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呼吸道感染 Respiratory Tract Infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-29 00:57:40


呼吸道感染 Respiratory Tract Infection英语短句 例句大全

呼吸道感染,Respiratory Tract Infection

1)Respiratory Tract Infection呼吸道感染

1.Clinical study of acute lower respiratory tract infection treated by Moxifloxacin in elderly patients;莫西沙星注射液治疗老年患者急性下呼吸道感染

2.Distribution of bacteria and drug-resistance to antibiotics in patients with lower respiratory tract infections diseases in RICU;呼吸重症监护室机械通气患者下呼吸道感染病原菌分布及耐药性特点

3.Analysis on pathogenic distribution and drug resistance of respiratory tract infection in children;儿童呼吸道感染病原菌分布与耐药分析


1.Surveillance for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Subtypes A and B in Children with Acute Respiratory Infection;急性呼吸道感染患儿中呼吸道合胞病毒的监测

2.Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Human Metpneumovirus Infections in Children with Respiratory Tract Inflammation;呼吸道感染儿童呼吸道合胞病毒及人偏肺病毒感染的研究

3.Distribution Clinical Characteristic of Infectious Pathogenic Bacteria of Lower Respiratory Tract in Respiratory Department呼吸科下呼吸道感染的病原菌分布及临床特征

4.Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogens Isolated from Lower Respiratory Tract of Patients in Respiratory Ward呼吸内科患者下呼吸道感染病原菌及药敏分析

5.The infection in your respiratory tract is caused by a coronary virus.你的呼吸道感染是由冠状病毒引起的。

6.Programme for the Control of Acute Respiratory Infections控制急性呼吸道感染方案

7.Senior Advisor on ART急性呼吸道感染病高级顾问

8.Analysis on Pathogenic Bacteria in Respiratory Tract Infection and the Drug Tolerance呼吸道感染病原菌及其耐药性分析

9.His cough was caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract.他的咳嗽是由上呼吸道感染导发的。

10.Respiratory infections may also initiate excerbations.呼吸道感染也可能使病情加重。

11.On Change of Bacteriology in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections With COPDCOPD时下呼吸道感染的细菌学变化

12.International Consultation on Control of Acute Respiratory Infections防治急性呼吸道感染国际协商

13.Syudy on Microflora and Infectiou Diseases in upper Respiratory Tract;呼吸道感染的微生物种群生态学研究

14.The Clinical Retrospective Analysis of the Treatment for Lower Respiratory Tract Infections;下呼吸道感染的初始抗生素治疗策略

15.Bacteriology and antimicrobial sensitivity in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAECOPD患者呼吸道感染病原菌及药敏分析

16.Drug resistance surveillance of 1287 strains of gram-negative bacteria of lower respiratory tract1287株下呼吸道感染G-杆菌的耐药监测

17.Clinical analysis of pulmonary infection in patients with advanced lung cancer晚期肺癌伴下呼吸道感染的临床分析

18.Clinical analysis of the lower respiratory tract infections after anaesthesia麻醉后发生下呼吸道感染的临床分析


Respiratory tract infections呼吸道感染

1.Detection and analysis of influenza virus in children with respiratory tract infections in Suzhou in ;苏州地区呼吸道感染儿童中流感病毒的检测与分析

2.Randomized controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of cefepime dihydrochloride on the patients with respiratory tract infections;盐酸头孢吡肟治疗呼吸道感染的随机对照临床试验

3.Mycobacterium phlei F·U·36 injection in treatment of 45 children with reiterative respiratory tract infections;草分枝杆菌F·U·36治疗反复发作呼吸道感染病儿45例

3)respiratory infection呼吸道感染

1.Application of evidence-based nursing to preventrespiratory infection for patients after accepting trachea cannula under general anesthesia;循证护理在预防气管插管全身麻醉术后呼吸道感染病人中的应用

2.Clinical analyses ofrespiratory infection by mycoplasma pneumoniae in inpatients under 3-year-old children;住院婴幼儿肺炎支原体呼吸道感染的临床分析

3.Clinical observation on treatment viral upperrespiratory infection with YanHuNing;炎琥宁治疗病毒性上呼吸道感染的效果观察

4)Respiratory infections呼吸道感染

1.Clinical efficacy and safety research of a high-dose levofloxacin sequential therapy in the treatment of the patients with respiratory infections高剂量左氧氟沙星序贯法治疗呼吸道感染的安全性与有效性研究

2.Objective:To evaluate the role of serum IL-6 and CRP play in elderly acute respiratory infections.目的评价白细胞介素 -6(IL -6)和C反应蛋白 (C -reactiveprotein ,CRP)在老年性急性呼吸道感染中的意义。

5)lower respiratory tract infection呼吸道感染

1.Analysis of gram-negative bacilli distribution and antibiotic resistance in intensive care unit patients withlower respiratory tract infection;重症监护病房下呼吸道感染中革兰氏阴性杆菌分布及耐药分析

2.Objective By studying the bacteriological data of the patients with mechanical ventilation in respiratory intensive care unit(RICU) at different time and different parts such as breathing circuit,oropharynx and lower respiratory tract,to identify the relationship between the pollution of breathing circuit andlower respiratory tract infection for the best time to change breathing circuit.目的研究呼吸重症监护病房 (RICU)内机械通气患者呼吸机气路管道、口咽部及下呼吸道不同时间段、不同部位的致病菌的细菌学情况 ,以评价气路管道的污染与下呼吸道感染的关系 ,探讨气路管道更换或消毒最佳时间。

3.Objective:To evaluate the economic effect of moxifloxacin injection and levofloxacin injection in treatinglower respiratory tract infection.目的:对莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星治疗下呼吸道感染进行经济学评价。

6)lower respiratory tract infection下呼吸道感染

1.Study on the treating effect of Qidong Yixin oral liquid on myocardial damage of children withlower respiratory tract infection;芪冬颐心口服液在小儿下呼吸道感染心肌损伤中的治疗作用研究

2.Antibiotic susceptibility of clinical isolates fromlower respiratory tract infection in patients in respiratory ward;呼吸病房下呼吸道感染病原菌及药敏现状分析

3.Lower respiratory tract infection by pseudomonas aeruginosa in severe brain trauma:an analysis of drug sensitivity status;重型颅脑外伤并发下呼吸道感染铜绿假单胞菌的耐药性分析


呼吸道感染呼吸道感染respiratory tract infection致病微生物侵入呼吸道并进行繁殖导致的疾病称呼吸道感染。根据其部位分为上呼吸道感染和下呼吸道感染。前者包括鼻炎、咽炎和喉炎;后者包括气管炎、支气管炎和肺炎。
