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取材 Sampling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 02:12:02


取材 Sampling英语短句 例句大全



1.Sampling details when researching the mitochondria ultrastructure of colorectal cancer;直结肠癌细胞线粒体研究中样本的取材

2.As a result,there are no unified sampling standards and metadata indexing,and the level of cooperative founding and sharing is relatively low.从总体上看,目前特色数据库建设中存在各自为政的问题,取材标准、元数据标引等都不统一,共建共享水平不高。


1.a tale taken from real+ [ 1 ] life取材于现实生活的故事

2.The articles/ passages are taken from newspapers, textbooks, magazines or journals.所有的文章都取材于报纸,教材,杂志及定期刊物。

3.Applications will draw heavily on material presented in class.应用部分将大量取材于课堂上所讲授的材料。

4.A Brief Discussion on the principle of Object Selection for the Course of Mathematics Experiment浅谈《数学实验》课程中实验题材的取材原则

5.Materials are kept in a warehouse or a storeroom. A "materials requisition"would be send to the warehouse or storeroom when the department of the firm needs materials.材料一般储存在仓库中,需要材料的车间凭领料单领取材料。

6.a bucket for lifting material from a channel or riverbed.从河床或沟提取材料的桶。

7.She sayd that the book id based on a true story.她说那本书取材於一件真事。

8.Wang"s writings were characterized by topic selection from real life, and an unaffected and steady style.他的小说取材真实,风格朴素、沉稳。

9.She said that the book was based on a true story.她说那本书取材于一件真事.

10.The film "The Perfect Storm" is based on a true story.影片《完美风暴》取材于这个真实故事。

11.The dance drama was adapted from a traditional Chinese fairy tale called "Pishan Jiumu"(saving mother by cleaving through the mountain).它取材于中国传统神话故事《劈山救母》:

12.Her book originated in/ from a short story.她的那本书取材于一篇短篇小说。

13.She say that the book be based on a true story她说那本书取材於一件真事

14.objective and balanced programming取材客观、份量均衡的节目

15.This novel has drawn its materials from real life.这本小说取材于现实生活。

16.any wood from which dye is obtained.能从中提取染料的木材。

17.The writer"s raw material is life.作家从生活中汲取素材.

18.Man-made materials have not yet completely replaced natural ones.人造材料还没有完全取代天然材料。


drawing materials取材

1.Research of differentdrawing materials method s clinical value through fibrobronchoscope in diagnosing lung cancer;不同取材方法对纤维支气管镜诊断肺癌的临床价值探讨


1.The feasibility of socializing the teaching of Situation and Policy is elaborated from four aspects: the socialization of thematerial,that of teaching,that of practice and that of service.分析了形势与政策课教学社会化的意义,从取材社会化、教学社会化、实践社会化和服务社会化四个方面论述了形势与政策课教学社会化的可操作性。

2.The tragic writings in ancient Uyghur literature draw theirmaterials partly directly from historic events and real persons and happenings in everyday life and partly from folk stories and legends.维吾尔古代文学中悲剧作品的取材一部分直接来源于历史事件、现实生活中的真人真事;另一部分则是来源于民间故事和传说。

4)material selection材料选取

5)alignment material取向材料

1.A series,three polyimidealignment materials were synthesized from,1,2,3,4-cyclobutanetetracarboxylic dianhydride.以 1,2 ,3,4 -环丁烷四羧酸二酐为原料合成了一个系列三种聚酰亚胺取向材料。

6)Sample targeting靶向取材

1.Sample targeting under stereomicroscopy can raise the detection rate of early colorectal cancer;实体显微镜下靶向取材对提高早期大肠癌检出率的研究


取材1.选取材料。 2.裁度。材,通"裁"。
