100字范文 > 知识产权质押 Intellectual Property Mortgage英语短句 例句大全

知识产权质押 Intellectual Property Mortgage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-02 02:54:25


知识产权质押 Intellectual Property Mortgage英语短句 例句大全

知识产权质押,Intellectual Property Mortgage

1)Intellectual Property Mortgage知识产权质押

1.Legislation Value,Present Situation and Suggestion of theIntellectual Property Mortgage in China;我国知识产权质押的立法价值、现状及建议


1.Research and Discussion on Mortgage Credit Financing Knowledge Property Right;知识产权质押贷款融资的对策与研究

2.Case Study on the Intellectual Property Mortgage Loan of IESLab“积成电子”知识产权质押贷款案例剖析

3.Legislation Value,Present Situation and Suggestion of the Intellectual Property Mortgage in China;我国知识产权质押的立法价值、现状及建议

4.The Prevention and Spread Risks Mechanism of Intellectual Property Pledge知识产权质押融资风险分散和防范机制研究

5.An Analysis of the Pledge of Ceramic Intellectual Property Rights陶瓷行业知识产权质押面临问题及其对策补析

6.High-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Pledge Loans of Intellectual Property Rights Should Go Where高科技中小企业知识产权质押贷款应何去何从?

7.Intellectual property impawn solving science style small and medium enterprise financing problem知识产权质押破解科技型中小企业融资难题

8.Right Pledge ?Or Right Mortgage?--On Systematic Choise Of Security Of Intellectual Property;权利质权?抑或权利抵押权?——论知识产权设定担保的体例选择

9.The Assessment and Pledgment of Intellectual Property Right--On the Basis of the Shanghai-Pudong Model by Empirical Method知识产权评估与质押——基于上海浦东模式的实证研究

mentary on American Security Interests in Intellectual Property美国知识产权抵押担保法律制度述评

11.Distinguishing and Analyzing the Intersection between Intellectual Property Right and Human Rights:On Questioning the Idea of "Intellectual Property Rights Belonging to Basic Human Rights";知识产权与人权的关联辨析——对“知识产权属于基本人权”观点的质疑

12.Public Authority of Intellectual Property;论知识产权之公权性质——对“知识产权属于私权”的补充

13.On Intellectual Property Rights Mortgage in China s Cultural Industries;试论知识产权抵押在我国文化产业融资中的应用

14.Trade Secret Right:A Kind of Intellectual Property Right;商业秘密权的知识产权属性——兼论知识产权的性质

15.Research on the Safeguard of Intangible Cultural Heritage under Intellectual Property Law;非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护探究

16.Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection of Intellectual Property Rights on China s Intangible Cultural Heritage Construction of the Intellectual Property System;非物质文化遗产的知识产权保护研究

17.The Essence of Intangible Assets: Based on the Intellectual Property;论无形资产本质:以知识产权为基础

18.A Challenge to the “Doctrine of Monism” in Intellectual Property;质疑知识产权之“人格财产一体性”


intellectual property rights mortgage知识产权抵押

3)pledge right of intellectual property知识产权质权

1.Thepledge right of intellectual property is more and more important in recent intellectual time.在当今知识经济已露端倪的时代,知识产权质权制度越来越显示出其重要的地位和意义。

2.Thepledge right of intellectual property is the right established with the intellectual property as the subject-matter.知识产权质权,即以知识产权为标的物而设定的质权。

4)Intellectual Property loan知识产权抵押担保

1.It grows very fast in AmericanIntellectual Property loans within several decades.美国的知识产权抵押担保融资近几十年的发展迅速,境内几乎各行业都有专利、版权、商标等的担保实践。

5)Nature of Intellectual Property知识产权本质

6)the essence of the IPR知识产权的本质


