100字范文 > 书风 calligraphy style英语短句 例句大全

书风 calligraphy style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-01 18:07:29


书风 calligraphy style英语短句 例句大全

书风,calligraphy style

1)calligraphy style书风

1.It worships the practicalcalligraphy style like a seal character, official script and regular script and worships the .这种“经世致用”的思想直接影响了中唐书风的形成并对后世影响深远。

2.The paper is a special research on the influence of thecalligraphy style of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi(Two-Wang)in the history of Chinese calligraphy.本文为二王书风对中国书法发展史影响的专题研究。


1.On Two Wangs’ Calligraphy Style--Mature Symbol of Classical Chinese Calligraphy;“二王”书风——中国古典书法成熟的标志

2.On the Influence of Li Yong s Calligraphy upon Zhao s Calligraphical Style in the Yuan Dynasty;简论李邕书法对元代赵体书风的影响

3.almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi.所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。

4.The Study of Non-Calligraphic Factor in the Prevailing Calligraphic Style;当代“流行书风”现象下的非书法因素研究

5.Continuation of Calligraphic Styles of Republic of China--A Case Study of Calligraphers" Works after Moving to Taiwan从大陆迁台书家的创作看“民国书风”的延续

6.On the Aesthetic and Formation of Expressionistic Calligraphy Style in the Late Ming Dynasty;论晚明审美风尚与表现主义书风的形成

7.Calligraphy Tradition: Unsurpassable “Reis”-- On Vogue Calligraphy Style and Present-day Calligraphy;书法传统:无法超越的“现实”——兼论流行书风与现代书法

8.These letters gave vogue to the book.这些信件使那本书风行一时。

9.The art, skill, style, or manner of handwriting; calligraphy.书写,书法书写的艺术、技巧、风格或方式;书法

10.They were funny to read.这些书都很风趣易读。

11.a pretentious writer, book, style自我炫耀的作家、 书、 文风.

12.Let the Wind of Reading Blown into of Thousands of Families--Report of the Reading Holiday Held by Humen Library让读书之风吹进千万家——虎门图书馆读书节侧记

13.Applying Certificate of Honesty and Credit, Boosting the Construction of School Spirit and Style of Study;实行诚信证书制度 推进校风学风建设

14.The manipulation of the brush determines the skill and style of a calligrapher.运笔技巧决定了书法家的书写技巧和风格。

15.Ventilation is carried out according to the minimum air volume in the specifications.并按说明书中的最低通风量进行通风换气。

16.Uniqueness and Originality of Maozedong,s Calligraphy激扬文字 独领风骚——毛泽东的书法风格浅议

17.Uniqueness and Originality of Maozedong,s Calligraphy;激扬文字 独领风骚——毛泽东的书法风格浅议

18.Letter of Compliance (Ventilating System)通风系统符合规定通知书


calligraphic style书风

1.The most outstanding of it is the stone inscription of Beiwei,therefore,itscalligraphic style is also called the Style of Weibei or the style of Longmen,and later generations call it the Stele of Wei,in which the most characteristic style is that of the Top Twenty Grades of Longmen Statue Inscription.本文就龙门二十品造像记书风来源,北朝社会的审美基质及其所特有的书写方式与制作手段等方面,试论述"龙门二十品"造像记书风的形成原因。

3)degradation of calligraphy atmosphere书风日下

4)calligraphy style between north and south南北书风

1.In China there have been lots of disputes about thecalligraphy style between north and south for a very long time.文章就南北书风存在的地域性群体差异,通过对《张玄墓志》与北碑、南帖的比较,论述了南北书风间相互影响、相互融合的现象,并分析了相互影响的主要因素。

5)Admiration of calligraphic styles尚法书风

6)scholarliness of Hunan湖湘书风


