100字范文 > 神经元细胞 neuron英语短句 例句大全

神经元细胞 neuron英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-03 19:47:50


神经元细胞 neuron英语短句 例句大全



1.Relation between E3B1 gene expression in cultured corticalneurons and axon growth;培养神经元细胞中E3B1基因的表达变化与轴突生长抑制的关系

2.Protective effect of aFGF on the extracellular signal-regulated kinase activity in cytosal of rat primary hippocampalneuron exposed to lead when culturing;aFGF对染铅大鼠海马神经元细胞浆ERK活性的保护作用


1.The cell body of a neuron, containing the nucleus and organelles.核周体神经元细胞体,包括细胞核和细胞器官

2.Study of Cell Cycle Machinery between Astrocytes and Neurons;星形胶质细胞与神经元细胞周期调控机制研究

3.The Study of Differentiation Potential into Enteric Neuron from Bone Marrow Stromal Cells;骨髓基质干细胞向肠神经元细胞分化的研究

4.Label-free Differential Proteomic Analysis of Central Nervous System Hemangioblastoma and Human Nerve Cells中枢神经系统血管母细胞瘤细胞与人脑神经元细胞差异蛋白质分析

5.Mature neural cells after differentiation could express specific antigens of neuron, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte.分化后的细胞表达神经元细胞、质细胞和少突胶质细胞的特异性抗原。

6.The intracellular calcium level of neurons was measured with flow cytometry.用流式细胞仪检测不同时间段培养的神经元细胞内钙。

7.A motor neuron.运动神经元运动神经细胞

8.Neuron( or nerve cell ):Any of the cells of the nervous system.神经元(亦称神经细胞):构成神经系统的各种细胞统称。

9.Differentiation of Stem Cells into Neuron-Like Cells in Vitro;干细胞体外定向诱导分化神经元样细胞的研究

10.Study of the Induction and Differentiation of Rat Neural Stem Cells into Neurons;神经干细胞向神经元方向的诱导和分化的研究

11.Effects of Saponins of Astragalus on differentiation of neural stem cells黄芪皂甙诱导小鼠神经干细胞向神经元分化

12.The Cellular Mechanisms of Excitatory Effects of Orexin A on Cortical Neurons in Rat;Orexin-A兴奋大鼠皮层神经元的细胞机制

13.Characteristics of motor neuron differentiation from stem cells干细胞向运动神经元诱导分化的特点

14.Induction of Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells into Neurons脂肪干细胞向神经元诱导分化的研究

15.Conclusion The bone marrow stromal cells can differentiate into neuronlike cells by the induction of neurotrophic factor.结论神经营养因子能将骨髓基质细胞诱导成神经元样细胞。

16.This is an example of neuronophagia in which a dying neuron is surrounded by microglial cells.噬神经细胞现象,这个垂死的神经元被周围小胶质细胞包围。

17.Effect of Neuronal Differentiation Induced by Nerve Growth Factor on the Tolerance-dosage of Ultraviolet Radiation of PC12 Cells神经细胞生长因子诱导的神经元化对PC12细胞紫外线耐受量的影响

18.Neural Induction of Rat Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the Effects of Gangliosides on MSC-derived Neuron-like Cells in Vitro;大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞体外诱导向神经细胞分化及神经节苷脂对神经元样细胞的影响



1.Objective To investigate the effect of oxygen/glucose deprivation(OGD) on mitochondrial membrane potential in corticalneurons of rat and the protective effects of aspirin.目的观察大鼠皮质神经元细胞在缺氧/缺糖(OGD)时线粒体膜电位(MMP)的变化及阿司匹林的保护作用。

2.Conclusion BMSCs-CSF can improve the differentiation of neurosphere cells towardneurons.目的观察骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)移植于损伤脊髓后,所提取的脑脊液(BMSCs-CSF)对体外培养的神经干细胞向神经元细胞分化的影响,探讨BMSCs促进神经干细胞分化的机制。

3)neural cells神经元细胞

1.Objective:To study the effect of Baixingdan on expression level of Serotonin 1A receptor(5-HT1AR) and corpuscular viability of embryo rat cerebral cortexneural cells cultured in vitro.目的:研究调肝方药白香丹对体外培养的胚胎大鼠皮层神经元细胞活力及其5羟色胺1A受体(5-HT1AR)蛋白表达水平的影响。

2.Objective:To study the effect of Baixingdan on expression level of Serotonin 1A receptor (5-HT1AR) and corpuscular viability of em- bryo rat cerebral cortexneural cells cultured in vitro.目的:研究调肝方药白香丹对体外培养的胚胎大鼠皮层神经元细胞活力及其5羟色胺1A 受体(5-HT1AR)蛋白表达水平的影响。

4)nerve cell (neuron)神经细胞(神经元)

5)Magnocellular neuron大细胞神经元

1.Ultrastructure of magnocellular neuron in mouse hypothalamus during development of postnatal life;生后不同发育阶段的小鼠下丘脑大细胞神经元的超微结构

6)neuron-like cells神经元样细胞

1.Differentiation of bone mesenchymal stem cells intoneuron-like cells induced by supernatant of glioma cells;鼠胶质瘤细胞上清液诱导人骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞的分化

2.In vitro differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell intoneuron-like cells;成人骨髓间充质干细胞体外定向诱导分化为神经元样细胞的研究

3.Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived-bone of new born rats into dopaminergicneuron-like cells;新生大鼠骨源性间充质干细胞向多巴胺能神经元样细胞的分化



