100字范文 > 水库生态学 reservoir Ecology英语短句 例句大全

水库生态学 reservoir Ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-20 04:49:20


水库生态学 reservoir Ecology英语短句 例句大全

水库生态学,reservoir Ecology

1)reservoir Ecology水库生态学

1.Besides,in order to make the reservoir development and the environmental protection develop in harmony,the fundamental research of the reservoir ecology should be strengthened.此外,为了水库开发利用与环境保护能更好地协调发展,还需要加强水库生态学的科学理论技术研究。

2)ecological reservoir生态水库

1.To the point of ecology, it advances the view of constructing a super residential eco-cultural village, which includes the construction of anecological reservoir, the collection and eco-treating system of rainwater and the water-circulating system.提出从生态的角度建设高级人居生态文化山庄,包括建设生态水库、雨水收集与生态处理系统和水循环系统。

3)ecological water requirement for reservoir水库生态需水

1.Quantitative analysis ofecological water requirement for reservoirs based on blind number theory;基于盲数理论的水库生态需水量化分析

4)aquatic ecology水生生态学

5)ecological reservoir reoperation水库生态调度

1.A method ofecological reservoir reoperation based-on ecological flow regime;基于生态流量过程线的水库生态调度方法研究


1.Study on Ecological Operations of Reservoirs in the Yellow River黄河干流水库生态调度总体框架研究

2.The Effect of Different Reservoir Operating on Biological Resource in the Basin基于流域生物资源保护的水库生态调度

3.Research on Measurement and Scheme of Ecology Runoff Scheduling for Three Gorge Project;三峡水库生态径流调度措施与方案研究

4.Optimal ecological sound operation of the cascade reservoirs in the lower Yalongjiang River雅砻江下游梯级水库生态友好型优化调度

5.The Operating Simulation of Cascade Reservoirs and It"s Impacts on River Eco-environment;梯级水库群调度模拟及其对河流生态环境的影响

6.On the Harmonious Development of the Ecological Environment and the Economy of the Area of Gaozhou Reservoir;高州水库库区生态环境与经济的协调发展

7.The Research on Dynamic Random Optimal Control of Cascade Reservoir Scheduling;梯级水库调度中的动态随机最优控制研究

8.Application and Dynamic Optimization Model of Cascade Reservoir Optimal Scheduling梯级水库优化调度的动态最优化模型及应用

9.Guizhou Province and Ecological Assessment of Water Security Vulnerability Analysis of Water Resource Base贵州省水安全评价及生态水资源库脆弱度分析

10.Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Tuberculosis Among Middle School Students of Three-Gorges Reservoir Region in Chongqing重庆某库区县中学生结核病知识态度行为调查

11.Investigation and Analysis for Fishery Environment of Jingjiang at the Downstream of the Yangtze River before and after the Three Gorges Reservior Hold Back;三峡水库蓄水运行前后坝下重要渔业水域生态环境的调查分析

12.Legislative Study on Payment Ecosystem Service of Water Resource in Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡库区水资源生态效益补偿制度立法研究

13.Research on Compensation System of Agricultural Ecology in Rural Area around Yuqiao Reservoir于桥水库周边农业生态环境补偿制度研究

14.An Overview of the Application of Bionic Algorithms to Optimal Operation of Reservoirs仿生算法在水库(群)优化调度中的应用综述

15.Flow & Sediment Regime Alteration Downstream Dam and Its Impact on Riverine Ecosystem;水库下游水沙过程调整及对河流生态系统影响初步研究

16.Research on active storage in flooding control forecasted and regulation of a reservoir水库防洪预报调度中动库容问题研究

17.Study on Real-time Optimal Flood Dispatching Model of Zhangze Multi-Reservoir System;漳泽水库库群防洪实时优化调度研究

18.Study on Water Quantity and Water Quality United-operation System Based on Ecosystem in the Lower Yellow River;黄河下游水量水质与生态联合调度系统研究


ecological reservoir生态水库

1.To the point of ecology, it advances the view of constructing a super residential eco-cultural village, which includes the construction of anecological reservoir, the collection and eco-treating system of rainwater and the water-circulating system.提出从生态的角度建设高级人居生态文化山庄,包括建设生态水库、雨水收集与生态处理系统和水循环系统。

3)ecological water requirement for reservoir水库生态需水

1.Quantitative analysis ofecological water requirement for reservoirs based on blind number theory;基于盲数理论的水库生态需水量化分析

4)aquatic ecology水生生态学

5)ecological reservoir reoperation水库生态调度

1.A method ofecological reservoir reoperation based-on ecological flow regime;基于生态流量过程线的水库生态调度方法研究

6)ecological water resource bank生态水资源库

1.Assessment of vulnerability ofecological water resource bank in hilly-land regions,South China: a case study of Hunan Province;南方丘陵区生态水资源库脆弱度评价——以湖南省为例


