100字范文 > 财务报表分析 financial statement analysis英语短句 例句大全

财务报表分析 financial statement analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-20 05:59:57


财务报表分析 financial statement analysis英语短句 例句大全

财务报表分析,financial statement analysis

1)financial statement analysis财务报表分析

1.The Study on Financial Statement Analysis and Enterprise Value;财务报表分析与企业价值研究

2.This makes thefinancial statement analysis method more integration and clear.针对财务信息的这种模糊性本文试图将模糊数学方法引入财务报表分析,利用模糊数学集合论与层次分析法相结合的方法,建立了模糊分析的指标体系,并进行了财务质量的模糊综合评判,使财务报表分析的方法体系更完整、报表分析更清晰,并结合具体实例进行了模型的应用分析,为财务报表分析提供了一种辅助手段。

3.In order to better train students abilities of evaluating business financial situation and economic performance throughfinancial statement analysis,the Central Radio and TV University reforms the course examination way of thefinancial statement analysis.为了更好地培养学生进行财务报表分析进而评价企业财务状况和经营成果的能力,中央电大对财务报表分析课程的考核方式进行了改革。


1.Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析的目的

2.Before using financial statements analysts must review the auditor" s opinions carefully.在使用财务报表之前,财务报表分析者必须认真地阅读审计报告。

3.Source of Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析的信息来源

4.Financial Statements Analysis of Yanjing Beer;燕京啤酒股份有限公司财务报表分析

5.The Research of the Related Quality between Financial Statement Analysis and Security Investment;财务报表分析与证券投资相关性研究

6.Financial Statements Analysis of Pharmaceutical Listed Corporations in Jilin Province;吉林省制药业上市公司财务报表分析

7.An application of method of serial replacement to analysis of accounting reports;连环替代法在财务报表分析中的应用

8.A Discussion of Teaching Method of 《Financial Statements Analysis》《财务报表分析》课程教学方法探讨

9.Financial statement analysis can fulfill the analysts" demands.财务报表分析是能够满足分析者的这些要求的。

10.The Use of Synthesize Target in Financial Reports Analysing;浅析综合指标在财务报表分析中的应用

11.Topics include working capital management and financial statement analysis.主题包括营运资金的管理及财务报表分析。

12.Analyze Financial Statement and Apply Probit Model to Forecast Excess Stock Returns of China;财务报表分析与中国股市超额收益的概率预测

13.Research on Consolidated Financial Statement Analysis;关于合并财务报表分析的若干问题研究

14.Corporate Finance: Focuses on reading and analyzing financial statements.企业财务:着重于分析财务报表。

15.The Time Characteristics of Financial Report and Its Effect on Financial Analysis;财务报表的时间性特征及其对财务分析的影响

16.Unveil the Suning Appliance Co.,LTD. Based on the Financial Report;透析苏宁电器:以财务报表为分析工具

17.The Analysis and Optimization Design of Group s Finance Report System;集团财务报表系统的分析与优化设计

18.Analysis on the"Financial Statement Insurance"Audit Commissioned Mode;“财务报表保险制度”审计委托模式分析


Financial Statements Analysis财务报表分析

1.Financial Statements Analysis of Yanjing Beer;燕京啤酒股份有限公司财务报表分析

3)analysis of financial statements财务报表分析

4)present financial statement现行财务报表分析

5)system of financial statement analysis财务报表分析体系

6)Financial Report Analysis System财务报表分析系统


