100字范文 > 引清调水 clean water diversion英语短句 例句大全

引清调水 clean water diversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-06 03:12:19


引清调水 clean water diversion英语短句 例句大全

引清调水,clean water diversion

1)clean water diversion引清调水

1.Study onclean water diversion in Shanghai City;上海市引清调水工作研究

2.The necessary and favorable conditions forclean water diversion are as follows: the tidal characteristic of the river network, the formation of regionalized comprehensive regulation pattern, the good water quality of water sources, and the research and practice of water diversion experiment.阐明上海市引清调水的有利条件和必要条件为河网的潮汐特性、水利分片综合治理格局已基本形成、水源地水质较好以及调水试验的实践和研究。

3.As the water level in tidal area is changing fast, it is very important to choose a scientific gate operation scheme and a diversion and drainage scheme in the course ofclean water diversion, and this will help to control scouring downstream the gate and to get better effect on the water quality improvement.实施引清调水工程是改善感潮地区城市运河水环境的一项重要辅助措施。


1.Restoration and Optimization about Citation Clearance to Divert River Water Quality Program Research河网水质的引清调水修复及优化调度方案研究

2.Research on Clean Water Diversion Numeric Simulation and Water Diversion Scheme in Urban Lake;城市湖泊引清调水数值模拟与调度模式研究

3.A Study on Water Environment Improvement by Clean Water Diversion in Changzhou City引清活水改善常州城市水环境的研究

4.It can disinfect for quote water, beverage"s water, ice manufacture"s water, cool beverage water.可为引用水,饮料水,制冰水,清凉饮料用水杀毒.

5.The cool water of the lake invites us to swim.清凉的湖水吸引我们去游泳。

6.Influence of Water Diversion and Drainage on Lake Current of Wuxi Watershed in Taihu Lake Basin调水引流对太湖无锡水域湖流的影响

7.Hydraulic Test Study on Access Tunnel A-AN南水北调西线阿安引水隧洞水力学试验研究

8.Study on Optimal Regulation of Hydropower Station Reservoir System with Transbasin Water Diversion;跨流域引水水电站水库系统优化调度研究

9.Environmental Impact of Water Diversion and Regulation on the Surrounding Area引水调控对受水区周边地区水环境影响分析

10.Study on reform of water price in Beijing after water transferring into Beijing from South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调引水进京后北京水价改革研究

11.Summary on the Excavation of Tailrace Surge Chamber in Generating System of Xiaowan Hydropower Station小湾水电站引水发电系统尾水调压室开挖综述

12.Analysis of water quality of Chao Lake in the test of reply Yangtze River to Chao Lake引江济巢调水试验对巢湖湖水水质影响分析

13.The Differences of Scenery Prose Between the Southern and Northern Dynasties;山水清音 南北殊调——论《水经注》与南朝山水文之异

14.Investigation and Analysis on Citations of Journal of Dalian Fisheries College《大连水产学院学报》引文的调查与分析

15.Optimal Water Diversion Models and Its Application in Qinhuai River;秦淮河流域引水调配模型及应用研究

16.Research on Simulation System of Water Dispatch in the Yellow River Irrigated Area of Ningxia;宁夏引黄灌区水量调度仿真系统研究

17.The Thought of the Poetical Works Shui Diao Ge Tou the Projectof Drawing Yellow River in Wan Jia Zhai;《水调歌头·万家寨引黄工程走笔》发微

18.Elementary framework of economic benefit evaluation on water diversion projects引水调控工程经济效益评估初步框架


water division引清调水

1.This paper makes a detailed discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of bioremediation andwater division in trying to regain the quality of the polluted lake water.分析了生物修复和引清调水措施在改善湖泊水环境的优点和不足 ,指出单独采用其中一种方法 ,在解决湖泊污染问题上都存在一定的局限性 ,而将二者结合起来既能充分发挥各自的优点 ,又能加快湖泊生态恢复的步伐。

3)diverting clean water operation引清调度

4)river water diversion引江调水

5)water diversion引调水

1.Based on statistical data,three different dynamic mathematical models were established and used to determine the environmental water demand under different sewage treatment rates andwater diversion sources.利用统计数据建立了3套动态数学模型,进行不同污水处理率下和不同引调水水源的环境需水量计算,确定了合理的污水处理率目标。

6)divert water regulation引水调度


