100字范文 > 低浓度废水 low strength wastewater英语短句 例句大全

低浓度废水 low strength wastewater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-12 23:03:37


低浓度废水 low strength wastewater英语短句 例句大全

低浓度废水,low strength wastewater

1)low strength wastewater低浓度废水

1.Study on the operation characteristics of anaerobic baffled reactor treatinglow strength wastewater;厌氧折流板反应器处理低浓度废水的运行特性研究

2.Progress in anaerobic treatment oflow strength wastewaterunder psychrophilic conditions;低温厌氧处理低浓度废水研究进展

3.The result of anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR) treatinglow strength wastewater on mesophilic condition indicates that on the condition of influent CODCr concentration of about 500 mg/L,HRT 3~12 h,the reactor was efficient in the removal of CODCr,viz above 84%,effluent CODCr concentration of 75 mg/L.对厌氧折流板反应器在中温条件下处理低浓度废水的试验结果表明:在进水CODCr浓度为500mg/L、水力停留时间为3~12h时,CODCr的平均去除率可达84%,出水CODCr浓度可降至75mg/L。



2.Study on the Treatment of Low Strength Wastewater Using Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;厌氧折流板反应器处理低浓度废水的研究

3.Study on Performance and Process Parameters of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) in Treating Low-strength Wastewater;ABR处理低浓度废水效能及影响因素的研究

4.Study on Starting of Opposite Folded Plate Reactor Treatment of Low Strength Wastewater异波折板反应器处理低浓度废水启动研究

5.The Start-up and Operational Performance of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) Treating Low-strength Wastewater;ABR处理低浓度废水的启动方式与运行效能特性研究

6.Development of Study on Treatment Technology for Wastewater with Low-level Uranium Content of Nuclear Industry核工业低浓度含铀废水处理技术进展

7.Studies of Treating Low-strength Organic Wastewater at Low Temperature Using ASBR-SBR System;ASBR-SBR处理低温低浓度有机废水的试验研究

8.Techniques of Low COD Analysis of Waste Water with High Chloride高氯离子废水中低浓度化学需氧量分析技术

9.Treatment on the Lower Concentration Phenol-Containing Wastewater from Coal Gasification-Coke Oven by Activated Sludge Process活性污泥法处理低浓度煤气化-焦化含酚废水

10.Experimental Study of High and Low Concentration Dairy Wastewater by Anaerobic and Aerobic;厌氧—好氧工艺处理高低浓度乳品废水试验研究

11.Study on the Separation of Low Concentration Dimethylamine from Wastewater of Synthetic Leather Industry合成革工业废水中低浓度二甲胺的分离研究

12.Separation of Low-concentration Methanol from Wastewater Using Pervaporation Composite Membrane渗透汽化复合膜分离废水中的低浓度甲醇

13.Removal of low-level heavy metal ions by polymer-enhanced ceramic membrane filtration process聚合物强化陶瓷膜处理低浓度重金属废水

14.Dilute Nickel Wastewater Treatment by Improved Electrodeionization Technology特种分离电去离子技术处理低浓度含镍废水

15.Study on Removal of Low Concentration Phosphate in Wastewater by Al Cross-linked Modified Bentonite铝交联改性膨润土处理低浓度含磷废水的研究

16.Degrading Low Concentration Chlorobenzene in Wastewater by Aerobic Bio-packing Tower低浓度氯苯废水在曝气生物填料塔中的降解

17.Removal of cadmium ions from low concentration wastewater containing cadmium by modified starch改性淀粉在低浓度含镉废水处理中的应用实验

18.Reduce the Steaming Process to Optimize the Operation of Waste Ammonia Concentration of NH_3-N优化工艺操作降低蒸氨废水的NH_3-N浓度


low concentration wastewater低浓度废水

1.The research probes into the feasibility onlow concentration wastewater treated by inner cycle of aerobe in three-phase bio-fluidized bed and the growing characteristics of biological-membrane.本研究探讨了好氧内循环三相生物流化床处理低浓度废水的可行性和生物膜生长特性。

2.This paper focuses on the feasibility of utilizing the photoelectric colorimetry to determine the COD_(Cr) oflow concentration wastewater.比较了回流法和分光光度法测定低浓度废水化学需氧量(CODCr)的分析结果,在保证较高的准确度和精密度的前提条件下,后者能大量减少试剂用量,缩短分析时间。

3)Low-strength wastewater低浓度废水

1.Study on the startup of ABR treating low-strength wastewater;ABR处理低浓度废水的启动研究

2.Anaerobic Baffled Reactor(ABR), which has been successfully applied in high-strength organic wastewater treatment with good progress, is a new type of high-efficiency anaerobic reactor, and its application and research in treating low-strength wastewater has also been paid more and more attention.厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)作为一种新型高效的处理工艺,不仅在高浓度有机废水的研究和应用方面取得了较大的进展,而且在处理低浓度废水方面也越来越引起重视。

3.The impact of hydraulic retention time(HRT) in an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) on its operation performance and granular sludge characteristics was investigated through both testing its operation and analyzing the particle size distribution(PSD) and fractal dimensions of these sludge granules when treating low-strength wastewater.采用效果检测、粒度分布与分形等方法,研究了ABR处理低浓度废水时水力停留时间(HRT)对其运行状况和颗粒污泥特征的影响。

4)low strength organic wastewater低浓度有机废水

1.Influence of temperature on UASB reactor treatinglow strength organic wastewater;温度对UASB反应器处理低浓度有机废水的影响

5)low-concentration uranium-bearing wastewater低浓度含铀废水

1.On the basis of analyses of the source and characteristics of thelow-concentration uranium-bearing wastewater,the conventional treatment technologies,such as,flocculating settling,ion exchange,concentration,adsorption,and some innovatory technologies,such as,membrane,microorganism,phytoremediation and zero-valent iron tech.为防止放射性核素的迁移扩散,迫切需要一种低廉有效的处理方法对日益增多的低浓度含铀废水进行治理。

6)low concentration organic wastewater低浓度有机废水

1.Experimental study on start-up oflow concentration organic wastewater treatment in IC reactor;IC反应器处理低浓度有机废水的启动实验研究


焦化厂含酚氰废水处理设计(见含酚氰废水处理设计)焦化厂含酚氰废水处理设计(见含酚氰废水处理设计)design of phenolic and cyanic waste water treatment for coking plantJ iaohuaehang honfenging feishui ehuli sheji焦化厂含酚氛废水处理设计(design of phe-nolie and eyanie waste water treatment foreoking plant)见含酚氛度水处理设计。
