100字范文 > 高一上学期英语月考复习试题


时间:2023-07-27 18:07:45





I. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



The arts, especially music, should be part of every school's lessons at every grade level. Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience. They could improve their classroom skills, like paying attention and following directions. People develop all these skills when they learn music. Making music also lets children use their imagination. It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.

Music not only makes children better students, but also gives them something positive to do. In a music program, children can be part of a band instead of joining a gang (团伙). Parents can enjoy listening to their children's music instead of seeing them glued to a computer or TV screen. In a school band, students get to be part of a team. They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.

Music builds self-confidence, too. It gives children a sense of achievement and success. Making music is something for them to be proud of, and it lets kids practice performing in front of an audience. Music gives children an opportunity for self-expression, and that helps develop their self-confidence.

Once again, music is important because it can make children better students, give them something positive to do, and build their character. That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.

1.According to the passage, music could make students smarter by________.

A. improving their classroom skills and paying attention

B. improving their classroom skills and imagination

C. improving their attention, direction and imagination

D. learning music, making music and trying out their own ideas

2.What does the underlined phrase "glued to" in the second paragraph mean?

A. unwilling to turn on B. always looking

C. unwilling to leave D. always playing

3.The third paragraph mainly tells us that music could __________.

A. give children self-expression and self-confidence

B. bring to children achievement and success

C. give children something to be proud of

D. develop children's self-confidence

4.What's the best title of this passage?

A. Music is a must as a course at school

B. Music builds children's self-confidence

C. Music makes students much smarter

D. Learning music and making music


It gives me great pleasure today to say a few words in praise of a man we will all miss very much. To be honest, I can't imagine we will do without him when he's gone.

Bill Masters almost single-handed built up our sales force in the Houston area and developed the market position that we enjoy today. In only six years, he has brought the firm from a very low fifth position in the area sales to the point where we now outsell all but one of our competitors. Not only have we got 37 per cent of the market under Bill's leadership; we are increasing our share with each passing month.

As you know, the company has moved Bill to northern California to work his sales magic in one of this company's most competitive(竞争的) areas. But we know that if anyone can do it, Bill Masters can, and I know you all join me in wishing him the best of luck in his new work.

5.The speech was made _______.

A. at a welcome meeting

B. at the opening of a new school term

C. when somebody was leaving

D. when they had a new manager

6. How long did Masters worked there?

A.37 years B. less than 5 years

C. about six years D. since he began to work

7.When Bill started to work in Houston area, he had _______to help him.

A. many people B. nobody

C. about 37 people D. very few people

8.Bill increased the company's sale _______.

A. by 37 per cent every month

B. to the second largest in the area

C. to be the fifth largest in the area

D. five times as much as before


Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931, Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him. One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout. All electric power would be shut off in homes, streets, and factories. Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was impossible.

On the day of Edison's funeral, many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen's fingertips.

9.This selection says that Thomas Edison ________.

A.was the only important American inventor

B.received the first American patent

C.received more patents than any other American

D.was the first American inventor

10.People decided to honor Edison when ________.

A.he made the first electric light

B.electric power was 100 years

C.the country realized electricity's importance

D.he died in 1931

11.The suggested plan was to ________.

A.turn off the lights in factories and schools

B.observe a few minutes of total silence

C.dim all electric lights

D.shut off all electricity for a short time
