100字范文 > 肝脏移植 Liver transplantation英语短句 例句大全

肝脏移植 Liver transplantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-21 02:14:09


肝脏移植 Liver transplantation英语短句 例句大全

肝脏移植,Liver transplantation

1)Liver transplantation肝脏移植

1.Diagnosis and management of biliary tract complications after liver transplantation;原位肝脏移植术后早期胆道并发症诊断与治疗

2.Investigation and analysis on the present status of health education in patients with liver transplantation;肝脏移植术后病人健康教育状况调查分析

3.Changes in antithrombin and fibrinolyic function during liver transplantation for chronic end-stage liver disease;肝脏移植手术期间抗凝血酶和纤维蛋白溶解功能的变化


1.Study on Liver Transplantation Tolerance Induced by HLA-G;HLA-G诱导肝脏移植免疫耐受的研究

2.Application of Living Donor Liver Transplantation in the Treatment of Hepatolenticular Degeneration;活体肝脏移植在肝豆状核变性治疗中的应用

3.The Dialectic Thinking about Liver Transplantation for Primary Liver Carcinoma从肝脏移植手术治疗原发性肝癌的辩证思考

4.Prophylaxis and treatment of hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation for patients with hepatitis B-related liver diseases乙肝病毒相关肝病肝脏移植术后乙肝复发的预防和治疗

5.CT-based Liver Volumetry in a Porcine Mode and Its Value in Living Donated Liver Transplantation;CT测量猪肝脏体积的研究以及对活体肝脏移植的应用

6.Ask: do you think the hepatic-transplantation is the only way for the hepatic failure patients?国际肝病》:您认为肝脏移植是肝功能衰竭的患者唯一的解决办法吗?

7.The Analysis of Clinical Indicators Impacting the Prognosis of Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma影响肝细胞性肝癌肝脏移植预后的临床指标分析

8.Objective: To investigate anesthesia management in liver transplantation surgery.目的:探讨肝脏移植患者围手术期的麻醉管理。

9.Construction and Application of the Three-tiered Liver Transplantation Database System;肝脏移植三层数据库应用系统的构建与应用

10.Research of β-elemene Interventional Treatment on VX2 Carcinoma Transplanted on Liver in Rabbits;β-榄香烯介入治疗兔VX2肝脏移植癌的实验研究

11.The Prevention and Treatment of Surgical Complications after Liver Transplantation肝脏移植受体手术与外科相关并发症防治

12.Causes and treatment of biliary stricture following orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝脏移植后胆道狭窄的病因分析与处理

13.United application of during liver transplantation Platelets,Cryoprecipitate血小板、冷沉淀在肝脏移植术中的联合应用

14.Management of long-term biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝脏移植术后远期胆道并发症的处理

15.140 Hongkongers are awaiting a liver transplant.140名港人正等候肝脏进行移植。

16.Stromal cell-derived factor-1/CXC chemokine receptor-4 axis and hepatic stem cell transplantationSDF-1/CXCR4轴在肝脏干细胞移植中的应用

17.A retrospective survey on hepatic complications in 279 blood diseases patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation造血干细胞移植肝脏并发症临床研究

18.Liver lung and kidneys transplants are now almost routine.现在,肝脏、肺和肾脏的移植可以说很普通了。


Liver graft移植肝脏

1.Objective: To investigate the protective role of Shenfu injection (SF) in ischemic reperfusion injury of rat liver graft and its mechanism.目的:本文旨在从组织和细胞水平,探讨参附注射液(Shenfu injection, SF)对大鼠移植肝脏在缺血再灌注损伤(Ischemic reperfusion injury,IRI)中的保护作用及其具体机制。


4)Liver transplantation肝脏移植术

5)liver allograft肝脏移植物

6)Transplanted liver移植的肝脏


