100字范文 > 连读变调 tone sandhi英语短句 例句大全

连读变调 tone sandhi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-07 00:28:56


连读变调 tone sandhi英语短句 例句大全

连读变调,tone sandhi

1)tone sandhi连读变调

1.An OT solution to the paradox of Tianjintone sandhi;“天津话连读变调之谜”的优选论解释

2.The Optimality Theoretic Analysis of Errors in Tone Sandhi Acquisition;连读变调习得偏误的优选论分析


1.Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Kangle Dialect as a Three-Tones Dialect, Gansu Province三声调方言康乐话的两字组连读变调

2.FF Sandhi Rule in Tianjin Dialect: A Sociolinguistic Variable;去去连读变调规则:社会语言学变项

3.Southern Min tone sandhi and the allomorph selection hypothesis;闽南语连读变调与词素变体选择假设

4.Tone Sandhi (Tone Mutation) of the Liaison in Hai an Dialect;海安方言连读变调中的“变上”现象

5.The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County, Guangdong Province广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调

6.Tone Sandhi in Changsha Chinese: An Optimality Theoretic Account;汉语长沙方言连读变调之优选论分析

7.Tone Sandhi of the Suffix [a]仔 of Zhangzhou dialect in Fujian province;漳州方言“仔”缀词的两字组连读变调

8.An OT solution to the paradox of Tianjin tone sandhi;“天津话连读变调之谜”的优选论解释

9.On the Expositive Research of Modern Chinese Tone-Sandhi;试论现代汉语连读变调的解释性研究

10.Constant Tonal Modification in the Two-word Phrases of Nanfeng Dialect of Shixia, Shangrao County;上饶县石峡南丰话两字组的连读变调

11.Tone Sandhi in Fu"an Dialect: An Optimality Theoretic Account闽语福安方言连读变调之优选论分析

12.A Experimental Analysis of the tone and Tone Sandhi of Meixian Hakka;梅县客家方言单字调和连读变调实验分析

13.The Tackling of Tone Sandhi in Kunshan Dialect and a Comparison Between It and Shanghai & Suzhou Dialects;昆山方言连读变调的处理及与上海、苏州的比较

14.Optimality Theory analysis of tone sandhi of western Wuji dialect in Hebei Province;河北无极西部话连读变调的优选论分析

15.Practical Significance and Feasibility of Changing Courses in Written Marking;书面标示连读变调的现实意义与可行性

16.An Optimality Theoretic Analysis of Tone Sandhi and Neutral Tones in Trisyllabic Sequence in Hefei Dialect;合肥话连读变调与三字组轻声的优选论分析

17.Experimental Study on Two-syllable Tone in Linxia center of the state Dialect临夏方言中心区双音节连读变调的实验研究

18.Studies on Fall-Rise Sandhi Tone in Wuzhi Dialect of Henan Province and Its Origin河南武陟方言的降升式连读变调及其成因初探


trisyllabic tone sandhi三字组连读变调

1.Aiming to find the current situation oftrisyllabic tone sandhi, this sociolinguistic research ontrisyllabic tone sandhi involving only one operation in Tianjin dialect is carried out.因此,作者就天津话三字组一次连读变调作了一次社会语言学的调查,以发现三字组连读变调的现状。

3)disyllabic tone sandhi两字组连读变调

1.Kangle dialect is a three-tones dialect,this paper describes itsdisyllabic tone sandhi,and discusses its sandhi rules and neutral tones’nature.本文描写了康乐方言两字组连读变调情况,讨论了变调的规律和轻声的性质。

4)Tone Sandhi of Haimen Dialect海门话的连读变调

5)intonation patterns of sound cluster连读调式

1.There emerged 36 kinds ofintonation patterns of sound cluster of double characters group in Qishan dialect.岐山方言语音中两字组连读共产生了36种连读调式。

6)tonal sandhi声调连读


