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气液传质 gas-liquid mass transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 17:23:46


气液传质 gas-liquid mass transfer英语短句 例句大全

气液传质,gas-liquid mass transfer

1)gas-liquid mass transfer气液传质

1.Studies ongas-liquid mass transfer characteristics of horizontal vessel;卧式搅拌釜气液传质性能研究

2.Study on characteristics ofgas-liquid mass transfer in vinylidene fluoride emulsion polymerization reactor;偏氟乙烯乳液聚合的气液传质效果影响因素的研究


1.The Study of Marangoni Effect on the Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Process;气液传质过程的Marangoni效应研究

2.Study on Enhancement of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer by Fine Particles in Slurry System;浆料体系中细颗粒增强气液传质研究

3.Experimental Study of Gas-liquid Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Liquid-curtain Type Desulfuration Absorption Tower液幕式脱硫吸收塔中气液传质特性的实验研究

4.Use of Type QYD Gas-Liquid Mass-Transfer Internals in Desulfurization of Shifted GasQYD型气液传质内件在变换气脱硫中的应用

5.Gas liquid mass transfer specific area in microporous membrane gas distributor微孔膜气体分布器气液传质比表面积的研究

6.Investigation of Mathematical Model for Jes Stream Gas-liquid Mass Transfer and Measurement of Diffusivity射流柱气液传质数模研究和扩散系数测定

7.Study on Enhancement of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer by Catalyst Particles in Slurry Reaction System;浆料反应体系中催化剂微粒增强气液传质研究

8.Study on Mechanism and Model of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Enhancement by Dispersed Particles;分散颗粒增强气液传质机理及模型研究

9.Study on Enhancement of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer by Adsorptive Particles in Slurry Bubble Column;浆料鼓泡塔内吸附性微粒增强气液传质研究

10.Studies on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Rotor-Stator Reactor;定—转子反应器气液传质及压降特性研究

11.Study on Enhancement of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer by Ion Exchange Resin Catalyst in Stirred Reactor;搅拌釜中离子交换树脂增强气液传质研究

12.Mass Transfer Characteristics of Gas-Liquid in a Slurry Bubble Column Reactor under High Temperature and High Pressure;高温高压下浆态鼓泡床气液传质特性的研究

13.Study on the Characteristics of Gas-liquid Mass Transfer in the New Type Internal-loop Three-phase Biological Fluidized Bed;新型内循环三相生物流化床气液传质特性研究

14.Study on Phase Equilibrium and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Ethylene Slurry Polymerization System;乙烯淤浆聚合体系相平衡及气液传质研究

15.Research progress of fine porous diffusor in gas-liquid mass transfer微孔扩散器在气液传质过程中的研究进展

16.Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Characteristics of Rotor-Stator Reactor with Different Inner Structures不同内部结构定-转子反应器气液传质实验研究

17.A Wide Energy Spectra Eddy Model of Gas-liquid Mass Transfer and the Recovery and Utilization of the Waste Salt Solution of Cyclohexane Oxidation;气液传质宽谱作用旋涡模型及环已烷氧化废碱液的回收利用



gas liquid mass transfer气液传质

1.The gas phase mass transfer process was studied experimentally based on the double film theory when chlorine and acetone chlorinated in a short parallel flow wetted wall tube,and the effect of acetone liquid flow rate( V L) and chlorine gas flow rate ( Q G) and the length ( l ) of the wetted well tube on thegas liquid mass transfer rate has been investigated.统计回归分析得到气液传质通量NG=0 。

2.The new high effectivegas liquid mass transfer stirred reactor: Self mixing Disk Turbine(SDT) was designed.提出了一类新型高效气液传质设备 :自混式圆盘涡轮搅拌设备 (SDT) ,以提高气液反应设备的传质效果 ,降低剪切力。

3.Interfacial properties have an important act ongas liquid mass transfer.界面性质对气液传质有重要影响。

3)gas-liquid mass transfer气-液传质

1.The experimental results show that compared with air-deionized water system the addition of the surface-active additives into water will intensifygas-liquid mass transfer process significantly,which only occurs in a narrow concentration range.实验结果表明,与空气-去离子水体系相比较,添加微量表面活性物质会显著增强氧的气-液传质性能,但这种强化作用仅发生在一定的浓度范围内,超过极限浓度后,液相体积传质系数会有所降低。

4)gas-liquid-liquid three-phase mass transfer气液液三相传质

5)gas-liquid mass transfer气液传质系数

1.Gas dispersion andgas-liquid mass transfer in surface aerated stirred tanks with gas sparging;35 mm/s的条件下,实验测定了3种不同构型的双层桨组合的气液传质系数和搅拌功率。

6)gas-liquid mass transfer characteristics气液传质特性

1.00 m3·h-1,thegas-liquid mass transfer characteristics of a rotor-stator-reactor(RSR) were studied via deoxidization of water with N2.0m3·h-1的实验条件下,研究了定-转子反应器(RSR)的气液传质特性,初步考察了操作参数及结构参数对RSR气液传质性能的影响。


气液传质设备分子式:CAS号:性质:又称气液接触设备(gas-liquid contact equipment)。用以进行气液传质过程的设备。气液传质过程是在气(或汽)相和液相两相间进行的质量传递过程。化工中最常用的气液传质过程是精馏和吸收,此外还有洗涤、蒸发、增湿、减湿等。气液传质设备主要有板式塔和填料塔,这是在精馏和吸收中最广泛应用的设备,其他还有喷洒塔、卧式塔、湿泡塔、湿壁塔等。在气液传质设备中除进行传质外,有时还伴以传热,在一些场合还发生化学反应。
