100字范文 > 变频 frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

变频 frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-31 06:28:03


变频 frequency conversion英语短句 例句大全

变频,frequency conversion

1)frequency conversion变频

1.Dyeing and printing machine synchronization system based on network andfrequency conversion technologies;基于网络和变频技术的印染机械同步系统

2.Amelioration offrequency conversion drag system in entirely automatism flakeboard production line;刨花板全自动生产线横锯推板采用变频交流拖动系统的改进

3.The Application Analysis of Frequency Conversion Timing Technique in Power Plant;火电厂变频调速技术的应用分析


1.The frequency inverters has a function of variable voltage and variable frequency.频率逆变器具有变压、变频功能。

2.varactor up-converter变容二极管上变频器

3.Frequency Control System of Slip-frequency phasor for AC Motor Speed control交流变频调速的滑差频率矢量变频控制系统

mutator frequency changer换向器变频机整流子频率变换器

5.Status Quo and Development of Frequency Conversion Technology and Explosion-proof Converter变频技术、防爆变频器的现状及发展

6.The Application of ACS800 Transducer in the Course of Paper-machine Conversion DriveACS800变频器在纸机变频传动中的应用

7.heptode converter五栅管混频器五栅管变频器

8.Application of Digital Up-Converter in IF Digitalization数字上变频器在中频数字化中的应用

9.A Simple and Easy Test Method of Conversion Loss of a Mixer混频器变频损耗的一种简易测试方法

10.A High Linear CMOS Up-Conversion Mixer;高线性度的CMOS上变频混频器设计

11.The Research of the Downconverter of the Intermediate Frequency(if) Digital Receiver;中频数字化接收机中的下变频器研究

12.Aplication of Commander SK Inverter in Swing Frequency ControlCommander SK变频驱动器在摆频控制中的应用

13.Design of L-band Frequency Agility Broadband Frequency Synthesizer DesignL波段宽带频率捷变频率综合器设计

14.DDC Technology Based on Digital Orthogonal Mixing基于正交混频的数字下变频技术研究

15.variable frequency crystal oscillator可变频率晶体振荡器

16.variable frequency generator control可变频率发生器控制

17.Variable Dividers in Frequency synthesizer of Rb Frequency Standard用于铷频标频率综合器中的可变分频器

18.Frequency Control Strategy of Variable-speed Constant-frequency Doubly-fed Induction Generator Wind Turbines变速恒频双馈风电机组频率控制策略


variable frequency变频

1.Study of application ofvariable frequency hydraulic straight-vibrating sieve;变频液压直线振动筛的应用研究

2.Energy saving analysis of thevariable frequency circulating water pump in a hot water heating system;热水供热系统变频循环水泵节能分析

3.Brake test system incorporating virtual instrument andvariable frequency technologies;基于虚拟仪器和变频技术的制动器试验系统


1.Application and Aalysis of High-VoltageInverter Transform of Heating Net Cycle Pump in Huhehaote Jinqiao Power Plant呼和浩特金桥热电厂热网循环泵高压变频改造应用与分析

2.The Application ofInverter in the Auto Solder变频技术在自动焊机上的应用


1.Application of DSP toVariable-frequency Control System of Boiler Feed Water;DSP在锅炉给水变频控制系统中的应用

2.Application of variable-frequency speed equipment on water supply in uptown;变频供水设备在小区的应用

3.The Study on the Control Device for Measuring the Transmission Line Parameters byVariable-frequency Electrical Measurement;输电线路工频参数变频测量控制系统的研制

5)frequency converter变频

1.The application of thefrequency converter speed adjust for the coal feeder in large power plant大型发电厂给煤机的变频调速应用

2.Research onfrequency converter system based on SVPWM基于SVPWM的变频系统分析设计

3.The application offrequency converter in deep water wells变频器在深井供水中的应用


1.Harmonics influence and suppression inconversion-transducer connect cable;变频器引接电缆中的高次谐波影响及抑制


