100字范文 > 武夷山市 Wuyishan City英语短句 例句大全

武夷山市 Wuyishan City英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-08 07:10:15


武夷山市 Wuyishan City英语短句 例句大全

武夷山市,Wuyishan City

1)Wuyishan City武夷山市

1.Action of Urban Landform on Urban Construction, of Prevention Flood and Reduction of Hazard inWuyishan City;城市地貌在武夷山市城镇建设与防洪减灾中的作用

2.Spatial Changes and Effects of the Landscape Pattern inWuyishan City;武夷山市景观格局空间变化及其影响

3.Research of Green GDP Accounting inWuyishan City Based on Ecosystem Services基于生态系统服务价值的武夷山市绿色GDP核算研究


1.Discovered Cordyceps fungi in Wuyishan City,Fujian Province福建省武夷山市虫草类真菌已知种类

2.On the Way Exploration of Wuyishan Hotels out of Difficulty and into Development;武夷山市宾馆业走出困境求发展的途径探索

3.College Library and Culture Development of Historical Ancient City;浅谈高校图书馆与历史古城文化发展——以武夷学院图书馆和武夷山市为例

4.Application of ANN in Clustering of Tourist Market:A Case Study in Wuyishan City;人工神经网络在客源市场分区中的应用——以武夷山市为例

5.Research of Green GDP Accounting in Wuyishan City Based on Ecosystem Services基于生态系统服务价值的武夷山市绿色GDP核算研究

6.Development Strategy in Magnifying Market of Wuyi Mountain Tourist Enterprise;论武夷山旅游企业拓展市场的发展战略

7.Thought on Developing MIEC in Middle-sized and Small Tourist Cities;中小旅游城市发展会展旅游的思考——以武夷山为例

8.Predicting and Positioning the Tourist Source Market of Wuyishan Natural Reserve;武夷山国家级自然保护区旅游客源市场预测与定位

9.Jiuquxi River is the best tourist attraction of Mt. Wuyi Scenic Spot.武夷山美在九曲溪,神采奕奕九曲溪是武夷山的灵魂。

10.Mount Wuyi Scenic Spot is situated in the north of Fujian Province and along the southeast slope of the northern section of Wuyi Mountain Range.武夷山风景区位于福建北部、武夷山脉北段东南麓。

11.Digestion and Breakthrough;解读与超越——论新武夷山文化群体对武夷山文化的贡献

12.Studies on Investigation and Exploitation of the Resources of Cerasus Mill. in Wuyi Mountain;武夷山樱属资源调查及开发利用研究

13.Reflections on the Development of Video Tourism in Wuyishan;关于武夷山发展影视旅游的几点思考

14.Thoughts on the Sustainable Development in Wuyishan Tourist Industry;武夷山旅游业可持续发展的几点思考

15.Ecological Ideology of Zhu Xi from the Perspective of Stone Inscriptions on the Cliff of Mount Wuyi;从武夷山摩崖石刻看朱熹的生态思想

16.On the Human Resource Management of Wuyi Mountain s Eco-tourism;武夷山生态旅游业人力资源管理初探

17.The Questionnaire of Eco-tourism in Wuyishan Nature Reserve;武夷山自然保护区生态旅游问卷调查

18.Disscussion on the Development of Tour Products in Wuyushan Nature Protection Areas;武夷山自然保护区旅游产品开发初探


Wuyi Mountains武夷山

1.Physiognomy of Cerasus subhirtella var.ascendens community inWuyi Mountains,Fujian Province;福建武夷山野生早樱群落的外貌特征

2.A Study of the Niche of the Main Tree Populations in Castanopsis carlessii Forest inWuyi Mountains;武夷山米槠林主要种群生态位研究

3.Fine root biomass and production ofCastanopsis eyreiforests inWuyi Mountains.;武夷山甜槠林细根生物量和生长量研究

3)Wuyi Mountain武夷山

1.Investigation on the Level of Environmentally Naturally External Exposure Penetrating Radiation inWuyi Mountain Primeval Forest Park;武夷山原始森林公园环境天然外照射贯穿辐射剂量水平调查研究

2.On Spatial Characters of the Dead Wood inWuyi Mountain Forest Ecosystem;武夷山风景名胜区森林生态系统枯立木空间特征研究

3.Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic characteristics of soil water-soluble organic matter with an elevation gradient inWuyi Mountain;武夷山不同海拔土壤水溶性有机物的紫外-可见光谱特征


1.Determination of Micro-Elements in Different Water Samples From the Nine Twist Stream ofWuyishan Landscape by AAS;原子吸收光谱法测定武夷山九曲溪水中的微量元素

2.Back to the Art of Survival:Case Study of Ecological Flood Control Pattern,Wuyishan,Fujian;重归生存的艺术:以福建武夷山生态防洪模式为例

3.Problems and Countermeasures ofWuyishan Tour Product;武夷山旅游产品开发的问题及对策研究

5)northern Wuyi mountain北武夷山

1.There are abundant supplies of silver sources innorthern Wuyi mountain area.北武夷山地区银矿资源丰富。

6)Mount Wuyi武夷山

1.The comparative analysis of ammonium nitrogen and rapidly available potassium between meadow soil and yellow red soil ofMount Wuyi;武夷山草甸土与黄红壤铵态氮和速效钾对比分析

2.Developing Ecotourism to Realize the Sustainable Development of Tourism--Take mount Wuyi for example;通过生态旅游实现旅游可持续发展——武夷山生态旅游案例

3.Ecological Ideology of Zhu Xi from the Perspective of Stone Inscriptions on the Cliff ofMount Wuyi;从武夷山摩崖石刻看朱熹的生态思想


