100字范文 > 保护国 protectorate英语短句 例句大全

保护国 protectorate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-20 15:23:35


保护国 protectorate英语短句 例句大全



2)international protection国际保护

1.Position and function about local government in theinternational protection to the intelligent property right;地方政府在知识产权国际保护中的地位和作用

2.Oninternational protection for the rights of minorities;论少数人权利的国际保护

3.Development trend ofinternational protection of copyright;著作权国际保护的发展趋势


1.The Analysis of the Relation between the International Protection and Domestic Protection of Human Rights;人权的国际保护与国内保护关系辨析

2.International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property国际保护工业产权联盟

3.International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (IAPIP)国际保护工业产权协会

4.International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty国际保护宗教自由协会

5.International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)国际保护自然资源联盟

6.international protection of intellectual property知识产权的国际保护

7.On Regional and International Human Rights Protection;论区域性人权保护与人权的国际保护

parative Study on International Protection and Domestic Protection for Plant New Varieties;植物新品种国际保护和国内保护比较研究

9.Research on the International Protection of Geographical Indications;论地理标志的国际保护及我国的对策

10.The International Protection for Folklore and Its Inspiration to China;民间文学的国际保护及对我国的启示

11.International Cable Protection Committee国际电线保护委员会

12.International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property国际工业产权保护公约

13.International Biosphere Reserve Congress国际生物圈保护区大会

14.International Meeting on Biosphere Reserves国际生物圈保护区会议

15.International Convention for the Protection of Birds (Paris, 18 October 1950), and related regional instruments (1972-1979)国际鸟类保护公约(巴黎,

16.International Organization for the Protection of Works of Art国际艺术品保护组织

17.International System of Areas Protected for Peace国际和平保护区制度

18.International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works国际历史文物保护协会


international protection国际保护

1.Position and function about local government in theinternational protection to the intelligent property right;地方政府在知识产权国际保护中的地位和作用

2.Oninternational protection for the rights of minorities;论少数人权利的国际保护

3.Development trend ofinternational protection of copyright;著作权国际保护的发展趋势

3)domestic protection国内保护

1.The theory of relationship between human rights and sovereignty is constantly developing,from the beginning of "sovereignty above human rights" to "human rights above sovereignty",and to "equal protection of human rights and sovereignty" all have a full impact on protection of human rights,which has changed singledomestic protection into compound domestic and international double protection.人权与主权关系理论在不断演变,从开始的"主权高于人权论"转变为"人权高于主权论",再发展至"人权和主权平等保护论",都对人权的保护制度产生了巨大的影响,人权保护也逐渐由单一的国内保护上升为复合的国内和国际双重保护。

4)State"s protection国家保护

5)Law of the protecting state保护国法



