100字范文 > 不同资料 应选择何种统计学分析方法

不同资料 应选择何种统计学分析方法

时间:2019-05-31 07:38:24


不同资料 应选择何种统计学分析方法






A.卡方 B.t检验 C. logRank

D.泊松检验 E.pearson相关 F. 配对t检验


Which of the following statistical tests would be your firstchoice in each of the studies below?Test:1 χ2forcontingency tables2 Two samplettest3 Log rank test4 Poisson test5 Pearson’s correlation coefficient6 Pairedttest

Study:a) The occurrence of heart attacks on duty in thestaff of two airlinesb) Change in uric acid concentrations in people withgout before and after starting a new dietc) Cholesterol concentrations in people from high andlow income households in a health surveyd) The association of car colour with owner’spersonality type


a) Poisson distribution based testb) Pairedttestc) Two samplettestd) χ2testHeart attacks are likely to be a rare occurrence in airlinestaff on duty and to occur in a large pool of susceptible people. The Poissondistribution models this type of study well.

Uric acid can be measured on acontinuous scale and follows a fairly symmetrical distribution. Ifconcentrations are measured in each person before and after starting a diet,then the two measurements are paired within individuals and their differencewill probably follow a normal distribution. The pairedttest fitsthe bill.

Cholesterol concentrations inpeople from households with high and low incomes in a health survey can also bemeasured on a continuous scale. However, the people with a high or a low incomeare different and cannot be paired, so a two samplettest isappropriate. The test works best if the cholesterol concentration is normallydistributed, which is the case in most populations.

Car colour falls into categorieswith no particular value or order and the same is true of personality type. χ2tests may be used to assess associationsbetween categorical variables. This could be done for all colours and allpersonality types in one table to produce a global assessment of “something isgoing on,” or this could be done for one colour and one personality type at atime by splitting the data into two categories, such as “red and not red”“extrovert and not extrovert.”中文解释:





所以答案是选择 1.D 2.F 3.B 4.A
