100字范文 > 重庆医科大学 Chongqing University of Medical Sciences英语短句 例句大全

重庆医科大学 Chongqing University of Medical Sciences英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-10 04:11:10


重庆医科大学 Chongqing University of Medical Sciences英语短句 例句大全

重庆医科大学,Chongqing University of Medical Sciences

1)Chongqing University of Medical Sciences重庆医科大学

1.Bibliometric analysis of medical articles published in domestic periodicals by the authors ofChongqing University of Medical Sciences from 1994 to ;重庆医科大学1994-国内发表论文计量分析



2.Analysis of the State of Elimination of Seven-year Medical Students Through Selection at Chongqing University of Medical Sciences;重庆医科大学七年制医学生淘汰状况分析

3.Analysis on scientific administration to key laboratories at Chongqing University of Medical Sciences in recent decade;重庆医科大学重点实验室十年建设情况浅析

4.The concept and practice of building of Jinyun Campus,CQMU重庆医科大学缙云校区的建设理念与实践

5.Surveillance and analysis of antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates from The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical in 重庆医科大学附属第一医院临床病原菌分布和耐药性分析

6.Surveillance of bacterial resistance from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University in 重庆医科大学附属第一医院细菌耐药性监测

7.A Survey on College English Teachers in Teaching and Research in Chongqing;重庆市大学英语教师教学、科研情况调查研究

parative analysis and development suggestion on disciplinary construction of Chongqing University;重庆大学学科建设比较分析与发展建议

9.An Investigation on Growth Environment of High-Level Qualified Scientists and Technicians in Chongqing University;重庆大学高层次科技人才成长环境调查

10.The mental health status of undergraduates and professional students in the university city of chongqing重庆大学城本科高职护生心理健康状况调查

11.Evaluation of Short-term Training of Clinical and Community Teachers in Chongqing重庆市全科医学临床和社区师资短期培训效果评价

12.Implications of discipline amalgamation and integration in an independent academic medical university独立设置医科大学学科融合的重要意义

13.A premedical program of study.医科大学预科学习课程

14.Analysis and Management on Nosocomial Infection of Gynecology and Obstetrics in One of Hospitals of Daqing大庆市某医院妇产科医院感染分析及管理对策

15.Evidence based medicine (EBM),the new model of scientific clinical medicine,is of great significance in its clinical application.循证医学是科学的临床医学新模式 ,在临床上有重大应用价值。

16.Establishment of Evaluation System for Clinical Key Discipline of First Military Medical University and Development of Evaluation Software;第一军医大学医学临床重点学科评估体系的建立和软件系统制作

17.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Chongqing Daping Hospital in 重庆大坪医院细菌耐药性监测

18.Investigation and Analysis on the Scientif ic Literacy of University and College Students--Taking a University in Chongqing As an Example大学生科学素养现状调查及分析——以重庆某高校为例


Acta Universitatis Scientiae Medicinae重庆医科大学学报

3)Chongqing University重庆大学

1.Design Study on Integrative Gymnasium (Training Stadium) ofChongqing University;重庆大学综合体育(训练)馆设计方案研究

2.The Exploration of Education Reform on Architectural Technology Integrated with Architectural Design——The Case Study in Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning ofChongqing University;与建筑设计整合的建筑技术教育初探——以重庆大学建筑城规学院为例

3.Probe into the Digital Resources Integration of University Library——TakingChongqing University Library as the Example;高校图书馆数字资源整合探讨——以重庆大学图书馆为例

4)undergraduates in chongqing重庆大学生

5)Chongqing Campus City重庆大学城

1.Research on the Social Security of the Farmers Deprived of Lands inChongqing Campus City;重庆大学城失地农民社会保障研究

6)Medical University医科大学

1.Carrying on Tradition,Focusing on Integration and Creating Humanistic Characteristics ofMedical University Education;秉承传统 注重融合 打造医科大学人文素质教育特色

2.An investigation into in-school female medical university students’ knowledge,attitudes, behaviors and demands of reproductive health医科大学在校女生生殖健康知识、态度、行为与需求的调查

3.Objective To study the association between interpersonal relationship and mental health of medical university freshmen in order to provide thoughts and method for their psychological health education.目的探讨医科大学新生人际关系与心理健康的关系,为医科大学新生的心理健康教育与辅导提供新的思路和方法。


