100字范文 > 热疲劳寿命 thermal fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

热疲劳寿命 thermal fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-27 19:10:06


热疲劳寿命 thermal fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

热疲劳寿命,thermal fatigue life

1)thermal fatigue life热疲劳寿命

1.Optimum simulation and prediction onthermal fatigue life of soldered joints of QFP devices;QFP组件的优化模拟及焊点热疲劳寿命的预测

2.Effect of temperature cycling stress profile on thethermal fatigue life of solder joints of QFP;温度循环应力剖面对QFP焊点热疲劳寿命的影响

3.Numerical analysis on thermal field and assessment onthermal fatigue life of material;刹车鼓热场数值分析及材料热疲劳寿命评估


1.Solder Joint Fatigue Life Predicton with Submodel for a BGA Package;子模型法预测BGA封装中焊点的热疲劳寿命

2.Design of Optimized Steel Used on Brake Disc and Evaluation of Its Thermal Fatigue Lives;刹车鼓用钢优化设计及其热疲劳寿命评估

3.Impacts of Void Defects on Thermal Fatigue Life in Coaxial-cable Solder Joint气孔缺陷对同轴电缆焊点热疲劳寿命影响

4.Thermomechanical fatigue performance and life prediction in superalloy IC10IC10合金热机械疲劳性能与寿命预测

5.Evaluation of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Life of 20g under Complex Stress State;复杂应力状态下20g材料热机械疲劳总寿命评价

6.Analysis of Thermal Stress and Research of Fatigue Lifetime on Steam Turbine Rotor;汽轮机转子的热应力分析和疲劳寿命研究

7.Effect of Heat Treatment Technology on Fatigue Lives of 22Cr Duplex Stainless Steel热处理工艺对22Cr双相不锈钢疲劳寿命的影响

8.Thermal Conductivity Measurement of GlidCop~ in a Half-life Low-cycle Fatigue State半寿命低周疲劳Glidcop~材料导热系数的测量

9.body durability test车身寿命(疲劳)试验

10.Fatigue Life Study on Key Parts of Bogie Frame by Hot Spot Stress Method;基于热点应力法的转向架关键部件疲劳寿命研究

11.Fatigue life prediction of clack box of bell-less top of large blast furnace based on thermal-structural coupling基于热-结构耦合的高炉无钟炉顶阀箱疲劳寿命预测

12.The thermal-structural coupling analysis and fatigue life’s prediction research of roll shell in continuous roll casting铸轧辊套的热结构耦合分析及疲劳寿命预测研究

13.Ultra-Long Life Fatigue Behavior and Fatigue Life Design of Joint Between Steel Q235 and Steel 16MnQ235钢和16Mn钢接头超长寿命疲劳行为及疲劳寿命设计

14.Fatigue Cumulative Damage Detection and Fatigue Life Prediction on Reinforced Concrete Slabs;钢筋混凝土板疲劳损伤识别及疲劳寿命预测

15.The Summary of the Rolling Bearing Contact Fatigue Failure Mechanism and Fatigue Life Model滚动轴承疲劳破坏机理和疲劳寿命模型综述

16.Disk Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Based on Multiaxial Fatigue Model基于多轴疲劳模型的轮盘低循环疲劳寿命预测

17.The total fatigue life for welded structure is the sum.二者寿命之和为焊接结构的总疲劳寿命。



thermal fatigue life of solder joint焊点热疲劳寿命

3)fatigue lifetime疲劳寿命

1.In this paper distribution function of roller chainfatigue lifetime are discussed and characteristic of Weibull distribution form parameter offatigue lifetime that vary with its specification and loading are analyzed, then sampling inspection plan of lifetime of reliability and average lifetime are designes.探讨了滚子链疲劳寿命的分布规律;揭示了滚子链疲劳寿命威布尔分布形状参数随链条规格、载荷水平变化的特点;设计了可靠寿命和平均寿命的抽样检验方案,从而为滚子链疲劳可靠性设计和验证提供了重要依

2.Substituting this stress intensity factor into Paris expression obtained by experiment, a prediction of remainingfatigue lifetime for a sucker rod is calculated.将此应力强度因子代入Paris公式,即可预测抽油杆的剩余疲劳寿命。

3.Deviation of traditionfatigue lifetime prediction is bigger.针对传统疲劳寿命预测误差较大的问题,提出了将隶属函数应用于疲劳寿命预测的新方法,并建立了基于隶属函数的疲劳寿命预测模型。

4)fatigue life疲劳寿命

1.The analysis of rotor strength andfatigue life;转子强度及疲劳寿命分析

2.Prediction offatigue life of packaging EMC material based on BP neural networks;基于BP神经网络的模塑封材料疲劳寿命预测

3.Predication offatigue life of structure with random scan vibration;随机扫描振动中结构疲劳寿命的预测

5)fatigue life-span疲劳寿命

1.Neural network used in the prediction of the low-periodicfatigue life-span of materials;神经网络在材料低周疲劳寿命预测中的应用

2.3D finite element analysis on crankshaftfatigue life-span;曲轴疲劳寿命三维有限元分析


1.Random Fatigue Semi - experimental Model of SMT Solder Joint in Random Vibration Condition;SMT焊点半经验随机振动疲劳寿命累积模型

2.Study on Body Fatigue Bench Test Method;白车身强度台架试验方法及疲劳寿命的研究

3.According to random theory, a randomfatigue semi-empirical model of SMT solder joint in random vibration condition is created.研究了SMT焊点在随机振动条件下引起的振动疲劳情况,给出了SMT焊点半经验随机振动疲劳寿命累积模型,并通过对某SMT电路板进行随机振动疲劳测试,验证了模型的正确性。


