100字范文 > 买卖 trade英语短句 例句大全

买卖 trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-29 04:30:52


买卖 trade英语短句 例句大全



1.With the transformation of self-sufficient natural economy into commercial commodity, thetrade of salt industry has become more and more prosperous.随着自给自足的自然经济向市场交易的商品经济的日益转变,盐业买卖日益兴盛,伴随着的盐业买卖契约便应运而生并日益走向成熟,种类繁多,内容丰富,具有独特的特点,对于今天的不动产买卖合同的完善有着重要的借鉴意义。

2.By literature review and other methods,some legal issues on sports sponsor in China such as the commonweaths and mercantile properties of sport sponsor,the difference between sport sponsor bargain and contribute bargain,the difference between sport sponsor bargain andtrade bargain were studied.从法学角度分析了体育赞助合同与赠与、买卖合同的区别,论述了《合同法》对体育赞助的法律保护中存在的问题,并对完善《合同法》对体育赞助的法律保护进行了探索。

3.During Yuan Dynasty, the phenomena of women populationtrades were very popular.元代女口买卖现象很普遍。


1.Sale or purchase of positions in church or state.圣职买卖,官职买卖

2.sale By Brand凭厂牌买卖(销售)

3.a bad [losing] bargain买得贵,不合算的买卖

4."Both Parties" banks, refer to_____________, as buyer"s bank; ____________________, as Seller"s bank."买卖双方银行:买方银行为_________;卖方银行为__________。

5.central order book中央买卖盘帐目,中央买卖盘纪录

6.Order results in too many orders to the exchange.? Please enter orders separately.买卖盘数量过多,请逐一输入买卖盘。

7.buyer and supplyer contract买方和卖方直接买卖合同

8.strike a bargain (with a person)(与人) 达成买卖的协议 [订买卖契约]

9.The sale of goods Acts apply only to contracts for the sale of goods.货物买卖法只适用于货物买卖合同。

10.An option to buy or sell a stock, including put, call, spread, and straddle.优先购买权买卖股票的选择权,包括投资、交货、买卖差额和买空卖空

11."If you want something to do, go into business!"“不爱闲着,做个买卖去。”

12.He trades in meat.他做肉类买卖生意。

13.land-office business [美)生意兴隆,好买卖

14.The sale netted &1 000.这买卖净赚1 000 英镑。

15.Unless Otherwise Agreed除非买卖双方另有协议

16.date of agreement [agreement for sale and purchase]协议日期〔买卖合约〕

17.Dealer is also used of someone who buys and sells illegally dealer还可指做非法买卖者

18.a remainder merchant买卖剩余图书的书商.



1.Analysis of tenancy andbusiness contracts of vineyard in ancient Turfan;吐鲁番出土租佃与买卖葡萄园券契考析

2.In Tang Dynasty, the legislation of obligatory right established the principle of good faith, which was embodied by setting up a relatively perfect system of warranty against defect inbusiness.在唐代 ,债权立法确立了诚信原则 ,具体到买卖关系中 ,表现为建立了相对完善的瑕疵担保制度。


1.Studies on the Documents of the SlaveSale in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period;古巴比伦时期两河流域地区奴隶买卖文献研究

2.Thus legislative intervention in the sale of human organs should be made in our country.人体器官买卖不利于保证受体生命健康,严重违背生命伦理,是一种新型犯罪,并会引发其他犯罪,因而,我国应对人体器官买卖进行立法干预。

4)purchase and sale卖买


6)transactions of organs器官买卖

1.The result of diagnoses the group of research project has taken in HeNan about attitude to transplant of vital organs of living body shows: First, the populace agrees that we take transplant of vital organs; Second, many citizens object thetransactions of organs, but many people agree with it; Third, the main reason why people are willing to donate the organs of their relatives is affection.对河南地区公众关于活体大器官移植态度进行的抽样调查结果显示:(1)公众赞成开展活体大器官移植;(2)多数公众反对器官买卖,但赞成器官买卖的也有相当大的比例;(3)亲情是亲属活体器官捐献者愿意捐献的主要原因。


