100字范文 > 感度 sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

感度 sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-17 14:24:23


感度 sensitivity英语短句 例句大全



1.Fuzzy evaluation method for synthesissensitivity of solid propellant;固体推进剂综合感度模糊评价法

2.Study on Desensitizing RDX Film and Its Sensitivity;钝化黑索今薄膜及其感度的研究

3.Influence of Aluminum Shape and Size on Sensitivity of Pyrotechnic Flash Composition;铝粉的粒度和形状对闪光剂感度的影响


1.The purpose of this work is to synthesize hydrophilic photosensitive polymers which possess highphotosensitivity and at the same time high water resistance to fulfill the requirements of making screen printing plate for manufacturing electronic circuit board and thick film for integrated circuit and so on.用重氮树脂为光敏剂、聚乙烯醇和聚醋酸乙烯酯为成膜剂制作了感光性树脂 ,研究了聚醋酸乙烯酯对提高感光性树脂的耐水性的作用以及其对体系感度的影响。

2.Characteristic curves were determined for the siloxane polymers that were synthesized by the reaction with different acrylates, and by doing so thephotosensitivity of UV curing reaction for acrylic siloxane polymers was obtained.对带有不同丙烯酸酯结构的有机硅聚合物 ,通过对其光固化特性曲线的研究 ,得出它们的光固化感度值 ,其范围在 2 5~ 70 m J/ cm2。

3.The purpose of this work is to synthesize hydrophilic photosensitive polymers which possess highphotosensitivity and at the same time high water resistance to fulfill the requirements of making screen printing plate for manufacturing electronic circuit board and thick film for integrated circuit and so on.本文用重氮树脂为光敏剂,用聚乙烯醇和聚醋酸乙烯酯为成膜剂制作了感光性树脂,研究了聚醋酸乙烯酯对提高感光性树脂的耐水性的作用以及其对体系感度的影响。

3)Awareness sensitivity感知敏感度

4)chromatic sensitivity感色敏感度

5)temperature sensitivity index (Q10)温度敏感度

6)temperature sensing温度传感

1.Based on DS18B20 Distributedtemperature sensing system;基于DS18B20的分布式温度传感系统

2.Theoretical and experimental studies on the strain andtemperature sensingperformance of optical FBG;光纤布拉格光栅应变与温度传感特性及其实验分析

3.Theory and experiment about in-fiber Bragg gratingtemperature sensing;光纤光栅温度传感理论与实验


1.pyroelectric temperature transducer [sensor]热释电式温度传感器

2.medium temperature sensor in pipeline管道内介质温度传感器

3.thermocouple surface temperature sensor热电偶表面温度传感器

4.double platinum resistance temperature sensor双支铂电阻温度传感器

5.special temperature sensor in chemical fiber化纤专用温度传感器

6.thermistor temperature sensor热敏电阻式温度传感器

7.bimetallic temperature transducer双金属片温度传感器

8.function type optic-fibre temperature transducer功能型光纤温度传感器

9.Establishing a Temperature Monitoring System Using DS1620 Temperature Sensor利用DS1620温度传感器构成温度监控系统

10.fabric temperature sensor织物温度传感器,织物测温计

11.A New Packaging Structure of Stress-Insensitive FBG Temperature Sensor新型应力不敏感FBG温度传感封装结构

12.The Design and Realization of High Precision CMOS Temperature Sensors高精度CMOS温度传感器的设计与实现

13.LM74-Based Real-Time Temperature Monitoring and Control in Environment;LM74数字温度传感器在环境温度监控中的应用

14.Design of temperature cycling detection system based on MCGS and digital temperature sensor基于MCGS数字温度传感器的温度巡检系统设计

15.Study on a Fiber Grating Sensor System and Temperature-Sensing Measurement;光纤光栅传感系统及对温度传感的研究

16.According to this a temperature sensing scheme with enhanced sensitivity is proposed.由此提出一种敏感度增强的温度传感方案.

17.Fabry-Perot fiber-optic temp sensor法布里-珀罗光纤温度传感器

18.non-function type optic-fibre temperature transducer非功能型光纤温度传感器



1.The purpose of this work is to synthesize hydrophilic photosensitive polymers which possess highphotosensitivity and at the same time high water resistance to fulfill the requirements of making screen printing plate for manufacturing electronic circuit board and thick film for integrated circuit and so on.用重氮树脂为光敏剂、聚乙烯醇和聚醋酸乙烯酯为成膜剂制作了感光性树脂 ,研究了聚醋酸乙烯酯对提高感光性树脂的耐水性的作用以及其对体系感度的影响。

2.Characteristic curves were determined for the siloxane polymers that were synthesized by the reaction with different acrylates, and by doing so thephotosensitivity of UV curing reaction for acrylic siloxane polymers was obtained.对带有不同丙烯酸酯结构的有机硅聚合物 ,通过对其光固化特性曲线的研究 ,得出它们的光固化感度值 ,其范围在 2 5~ 70 m J/ cm2。

3.The purpose of this work is to synthesize hydrophilic photosensitive polymers which possess highphotosensitivity and at the same time high water resistance to fulfill the requirements of making screen printing plate for manufacturing electronic circuit board and thick film for integrated circuit and so on.本文用重氮树脂为光敏剂,用聚乙烯醇和聚醋酸乙烯酯为成膜剂制作了感光性树脂,研究了聚醋酸乙烯酯对提高感光性树脂的耐水性的作用以及其对体系感度的影响。

3)Awareness sensitivity感知敏感度

4)chromatic sensitivity感色敏感度

5)temperature sensitivity index (Q10)温度敏感度

6)temperature sensing温度传感

1.Based on DS18B20 Distributedtemperature sensing system;基于DS18B20的分布式温度传感系统

2.Theoretical and experimental studies on the strain andtemperature sensingperformance of optical FBG;光纤布拉格光栅应变与温度传感特性及其实验分析

3.Theory and experiment about in-fiber Bragg gratingtemperature sensing;光纤光栅温度传感理论与实验


感度感度sensitivity在火炸药中加人一定量的附加物(如蜡、高聚物、石墨、玻璃粉等)对火炸药进行钝化或敏化处理,可获得符合使用要求的感度。(俞统昌)gQndu感度(s ensitivity)在外界作用下,火炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度。根据外界作用性质的不同,感度又可分为热感度、火焰感度、机械感度(撞击、摩擦、针刺)、爆轰感度、冲击波感度、静电火花感度等。对火炸药感度总的要求是一方面在意外的外界作用下不产生燃烧或爆炸,另一方面使用时能在预定的作用下准确可靠地点火或起爆。不同用途的火炸药要求有不同的感度,如起爆药在一定的针刺和火焰的作用下要求能准确起爆,因此要有适当的机械感度和火焰感度。炸药在起爆器材的作用下要能很快达到稳定爆轰,要求有适当的爆轰感度和冲击波感度,对在高温条件下使用的火炸药,要求有较低的热感度。同一种火炸药的各种感度之间并没有当量关系。感度是决定火炸药能否得到实际应用的重要的特性。评定火炸药的感度有不同的方法:如评定撞击感度是用一定质量的落锤以一定的落高撞击一定质量的火炸药,得到火炸药的爆炸概率,或一定质量的落锤撞击火炸药得到爆炸概率为50%时的落高(临界落高);评定摩擦感度是用一定挤压应力及摆锤下落摆角时的爆炸概率;评定热感度是用满足一定延滞时间(5秒或5分)火炸药发生爆炸的环境温度(爆发点)等。
