100字范文 > 路政档案 archives of road administration英语短句 例句大全

路政档案 archives of road administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-20 04:01:41


路政档案 archives of road administration英语短句 例句大全

路政档案,archives of road administration

1)archives of road administration路政档案

2)municipal file市政档案


1.Old land deeds in the municipal archives; the studio archives, a vast repository of silent-film prints and outtakes.市政档案馆中的旧土地契约;制片档案室;庞大的存放无声电影拷贝及废片的场处

2.administrative record [also known as housekeeping record]行政档案〔又称内务档案〕

3.Relation between file exelutive management and popularizing file law;浅谈档案行政执法和档案普法的关系

4.It also operates Records Centres as central repositories for storage of inactive records transferred from government departments.档案管理组管理的档案中心,集中储存各政府部门的非常用档案。

5.Government Records Service Division [Chief Secretary for Administration"s Office]政府档案处〔政务司司长办公室〕

6.Strenthen the Consciousness of Files and Raise the Level of Law Enforcement--About an Administrative Contentious Case which Zhijiang Filing Office Met with;增强档案意识 提高执法水平——对芷江档案局遭遇行政诉讼案的思考

7.register in a public office or in a court of law.记入政府机关的档案或法院的诉讼中。

8.Proper management of records enhances the efficiency of business in government.档案管理得宜,有助提高政府办事效率。

9.Confidential Assistant (CAC)机密档案室助理(廉政公署)

10.The Research of Archive Resources Conformity under Electronic Government Affairs Environment;电子政务环境下档案资源的整合研究

11.Effective Use of Financial Accounting File Information for the Total Budget;财政总预算会计档案信息的有效利用

12.On the special features of archival administrate law-breaking behavior and punishment countermeasures;档案行政违法行为的特点及查处对策

13.Viewing Principle of Administrative Legality From relations of Archival Laws;从档案法律关系中看行政合法性原则

14.An Effective Way to Strengthen System of Job Responsibility in Administrative Enforcement of Archives Law;强化档案行政执法责任制的有效途径

15.How to Do well Archivists Ideological and Political Work in the New Period;试谈新时期档案人员的思想政治工作

16.The Opening of Public Security Files under the Considerationsof Government Information Publicity;政府信息公开形势下的公安档案开放

17.How to Deal With Problems Correctly in Enforcing Archives Laws by Administrations;正确处理档案行政执法中的几个问题

18.Design and Implement of Archive Management System of Administration at Provincial Level省级民政档案管理系统的设计与实现


municipal file市政档案

3)post archives邮政档案

4)archival administration档案行政

5)incorruptible archives廉政档案

1.Establishingincorruptible archives of party members and cadres in enterprises is an important measure to standardize enterprise s pol.建立企业党员干部的廉政档案 ,是规范企业从政行为 ,评价党员干部勤政廉政业绩 ,促进党风好转的重要举措。

6)administrative archives行政档案

1.The author believes that management ofadministrative archives is fundamental in administration, and we should attach more importance to it, especially in the process when the traditional system of administration converts into a modern one.本文认为 ,行政档案管理工作是行政管理工作中不可缺少的基础性工作 ;特别是在中国传统行政管理制度向现代行政管理制度转轨的改革与创新进程中 ,重视做好行政档案管理工作 ,将会收到事半功倍的促进作用。


