master of Social Science in Social Policy ResearchMSc in Ubiquitous and Multimedia Systems

Master of Social Science in Social WorkMSc in Forensic Computing and Cuber Crime Investigation

Master of Arts in Medieval and Conflict ResolutionMaster of Industrial Engineering

MA in EconomicsMSc in Mathematics

Master of Arts in EducationMSc in Mathematical Science

Master of Arts in Educational PsychologyMSc in Mathematical Physics

Master of EducationMSc in Meteorology

Master of Education (Special Educational Needs)MSc in Statistics

Master of Arts GeographyMSc in Radiological Science

Master of Science in Planning Policy and PracticeMSc in Agriculture

-Engineering Technology

-Food Science

Master of Regional and Urban PlanningMaster of Applied Science (MappISc)Environmental Science

Master of Arts in Information StudiesMaster of Science (Msc)in

- Plant Molecular Biology

- World Heritage Management

Master of Library and Information StudiesMaster of Science in Basic Medical Subjects (Msc) (Mode II)

Master of Arts in PhilosophyMaster of Science (MSc)in Gereral Practice

Master of Arts in Ancient PhilosophyMaster of Science (msc)(Mode II)

Anatomy and Physical Anthropology

Master of Arts in Continental PhilosophyMaster of Science (MSc) in Diagnostic imaging

- Computed Tomography

- Magnetic Resource Imaging

- Breast Imaging

- Redionuclide Imaging

- Ultrasound

Master of Arts in Mind.Language and KnowledgeMaster of Science (MSc)

- Healthcare Informatics

- General Practice

- Psychotherpy (Vincent"s University Hospital)

- Psychotherpy (Mater Misericodiae University Hospital)

MA/MSc in Cognitive ScienceMSc in Nursing

Master of Arts in European StudiesMSc in Midwifery

Master of Arts in Politics (Comparative Politics)MSc in Acupuncture

Master of Arts in Politics (Political Theory)MSc in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Master of Arts in Politics (British-Irish Studies)MSc in Physiotherapy

Master of Science in International RelationsMSc in Sports Physiotherapy

Master of Science in Human RightsMSc in Orthopaedic Medicine

Master of Science in Nationalism and Ethno-Communal ConflictMaster of Public Health

Master of Economic Science in European Economic and Public AffairsMSc in Child Health

Master of Science in Developments StudiesMasters in Occupational Health

Master of Arts in Psychology (Social and Organisational)Master of Applied Science

-Safety, Health and Welfare at Work


BA(Hons) in English 3yearsBSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy 4years

BA(Hons) in Economics 3yearsBSc(Hons) in Biomedical, Health and Life Sciences 4years

BA(Hons) in History and Archaeology 3yearsBSc(Hons) in Nursing 4/4.5years

BA(Hons) in Modern Languages, Literature and Culture 3years

-Canadian Studies





-SpanishBSc(Hons) in Midwifery 4years

BA(Hons) in Irish and Celtic Studies 3years

-Celtic Civilization

-Early Irish

-Modern Irish

-Irish Folklore

-Irish Studies

-WelshBSc(Hons) in Sports Management 3years

BA(Hons) in Classical Studies 3years


-Greek and Roman Civilization

-LatinBSc(Hons) in Biological and Chemical Sciences 4years



-Cell and Molecular Biology

-Chemical Biology


-Environmental Biology






-Plant Genetic Engineering


BA(Hons) in The Arts 3years

-Art History

-Drama Studies

-Film Studies

-MusicBSc(Hons) in Ohysical Sciences 4years

-Environmental Geochemistry

-Climate and Earth Systems Science


-Geophysical Science


-Physics with Astronomy and Space Science

-Theoretical Physics

BA(Hons) in Huamn Sciences 3years

-Information Studies




-SociologyBSc(Hons) in Mathematical Sciences 4years

-Applied and Computational Mathematics

-Computer Science

-Mathematical Physics

-Mathematical Science



BA(Hons) in Geography 3years


-Planning and Environmental PolicyBSc(Hons) in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology 4years

BA(Hons) in Mathematics 3years

-Mathematical Studies

-Mathematical Physics Studies

-StatisticsBachelor(Hons) of Actuarial and Financial Studies 4years

BA in Liberal Arts 3yearsBSc in Architechtural Science/Bachelor of Architecture(Hons) 5years

BA(Hons) in Computer Science 4yearsBSc(Hons) in Landscape Architeture 4years

BA(Hons) in Economics and Politics 3yearsBSc(Hons) in Structural Engineering with Architeture 3years

BA(Hons) in History, Politics and International Relations 3yearsBSc(Hons) in Engineering Science 3years

BA(Hons) International 4years



-SpanishBeng(Hons) in Chemical Engineering 4years

Bachelor(Hons) of Social Science 3yearsBeng(Hons) in Civil Engineering 4years

Bachelor(Hons) of Commerce 3yearsBeng(Hons) in Electronic/Electrical Engineering 4years

Bcomm(Hons) International 4yearsBeng(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering 4years

Bcomm(Hons) Business with Chinese Studies 4yearsBeng(Hons) in Biosystems Engineering 4years

BSc(Hons) in Economics anmd Finance 3yearsBeng(Hons) in Bioprocess Engineering 4years

Bachelor(Hons) of Business Studies 4yearsBachelor of Agricultrual Science(Hons) 4years

Bachelor(Hons) of Financial Services 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Food Science 4years

BCL(Hons) in Law 3years(BCL)/4years(BCL European Legal Studies)/4years(BCL International)BAgrSc(Hons) in Forestry 4years

BCL(Hons) in Law with French Law 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Food and Agribusiness Management 4years

BCL(Hons) in Law with History 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Agri-Environmental Science 4years

BCL(Hons) in Law with Philosophy 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Animal and Crop Production 4years

BCL(Hons) in Law with Politics 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Animal Science 4years

Dural Degree in Law from UCD and the University of Pantheon-Assas(Paris II) 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Engineering Technology 4years

Bachelor(Hons) of Business and Law 4yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Horticulture, Landscape and Sportsturf Management 4years

Bacheloe of Chemistry(Hons) in Medicine 5/6yearsBAgrSc(Hons) in Animal Science-Equine 4years

BSc(Hons) in Radiography 4yearsBachelor of Veterinary Medicine 5years








学校排名:国内排名:1 国际排名:89


