100字范文 > 降速 deceleration英语短句 例句大全

降速 deceleration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-18 10:57:06


降速 deceleration英语短句 例句大全



1.The Design of Auto Acceleration and Deceleration Control for Stepping Servo System;步进式伺服系统的自动升降速控制设计

2.Taking appropriate and reasonable "deceleration" measures will enhance road security and reduce the demand of fund in security and protection project."降速"是安保工程设计时应考虑的主要因素,合理地采取恰当的"降速"措施将有效提高道路的安全性和降低安保工程对资金的需求。


1.altitude vertical velocity indicator高度升降速率指示器

2.sedimentation rate [ test ](血液等的)沉降速度[检查]

3.By the time of young ear formation the decreasing rate was slowed down.随后迅速下降,至幼穗形成期下降速率减缓。

4.The governor must have provision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load).调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。

5.The Study of Control and Prediction of Highway Settlement by the Method of Settlement Rate;基于沉降速率法路堤沉降控制与预测研究

6.Engineering Calculation of Critical Velocity and Settling Velocity of Granular Materials颗粒物料临界速度和沉降速度的工程计算

7.The Modified Steepest Descent Method──Best Point in Steepest Descent method改进的最速下降法─最好点最速下降法

8.SHAPE (Supersonic High Altitude Parachute Experiment)超音速高空降落伞试验

9.a downhill racer.快速下降的滑雪运动员

10.cant descending anti-overspeed device悬臂下降超速限制器

11.A driver uses brakes to arrest his car"s speed.司机用煞车降低车速。

12.Body weight and physical strength diminish rapidly.体重和体力迅速下降。

13.I Darius have made a decree; let it be done with speed.我大利乌降这旨意,当速速遵行。

14.Idle is rough, and high-speed miss and power loss may result.导致怠速不稳,高速缺火和功率下降。

15.Allied Calliope rotation speed decreased to33 from35. Acceleration decreased to1.3. Max speed decreased to5 from5.2.管风琴旋转速度从35降低为33。加速性降低为1.3。最高速度从5.2降低为5。

16.a small parachute or articulated flap to reduce the speed of an aircraft.降低飞行器飞行速度的小降落伞或连接的副翼。

17.slows airplanes as they land on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.当飞机降落到航空母舰上时降低飞行速度。

18.Reduction in growth rate and vigour. Darkening of the leaves. Decreased drought resistance.生长速度和活力下降。叶色变暗。抗旱能力下降。


speed down降速

1.Revised design of propeller of old ships duringspeed down旧船舶主机降速运行的情况下对螺旋桨的改进设计

3)speed lose速降


5)speed drop速度降低,速度降,转速降

6)settlement rate沉降速率

1.Based on the experimental results,characteristics of strain changing,void ratio changing,settlement rate changing against time,and the relationship between stress and strain of MSW were studied.通过室内蠕变-降解对比试验,研究了城市固体废弃物(MSW)的长期变形过程,详细地分析了MSW应变、沉降速率以及孔隙比随时间的变化规律。

2.Meanwhile, effects of the retention time on the relative resistance, compressible coefficient andsettlement rate have also studied.通过恒压过滤实验研究了净水厂排泥水过滤的难易程度,研究了不同浓缩时间的排泥水对比阻、压缩系数及沉降速率的影响,结果表明净水厂的排泥水颗粒难于沉降,但属易于过滤的,过滤处理前可以不添加助滤剂,得到的滤饼属于高压缩性物料,且净水厂排泥水的比阻、沉降速率与排泥水的沉淀浓缩时间有密切关系,长时间的沉淀浓缩排泥水沉降速度明显降低,但比阻降幅较大,有助于后续机械脱水处理。

3.To study the computation method for thesettlement rate of saturated soft clay foundations,on the basis of the approximate relation of stress-strain consolidation degree of saturated soft clay,a formula for calculating thesettlement rate of foundations is derived and the computation method for thesettlement rate of saturated soft clay foundations are provided.为了探讨饱和软粘土地基沉降速率的计算方法,根据饱和软粘土应变固结度与应力固结度的近似关系,推导出地基沉降速率的计算公式,提出了饱和软粘土地基沉降速率的计算方法,所得结果与工程实测数值相符。


