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伦理性 ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-12 23:31:50


伦理性 ethics英语短句 例句大全



1.Furthermore, we can know the reasons why theethics of Chinese traditional procedural culture lasts so long in some aspects, including material carrier? economic base? the support of political power and the background of social culture.中国传统诉讼文化具有显著的伦理性,这可从立法、司法等环节来加以验证,要探究其原因必须把中国古代法的起源作为切入点,进而从物质载体、经济基础、政治权力的支持、社会文化背景的衬托等方面来回答为什么中国传统诉讼文化的伦理化会持续如此之久。

2.Examination is one of the most important activities taken by human being,which concerns utility andethics.考试是人类最重要的一项活动,具有功利性和伦理性。

3.In this case,the needs forethics is penetrating to every aspect of the control function in education management.伦理属性是教育管理的重要属性之一,伦理性的要求自然也贯穿于教育管理控制职能的始终。


1.On Essential Unity of Modern Enterprise s Economy and Ethic;论现代企业经济性与伦理性的本质统一

2.No matter what it is,the foundation of human rights or criminal law (penalty),it can not deviate from theethic,which decides their existing closely relationship.无论是人权的理论根基还是刑法(罚)的基础价值,都不可能脱离伦理性内涵予以构建,这决定了二者存在密不可分的相关性。


1.Ethical and Legal: The Duality and Adjusting of Chinese Contemporary Relationship;在以市场化为基本取向的社会转型过程中,这种伦理性的人际关系传统得到了一定的继承和发扬;同时,市场化密切了人们的社会联系、扩大了交往范围,经济利益交换关系成为人际交往的核心,法制、契约成为人际关系达成和调适的重要因素,人际关系具有了初步的法理性质。

4)perceptual ethic理性伦理

1.To a great extent,the living pattern comes from the moral value ideas,which are offered by the western philosophy,Humewho repnesents theperceptual ethic,regards the moral values as feelings,Which leads to be sensible;Kantwho represents the reason ethic,puts the reason in the first plaee in people,Which leads to be formalized.以休谟为代表的感性伦理把道德价值等同于情感,其结果使人感性实物化;以康德为代表的理性伦理把理性放在人的首位,其后果是生活的外在形式化。

5)ethical rationality伦理理性

1.On forming ofethical rationality of western market economy;论西方市场经济伦理理性的形成

6)ethics nature伦理本性

1.The development of modern society requires the medicine to show theethics nature but in reality,the medical moral is becoming less controlled.医德是医学的伦理本性的集中体现。


1.Leisure-an Effective Way to All-round Development of Man人的全面发展视阈中休闲的伦理本性

2.From Intellectual Ethics to Family-Based Ethics--A Comparison of Chinese and Western Traditional Ethics从“知性伦理”到“家本伦理”——关于中西传统伦理学的一个比较

work cyber ethics :the balance between the localization and globalization of cyber ethics;网络伦理:本土资源与全球性道德共识

4.On the Relationship of Nationality and Universality in Corporation Ethics;论企业伦理的民族性与世界性——从日本企业伦理说起

5.Ethical naturalists believe that the foundation of ethics lies in the nature of humans themselves.伦理自然主义者认为,伦理的基础存在于人自己的本性之内。

6.On Spinoza s Ethics Thought;谈斯宾诺莎的伦理思想——从本体观、伦理观和宗教观的一致性上

7.From Ontology to Ethics--A Critical Reformation of Western Philosophy by Other Ethics of Levinas从本体论到伦理学——勒维纳斯他者伦理学对西方哲学的批判性变革

8.Meaning and Basic Concept of Irrationalism on the Western Ethics;西方伦理学中非理性主义的含义及其基本观念

9.Meaning and Basic Concept of Rationalism on the Western Ethics;西方伦理学中理性主义的含义及其基本观念

10.Logical Orientation and Rational Spirit:Comparison of Political Philosophy between China and the West伦理本位与理性精神:中西政治哲学之价值取向

11.On Essential Unity of Modern Enterprise s Economy and Ethic;论现代企业经济性与伦理性的本质统一

12.Using the homotopy mapping theory, a class of nonlinear problems were studied.利用同伦映射理论,本文研究了一类非线性问题。

13.On the Intersubjectivity Issue in the Information Ethics by Luciano Floridi;弗洛里迪信息伦理学的主体间性本质评析

14.On Ethics Science of "The Party always shonld Represents the Funda mental Interests of the Largest Member ot the Chinese People;论“代表中国最广大人民根本利益”的伦理科学性

15.The Nature of Human Information Exchange and the Establishment of Information Ethical Ideas;人类信息交往的本性与信息伦理观念的确立

16.Bisexual Ethic in the Folktate;民间故事中的两性伦理—以耿村故事文本为对象


18.Legal principle goes between legal system and general ethic, which provides the law, with ethical as its substantial character, the necessary justness.法律原则徜徉在法律体系与一般伦理之间,为法律提供着必需的正当性,伦理性是其本质特征。



1.On Essential Unity of Modern Enterprise s Economy and Ethic;论现代企业经济性与伦理性的本质统一

2.No matter what it is,the foundation of human rights or criminal law (penalty),it can not deviate from theethic,which decides their existing closely relationship.无论是人权的理论根基还是刑法(罚)的基础价值,都不可能脱离伦理性内涵予以构建,这决定了二者存在密不可分的相关性。


1.Ethical and Legal: The Duality and Adjusting of Chinese Contemporary Relationship;在以市场化为基本取向的社会转型过程中,这种伦理性的人际关系传统得到了一定的继承和发扬;同时,市场化密切了人们的社会联系、扩大了交往范围,经济利益交换关系成为人际交往的核心,法制、契约成为人际关系达成和调适的重要因素,人际关系具有了初步的法理性质。

4)perceptual ethic理性伦理

1.To a great extent,the living pattern comes from the moral value ideas,which are offered by the western philosophy,Humewho repnesents theperceptual ethic,regards the moral values as feelings,Which leads to be sensible;Kantwho represents the reason ethic,puts the reason in the first plaee in people,Which leads to be formalized.以休谟为代表的感性伦理把道德价值等同于情感,其结果使人感性实物化;以康德为代表的理性伦理把理性放在人的首位,其后果是生活的外在形式化。

5)ethical rationality伦理理性

1.On forming ofethical rationality of western market economy;论西方市场经济伦理理性的形成

6)ethics nature伦理本性

1.The development of modern society requires the medicine to show theethics nature but in reality,the medical moral is becoming less controlled.医德是医学的伦理本性的集中体现。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
