100字范文 > 废气污染 waste gas pollution英语短句 例句大全

废气污染 waste gas pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-21 10:28:48


废气污染 waste gas pollution英语短句 例句大全

废气污染,waste gas pollution

1)waste gas pollution废气污染


1.petrol engine exhaust emissions汽油发动机废气污染物

2.antismog devices for cars and power plants.汽车和发电厂的防废气污染装置

3.Effective measures have been taken to prevent exhaust pollution.业已采取有效措施以防止废气污染。

4.The exhaust fumes from factories polluted the air above the city.从工厂排出的废气污染了城市上空的空气。

5.Research on the Influence of Waste Gas Pollution on Residential Area Air Quality;废气污染对建筑小区空气质量影响的研究

6.An Analysis of the countermeasure against the Smog from 6300KVA Electric Ferrosilicon Smelting Furnace;6300KVA硅铁电炉冶炼废气污染的防治对策分析

7.The air has been contaminateed by exhaust fumes.空气已被废气所污染。

8.Exhaust gas has been incriminated as one of the causes of air pollution in cities.废气被视为城市空气污染的原因之一。

9.Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.废气已被视为城市空气污染的原因。

10.There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.空气污染有许多来源, 例如废气。

11.Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.污染性物质造成污染的物质,尤其指一种污染空气、土壤或水的废物

12.waste matter that contaminates the water or air or soil.污染水、空气或土壤的废物。

13.Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Fetor第五章防治废气、尘和恶臭污染

14.Exhaust gases from the cars are poisoning the air of our cities.汽车排出的废气正在污染着我们城市的空气。

15.The cars were seriously poisoning the.air of our cities with waste.汽车中排出的废气严重污染了我们城市的空气。

16.The air be polluted with the smother of traffic and Industrial smog空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了

17.Exhaust gases from boilers, vehicles, etc., cause air pollution in cities.锅炉和车辆等排出的废气,污染城市空气.

18.The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog.空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。


exhaust emission(s)废气污染物;废气污染 EES

3)exhaust emission(s)废气污染物; 废气污染

4)waste gas pollutants废气污染物

1.The paper presents the varieties ofwaste gas pollutants, control technology and equipment, analyzes the development of control technology ofwaste gas pollutants in China.本文介绍了目前我国的废气污染物种类及防治技术装备水平;分析了国内废气污染物防治技术的发展情况。

5)Waste gases infected the air.废气污染了空气。

6)gas pollution and punification废气污染及净化


采煤废气和粉尘采煤废气和粉尘waste gas and dust of coal mining采煤废气和粉尘(waste gas and dust ofeoalmining)煤层的采掘和破碎以及选煤、储运等过程,无时不在产生大量粉尘;矿区的能源供应主要依靠直接燃烧原煤,锅炉排放大量烟气和煤尘,这些构成了采煤废气和粉尘的污染源。采煤废气严重污染矿区及其周边的大气环境。但随着锅炉房位置的正确布局,燃烧设备和技术的改进,烟囱高度的正确选择等一系列技术管理措施的改善,可以使锅炉排气对生活区的危害降至低限。煤矿粉尘直接损害了井下工人的健康,造成很高的尘肺发病率,危害十分严重。而且大量粉尘也随着矿井排风进人大气,污染生活环境。煤矿区地面也有很多粉尘污染源,如煤机厂的翻砂和清砂粉尘、烧结机粉尘,建材企业的球磨和破碎粉尘、水泥粉尘等。此外,选煤厂受煤坑、煤的破碎和干筛分、运输转载部分、储煤场、煤泥晾晒等都是主要的扬尘点。中国煤矿区的锅炉房大都采取了除尘措施,多数企业能做到达标排放;对于扬尘严重的储煤场地也采取了洒水降尘方案。以河南省平顶山矿区两矿储煤场为例,在占地面积约250om2的储煤场,选用了65BP-55型离心泵一台,安装了7只PYI型喷水头。1只安装在煤楼顶部,6只架设在煤场四周。每只喷头的扬程半径35m,可作360度任意旋转,使储煤场洒水覆盖率超过了90%。与此同时,还安设了1台半自动的控制操作柜,可根据洒水情况任意选择喷洒位置。采取了以上洒水降尘措施之后,其周围环境有了显著改善。(赵济州)
