100字范文 > 双语新闻:日本首相安倍晋三承认 可能会推迟东京奥运会

双语新闻:日本首相安倍晋三承认 可能会推迟东京奥运会

时间:2023-05-31 12:31:57


双语新闻:日本首相安倍晋三承认 可能会推迟东京奥运会


Japan"s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe finally conceded that the COVID-19 epidemic might force the postponement of this summer"s Tokyo Olympics, scheduled to start four months from now.

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)最终承认,COVID-19疫情可能会迫使原定于四个月后开始的夏季东京奥运会推迟。

Speaking before Parliament, Abe reacted to a Sunday statement by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which said that over the next four weeks it would consider alternative scenarios for the Games, including postponement, but not cancellation.


"This decision by IOC is in line with what I have said, about holding the games in their entirety," he told lawmakers. "In case this becomes difficult, in order to make the athletes our top priority, we may have no choice but to decide to postpone the Games."

他对立法者说:“国际奥委会的这一决定与我所说的有关举办一个完整的奥运会的决定是一致的。” “如果这变得困难,为了把运动员放在第一位,我们可能别无选择,只能决定推迟奥运会。”

Hinting at the dilemma, organizing committee CEO Toshiro Muto said mulling postponement or any other alternative scenario is "not easy."

组委会首席执行官武藤敏郎(Toshiro Muto)暗示了这一困境,他说考虑推迟奥运会或任何其他替代方案“并非易事”。

For weeks, Japan"s government and the IOC stoically clung to the position that any change in the Olympic schedule was unthinkable.


Sunday, Canada said its athletes would not participate in the Games, unless they were postponed.


英文原文出处:NPR(Japan"s Abe Admits Tokyo Olympics Might Be Postponed)
