100字范文 > 20世纪前期 the early 20th century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪前期 the early 20th century英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-16 13:22:37


20世纪前期 the early 20th century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪前期,the early 20th century

1)the early 20th century20世纪前期

1.Inthe early 20th century,the system of occupational income of comprador got maturity and perfect.20世纪前期,买办的职业报酬制度达到成熟和完善。


1.The core of comprador system consisted of guarantee system, responsibility and reward system, aegis system and so on.这些制度在20世纪前期基本成型。

2.Research on the History of Chinese Knowledge Education in the Early 20th Century;20世纪前期语文知识教育史研究初探

3.The Spreading of Hollywood Films in Chinese Version in the First Half of the 20th Century;20世纪前期好莱坞影片的汉译传播

4.Hunan Translation Literaturein the Early of 20th Century and Hunan Culture;20世纪前期湖南翻译文学与湖湘文化

5.Four Famous Dans and Early Twentieth Century Shanghai;“四大名旦”和20世纪前期的上海

6.On conceptual change in opera in early 20~(th) century试论20世纪前期国人戏曲观念之转变

7.Iron Industry in Jincheng and Peasant life in Earlier Stage of 20th Century(Part One)20世纪前期的晋城铁业与农民生活(1)

8.Development and evolvement of Chinese geography magazine in the early 20th century;20世纪前期中国地理学期刊的发展演变

9.A Study of Crisscross Area of Pastoralism and Agriculture in Ordos from the 18~(th) Century to Early 20~(th) Century18—20世纪前期鄂尔多斯农牧交错区域研究

10.Treaty of Sévres and problems of Turkish Kurds in the early 20th century《色佛尔条约》与20世纪前期土耳其的库尔德问题

11.Development and operation of China’s design industry in first half of 20th century;20世纪前期中国设计行业的发展与运行

12.Peasants Wives:One Oral Account of Huizhou Women in the Early 20th Century;农民的妻子:20世纪前期徽州妇女的口述史之一

13.Tianjin s Water Supply and the Evolution of Urban Life in the Early 20~(th) Century;20世纪前期天津水供给与城市生活的变迁

14.The Way of Social Status Expression of Rural People in North China in the Early 20th Century;20世纪前期华北乡村民众的社会地位表达方式

15.A Brief Discussion of the Modern Neo-Confucianism in the First Half of the 20th Century;20世纪前半期现代新儒学评价研究

16.On the Policy toward Korea by Chinese Communist Party in the First Half of the Twentieth Century;20世纪前半期中国共产党人的韩国观

17.The Influence of the Returned Students on the Trend of Thought in the Chinese Literature of Early 20th Century;留学生与20世纪中国前期文学思潮

18.The Triangular Relationship: China, Japan and the United States In the First Half of the 20~(th)Century;20世纪前半期的中日美三角关系述论


the first half of the 20th century20世纪前半期

1.Investigations and researches of ethnic peoples in southwest China had been one of the academic focuses of the country inthe first half of the 20th century.西南民族调查与研究是20世纪前半期中国学术的一大热点,杨成志从1928年的滇川调查开始,致力于西南民族研究,两度出洋留学考察,博采欧美学术,并以中山大学为依托,训练出一批研究西南民族的杰出人才,中山大学因而成为西南民族研究的重镇,杨成志也成为西南民族调查与研究的先驱。

2.Inthe first half of the 20th century,a batch of non-government organizations which advocated public health played a great role in the public health promotion campaign and epidemic disease treatment.20世纪前半期上海一批倡导公共卫生的民间组织在公共卫生宣传和时疫救治中发挥了相当作用。

3)18~th-early 20century18-20世纪前期

4)Before the 20th century20世纪前

5)early 1950s20世纪50年代前期

6)early twentieth century Shanghai20世纪前期的上海


