100字范文 > 最短路径矩阵 shortest path matrix英语短句 例句大全

最短路径矩阵 shortest path matrix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 22:35:22


最短路径矩阵 shortest path matrix英语短句 例句大全

最短路径矩阵,shortest path matrix

1)shortest path matrix最短路径矩阵

2)shortest weight matrix最短路权矩阵

3)path matrix路径矩阵

1.Research onpath matrix based on regression model;一种基于回归模型的路径矩阵研究

2.A feasible tie-line set were developed on the base of adjacent matrix,path matrix and path sub-matrix.结合图论中的邻接矩阵,提出路径矩阵和路径子矩阵的概念及形成方法,进而提出求取可行联络线集合的算法。

3.We use activity model to create the activity adjacency matrix, andpath matrix (accessible matrix) of graph theory to recognize the strongly connected components, so as to get the sets of strongly depended activities.利用活动模型构造系统的活动邻接矩阵,用图论中的路径矩阵来识别强连通子图,从而得出交互依赖活动集。


1.Algorithm of Path Matrix in Directed Graph;有向图中路径矩阵的实现及其算法研究

2.Centerline Extraction Based on Hessian Matrix基于Hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法

3.Shortest Path Problem Algorithm in Network Based on Matrix Multiplication基于“矩阵乘法”的网络最短路径算法

4.Method of Link Performance Function Calibration in Multi-path OD Matrix Back-calibration多路径OD矩阵反推下的路阻函数标定方法

5.The path layer matrix is closely related to graph isomorphism.图的路径层矩阵与图的同构问题密切相关。

6.In this paper, a new centerline extraction algorithm based on Hessian Matrix is proposed.提出了一种基于Hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法.

7.Transition Cost Matrix Based Approach to Robot Path Planning基于转移费用矩阵的机器人路径规划方法

8.A New Algorithm to Find Paths Based on Sparse Matrix一种基于稀疏矩阵的求路径集的新算法

9.The Research on Multiplier and Path Analysis Based on Chinese Rural Residents Consumptive Sam;基于中国农村居民消费社会核算矩阵的乘数研究及路径分析

10.Multiplier Decomposition and Structural Path Analysis Based on the Social Accounting Matrix of GanSu Province基于甘肃省社会核算矩阵的乘数分析与结构化路径分析

11.matrix large scale integration矩阵型大规模集成电路

12.Some Investigation of Nonsingular H-Matrices and Estimate for the Spectral Radius of Iterative Matrices;H矩阵类的一些研究与迭代矩阵的谱半径估计

13.Inequalities of the Spectral Radius of Kronecker Products for Random Matrix Functions随机矩阵函数Kronecker积的谱半径的不等式

14.The spectral radius of Laplacian matrices of bicyclic graphs双圈图的Laplace矩阵的谱半径

15.First, the distance transformation is performed. Then the initial path is obtained by computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix.在距离变换的基础上,先利用Hessian矩阵的几何意义找出中心线的大致形状作为初始路径;

16.The result is a path dependence pattern in which the institutional matrix and the mental models of the players interact to shape incremental change.结果是制度矩阵中的路径依赖模型是和参与者的心智模型相互作用导致了渐进变化。

17.Matrix Computation Methods in Circuit Simulation Software;电路仿真软件中的矩阵计算方法研究

18.On Applying Diagonal Matrix to Solve Linear Circuit with C++;在C++中利用对角矩阵求解线性电路


shortest weight matrix最短路权矩阵

3)path matrix路径矩阵

1.Research onpath matrix based on regression model;一种基于回归模型的路径矩阵研究

2.A feasible tie-line set were developed on the base of adjacent matrix,path matrix and path sub-matrix.结合图论中的邻接矩阵,提出路径矩阵和路径子矩阵的概念及形成方法,进而提出求取可行联络线集合的算法。

3.We use activity model to create the activity adjacency matrix, andpath matrix (accessible matrix) of graph theory to recognize the strongly connected components, so as to get the sets of strongly depended activities.利用活动模型构造系统的活动邻接矩阵,用图论中的路径矩阵来识别强连通子图,从而得出交互依赖活动集。

4)shortest path最短路径

1.Briefly on theshortest path algorithm in the urban road network;浅析城市道路网中的最短路径算法

2.The Realization of Shortest Path Algorithm in Traffic System;最短路径搜索算法在交通系统上的应用

3.Study on the multi-modalshortest path in time-varying network;时变网络下多式联运的最短路径问题研究


1.Cause analysis of improvedalgorithm ofshortcut onselecting the favorite line;浅析航线选择中的改进最短路径算法

2.The Improved Shortcut Algorithm and It s Application in Selecting Ship s Optimum Route;改进最短路径算法在最佳航线选择中的应用

3.An applied algorithm of searchingshortcut quickly;一种实用的最短路径求解算法

6)shortest route最短路径

1.Use Dynamic Programming Theories to Search the Shortest Route in the Transportation;在交通运输上使用动态规划求解最短路径

2.Sector Dijkstra algorithm forshortest routes between customers in complex road networks复杂路网下多客户间最短路径的扇面Dijkstra算法

3.Optimization strategies of the Dijkstra"sshortest route algorithmDijkstra最短路径算法优化策略


Pro/ENGINEER中复杂几何路径的数组阵列1 引言 Pro/ENGINEER是目前应用非常广泛的CAD/CAM软件,其功能非常强大。在Pro/ENGINEER中进行特征复制时, PATTERN(数组阵列)可以一次建立多个相同的特征,比COPY(复制)省时省力。 在实际应用中,阵列的几何路径有规则的(如直线形、圆形等),也有不规则的(如平行四边形、椭圆形等)。对于规则路径,其生成较简单,如圆形路径,选取一周向驱动尺寸,输入阵列的增量与个数即可。下面以在基座上钻孔为例,介绍不规则几何路径的数组阵列。2 设计实例 首先,生成基座(如图1黑点表示孔的圆心位),其中心点位于Pro/ENGINEER中坐标系的原点,再钻出左上角的第一个孔(以基座的两条边为参考边,这两条边的交点为准原点)。然后进行数组阵列,产生其余的孔,依次选择“Pattern→General→Table”。图1 黑点表示孔的圆心位2.1 步骤一 选择图1中的尺寸“40,55”作为“表格驱动阵列的驱动尺寸”,然后选“Done”。2.2 步骤二 选择“Add”,进行表的添加(输入一个表名如A),接着打开一个窗口,其中已有的文字均为注释语句,最后一行为: idx d4(40.0) d3(55.0) 其中,idx表示这一列填的是序号,从1开始;d后的数字以实际操作中产生的为准,括号内数值为步骤1中所选驱动尺寸的值,可以看出该值的显示顺序与尺寸的选择顺序是对应的。2.3 步骤三进行表的录入,依次填入:165 5529055311555414055550856601157 701458951459151014514511170145121508513160115 其中1~4为上部右边的4个孔,5~7为左边3个孔,8~11为下部右边4个孔,12~13为右边剩余2个孔。2.4 步骤四 首先点击“File→Save”,并且进行保存。然后点击“File→Exit”,退出程序。之后执行“Done”即可进行阵列,如图2所示。
