100字范文 > 煤矿 coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿 coal mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-21 13:45:21


煤矿 coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿,coal mine

1)coal mine煤矿

1.Reward system of localcoal mine based on fuzzy theory;地方煤矿奖励机制的模糊决策

2.Choice ofcoal mine partial-filling technology according to balance between mining and filling;从采充均衡论煤矿部分充填开采模式的选择

3.The characteristic and generant condition ofcoal mine water-bursting calamity in China;中国煤矿突水灾害特点与发生条件


1.extract (ore) from a strip-mine.从露天煤矿中开发矿石。


3.An area in which deposits of coal are found.煤矿区发现煤矿层的区域

4.Terms relating to coal mining--Mine safetyGB/T15663.8-1995煤矿科技术语煤矿安全

5.Study on Genesis of Coal Structure of No.8&10 Coal Seams in Luling Mining芦岭煤矿8、10煤层煤体结构成因探讨

6.Lignite Quality Characteristics in Bara Coalmine, Indonesia印度尼西亚BARA煤矿褐煤煤质特征

7.Research on Top-coal Caving Difficult Degree of 8-1 Coal Seam of Baode Colliery in Shendong Mining Area神东矿区保德煤矿8-1煤顶煤可放性研究

8.few exploitable coal-mines少量可开采的煤矿.

9.The lime-stone rocks bed up against the coal.石为岩层紧靠着煤矿层。

10.after-damp n.[U]poisonous mixture of gases after the explosion of firedamp in a coal-mine(煤矿沼气)爆炸后的毒气.

11.fully hydro mechanized mine全部水力机械化的煤矿

12.China National Coal Corporation中国统配煤矿总公司

13.Some coal mines had to shut down.有些煤矿不得不关闭。

14.I"m going to wreck the Neptune mine.我要捣毁内普丘恩煤矿。

15.At present, the mine is out of action.现在煤矿已不能生产了

16.The coal industry is being run down.煤矿工业正逐步停产。

17.a documentary about coal miners反映煤矿工人的纪录片

18.Gareth works down the pit.伽利斯在煤矿干活。



1.The study on the support technology of 3100 face tailentry in Dayangmine;大阳煤矿3100工作面回风顺槽支护技术研究

2.Research of gas-geological rules and the comprehensive technology for gas accidents in Liangbeimine;梁北煤矿瓦斯地质规律与瓦斯综合治理技术研究

3.The application of LBY-Ⅲ instrument of roof separation in Wugou coalmine;LBY-Ⅲ型顶板离层指示仪在五沟煤矿中的应用


1.Study in the relation between fatigue ofcoalminers andcoalmine accidents in China;煤矿工人体能负荷与工伤事故关系研究

2.Study on the multi-source information prediction method tocoalmine water disaster and its application;利用多源信息方法预测煤矿水害

3.The study on SPA application intocoalmine ventilation system;集对分析法在煤矿通风系统评价中的应用研究

4)coal mines煤矿

1.Safety education ofcoal mines in new status;新形势下煤矿安全教育研究

2.The video transmission technique on closed-circuit TV monitoring and control system forcoal mines;煤矿闭路电视监控系统中的视频传输技术

3.Perceiving Life and Having an Insight into Humanity:On Liu Qingbang s Novels about Lives in Coal Mines and Rural Areas;对生活的感悟 对人性的洞察——读刘庆邦的煤矿生活、乡村生活小说


1.Supervisory Work on Three-Simultaneity Colliery;做好煤矿“三同时”矿井的监察工作

2.The Game Analysis on the Supervision of the Colliery Production Safety in China;我国煤矿生产安全监管中的博弈分析


1.Important geological hazards ofcoal-mine and its prevention measures in China;我国煤矿的主要地质灾害及防治对策

2.The progress of the theory and technique in the field of the geological guarantee system for high-yield and high-efficiencycoal-mines during the current ten years was briefly described.通过对近来国内外煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统的现状进行概要回顾,探讨了我国煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统建立与发展过程中遇到和存在的问题,并对我国这方面研究今后一段时间内的努力方向提出了建设性意见。

3.Accompanying the continuous and rapid demanded of energy by Chinese economy,thecoal-mine enterprises of China have acquired the unprecedented developing opportunities;however,the safe production problems of thecoal-mines,especially for medium and small coal mine enterprises,have become the focus of the whole society.伴随着中国经济对能源需求的持续迅速增长,中国的煤矿企业获得了空前的发展机会。


