100字范文 > 思想改造 ideological remoulding英语短句 例句大全

思想改造 ideological remoulding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 17:01:32


思想改造 ideological remoulding英语短句 例句大全

思想改造,ideological remoulding

1)ideological remoulding思想改造

1.Therefore,Mao Zedong recognized the question of “for whom are the literature and art” in a raised level up to political height and principle, emphasized and projected the key link of having theideological remoulding on intellectual in the rectification movement.因此,毛泽东将文艺“为什么人的问题”上升到政治高度、政治原则来认识,强调和突出了知识分子进行“思想改造”这一重要的整风环节。

2.The first important prerequisite ofideological remoulding is ideological criticism.思想改造的首要前提是思想批判,只有对传统思想状况作出全面批判,才能使之得到全面改造。


1.This is the so called ideological remolding.这就是所谓的思想改造。

2.Why is ideological remoulding necessary?为什么要思想改造?

3.Discussion on Dong Biwu s Theory on the Old Judiciary s Thought Reform;董必武旧司法人员思想改造理论研究

4.Study of the Ideological Reform Campaign on Intellectuals during Initial Stage of Establishing the China;建国初期知识分子思想改造运动研究

5.Review of Intellectual s Ideological Transforming Movement in Early Years of New China;建国初期知识分子思想改造运动述评

6.A Study on Intellectuals" Ideological Reform Movement in Shandong University山东大学知识分子思想改造运动研究

7.Advance with Time: Remolding and Joining Party of Thought -Review ZHOU En-lai s Discussion on Remolding of Thought of Leaders;与时俱进:思想改造与思想入党——重温周恩来关于领导干部思想改造的论述

8.Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow--Reflection on the System for Remoulding the Criminal Mindset历史、现状与未来——罪犯思想改造制度的反思

9.The ideological remoulding in the past was necessary and has yielded positive results.过去的思想改造是必要的,收到了积极的效果。

10.The Reconstruction Magazine and the Dissemination of the Socialisms Thought in May 4th;《改造》与五四时期社会主义思想传播

parison of Yan Fu and Yukechi Fukujawa s Thought about Remoulding National Character;严复与福泽谕吉国民性改造思想比较

12.The Change of Mao Zedong s Social Transformation Thought Round about the May 4~(th) Movement;五四前后毛泽东社会改造思想的转变

13.On HuShi s Thoughts of Remolding Chinese National Character during the May Fourth Movement;五四时期胡适的国民性改造思想论略

14.Liang Baitai s Thought in Criminal s Education and Transformation and Its Affects;梁柏台教育改造罪犯的思想及其影响

15.On Young Mao Zedong s Thought of Reforming Society with Morality;论青年毛泽东以道德改造社会的思想

16.The Theoretical Background to form Yan Yangchu s Thought Remolding in the Countryside;晏阳初乡村改造思想形成的理论背景

17.Explore And Analyse National Character s Remolding Ideology Sprout of Mao Tse-tung In His Early Years;早年毛泽东国民性改造思想萌芽探析

18.On "Citizenship Reform" of Mao Zedong in Youth;青年毛泽东“改造国民性”思想探析


ideological remolding思想改造

1.The three-year period from 1949 to 1952 witnessed both the new-born China consolidate and rebuild herself, and also the primary and middle school teachers from the old society adapt to the new one and receive preliminaryideological remolding.思想学习是中小学教师思想改造的基本形式,它通常表现为日常的政治时事学习与假期的集训与轮训,学习的主要内容以提高政治思想觉悟为主。

2.The intellectualsideological remolding movement in the agrarian reform achieved remarkable success, which was reflected in Ding Ling s novel "Sun over the Sangkan River".土地改革中的知识分子思想改造运动,成效显著。

3)thought reform思想改造

1.On Turing Theories to Virtues by Feng Qiand Thought Reform By Mao Tse-tung;冯契“化理论为德性”与毛泽东思想改造论的比较

4)remould one"s ideology改造思想

5)ideological reform思想改造观

6)thought on social innovation社会改造思想

1.Making the transformation of those five aspects clear is very meaningful for understanding Mao sthought on social innovation and the soul of Mao Zedong s thought.“五四”时期青年毛泽东社会改造思想本身是错综复杂的,但细细看来,它主要是从社会改造的出发点、社会改造的目的、社会改造的主体力量、社会改造的方法、社会改造的指导思想这五个方面形成、演进和转变的。


