100字范文 > 教学观念 Teaching concept英语短句 例句大全

教学观念 Teaching concept英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 04:52:57


教学观念 Teaching concept英语短句 例句大全

教学观念,Teaching concept

1)Teaching concept教学观念

1.Pathological teaching concept changed for five-year preparatory nursing major;转变教学观念适应五年一贯制护理专业的病理教学

2.Tips on the Changes and Innovations of “Two Kinds of Courses” Teaching Concept;浅谈“两课”教学观念的转变与革新

3.Change teaching concept and improve the quality of economics and trade education;转变教学观念 提高经贸教育质量


1.The Mathematies Teachers s Beliefs and Couceptions and how to Change the Teachers Beliefs;数学教师的数学观念、教学观念以及教师的观念更新

2.Probe of Transforming Mountain Area RTVU Teachers Educational and Teaching Conception;山区电大教师转变教育教学观念初探

3.Transforming the Ideas of Eduction and Teaching,Raising the Students Ability;转变教育、教学观念 培养学生创新能力

4.Changing the Idea of English Teaching and Doing the Whole Language Teaching;转变英语教学观念 关注全语言教学

5.Renew the chemistry teaching idea, enhance the creative education;更新化学教学观念 加强创新教育

6.The Concept Renovation of Health Education and P·E·;健康教育与学校体育教学观念的变革

7.Mathematics View and Mathematics Education under the New Idea of Curriculum;新课程理念下的数学观与数学教学观

8.Changing Teachers Educational concept, Deepen the Teaching Reform of Higher Education;转变教师教育观念,深化高校教学改革

9.Changing Education Concepts and Blending Quality Education into Teaching;转变教育观念 融素质教育于教学中

10.Changing Education Modes of Thought Promoting Education and Teaching Reform;转变教育观念 促进教育教学改革

11.Teaching Reform of Physical Education in Concept of Education for All-around Development;素质教育观念下的中学体育教学改革

12.The Formation and Education of the Middle School Student s Ideas of Collectivism and Altruism;中学生集体观念与利他观念的形成与教育

13.Text Understanding in Hermeneutic and Teacher Idea Change;解释学的文本理解观与教师观念变革


15.Visual Representation Construction and Teaching of Mathematical Concepts;数学概念直观表征的建立与数学概念的教学

16.Discusses Fine Arts Teacher in Teaching Idea, Role Transforms;谈美术教师在教学中观念、角色的转变

17.Literature and Basic Education;当前文学教育对基础教育观念的影响

18.Update the Physical Education Concept and Accelerate the Reform of Physical Education in Colleges;更新教育观念,促进高校体育教学改革


teaching idea教学观念

1.The argument that middle school sports teaching must be reformed inteaching idea,teaching content and teaching methods was discussed in detail.根据中学体育教学现状和面临的挑战提出了中学体育教学应从教学观念、教学内容和教学方法等方面实行全面的改革。

2.So proposes such suggestions as follows:changeteaching ideas,reform teaching methods,and adjust teaching matters.为此提出转变教学观念、改革教学方法、调整教学内容等提高财经类院校高等数学教学质量的具体建议。

3.Secondly , statistics teachers must change theirteaching idea, method , content and testing method .其次,统计学教师的教学观念、教学方法、教学内容必须更新,统计学的考试方法必须革新,统计师资队伍的培训与建设必须加强。

3)teaching conception教学观念

1.Studying and Investigation Relationship Between Teaching Conception and Teaching Behavior of Physical Education Teachers——Talking about Question of Improvement Quality of Physical Education Teachers and Their Training;高校体育教师教学观念与教学行为关系的调查研究——兼谈高校体育教师素质提高和师资培训问题

2.In this paper,some studies are made inteaching conception,course setting,teaching content,teaching form,checking form and archive system.高职院校思想政治理论课教改可以在教学观念、课程设置、教学内容、教学方式、考试方式、档案制度等方面进行有益的探索。

3.During the process of math teaching,a teacher should carry out and put the affection and attitude of the course object into effect in terms of creating mathematical cultural environment,enhancingteaching conception and building up a good class atmosphere.在数学教学过程中,教师应通过创设数学文化氛围、更新教学观念和营造良好的课堂氛围等方式来贯彻和实施情感态度的课程目标。

4)Teaching ideas教学观念

1.Analysis of Reform in Public English Teaching in College——Renewing Teaching Ideas and Optimizing Teaching Process浅谈大学公共英语教学改革——更新教学观念,优化教学过程

2.Some new teaching ideas in sports teaching are investigated.就体育教学中教学变学教、教学变教思、教学变教育等新的教学观念进行了探讨,并提出了新形势下学校体育教学中应注意的几个问题。

3.Carrying on and developing the Confucian teaching thought is helpful for us to do some dialectical thinking on a certain number of current teaching ideas.继承发扬儒家教学思想,有助于对当今若干教学观念进行辩证思考,正确把握和处理教学的有关问题:温故知新与创设情境,启发诱导与主动建构,学思结合与体验“再创造”,虚心善问与自主探索,释疑解惑与合作促进,举一反三与实践创新,循序渐进与螺旋式上升,因材施教与为每个人的教学。

5)Concept of teaching教学观念

1.In order to adjust timely and implement it well, the most important thing we should do in four aspects:make the concept of teaching clear and further; pay attention to the comprehensiveness as expanding the content of teaching; pay attention to the quality of teaching as expanding the parttern of teaching; pay attention to evaluation of teaching in comprehensiveness.为了及时的调整和更好的落实这一改革,最主要的是做到进一步明确教学观念,教学内容的拓展同时注重全面性,教学模式拓展的同时注重教学质量、教学评价全面化等四个方面。

2.It points out that reform should be developed in conquering the mode of thinking and establishing new concept of teaching ,thus the students’capability in modeling as well as their creativity will be enhanced.本文主要针对当前工业设计专业中的素描教学 ,提出应从克服思维定式、树立新的教学观念两方面进行素描教学改革 ,从而提高学生的造型能力 ,培养学生的创造能

6)new educational philosophies教学新观念




