100字范文 > 工艺品质 processing quality英语短句 例句大全

工艺品质 processing quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-19 23:56:21


工艺品质 processing quality英语短句 例句大全

工艺品质,processing quality

1)processing quality工艺品质

2)quality of printing process印刷工艺品质

1.Some problems existing in the process of manufacturing passive RFID antenna were analyzed,and a new way of controlling thequality of printing process by multivariate linear model was proposed.分析了无源RFID标签天线印刷制造过程中存在的问题,提出了用多元线性模型控制印刷工艺品质的思路,并针对印刷网版目数和墨层厚度两个工艺参数,构建了与天线总阻抗之间关系的线性回归数学模型。

3)Chipping and agronomic trait加工品质和农艺性状


5)artistic quality艺术品质

1.Through the analyses of itsartistic quality and study history, the author finds there are two pillars for literary canonization: one isartistic quality of works and another its reception.通过对《红楼梦》艺术品质的分析、对“红学”流变的分析,发现文学经典化有两极一极是著作的艺术品质,另一极是文本的接受。

2.A combination between the absurd aesthetic taste of the Weird and the exquisite style of the legend, and the focusing on the portrayal of images lend a freshartistic quality to the Tang human-ghost loves.唐传奇中人鬼之恋题材的开发有一个从模仿六朝志怪到独立创造的过程;将志怪的荒诞审美情趣与传奇的细腻笔法相结合,突出人物形象的刻画,从而使唐代人鬼之恋小说具有了新的艺术品质;而这种小说艺术的成长,又与道教精神的影响分不开。

3.It is stressed in this paper that the elevation of Chinese prose in Macao lies in elevating itsartistic quality.本文强调澳门华语散文的提升应落实于散文艺术品质的提升。


1.On the Artistic Quality Orientation of Contemporary Chinese Poetry;论中国当代诗歌在艺术品质上的取向

2.Artistic Character and Cultural value in "Peacock" and "Ke Ke Xi Li";《孔雀》与《可可西里》的艺术品质和文化价值

3.(fine arts) having qualities unique to the art of painting.(美术)具有绘画艺术的独特品质。

4.Reading of Das Ursprung des Kunstwerkes;《艺术作品的本源》解读——海德格尔艺术本质观初探

5.museum pieces, archives and object d"art珍品、文献、艺术品

6.Overall, the nature of the market is changing.总的说来,艺术品市场的性质正在变化。

7.An artist must posess good characters.艺术家必须具备良好的品质

8.Thinking Upon Poetics: On the Poetic Feature of Art;向诗而思:关于艺术的诗性品质的阐释

9.Question on Protecting Works of Folklore under Copyright Law质疑民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护

10.Engtiness and Illustion--Artistic Features of the Essays of Zhang Dai空灵与空幻——张岱小品的艺术特质

11.A literary or artistic work of poor quality, produced quickly for profit.粗制文艺作品为金钱而匆促写成的劣质文学作品或艺术作品

12.A graphic work, irrespective of its artistic quality, is an artistic work.图画作品不论其艺术特质如何,它首先是艺术作品。

13.Style is Personal Integrity--on the Role of the Temperament of Artists in the Works from the aspect of ancient Paintings;风格即人格——就古代绘画艺术看艺术家的气质在作品中的作用

14.Production of objects of art, especially fine antique objets d"art.艺术品,古董尤指艺术品中的古董精品

15.An artistic composition using various materials;an assemblage or a collage.艺术品用各种材料制成的艺术作品;装配艺术品或拼贴艺术品

16.Now a lost art, it appears that this quality of bell bowl cannot be reproduced today.现在失去了艺术,看来这品质钟碗不能转载。

17.The quality and preparing technology of this product are of the lead position in domestic level.产品质量和工艺技术达到国内领先水平。

18.The quality of the products made with advanced technology is of course relatively high.采用先进技术和工艺制造的产品,质量当然就高。


quality of printing process印刷工艺品质

1.Some problems existing in the process of manufacturing passive RFID antenna were analyzed,and a new way of controlling thequality of printing process by multivariate linear model was proposed.分析了无源RFID标签天线印刷制造过程中存在的问题,提出了用多元线性模型控制印刷工艺品质的思路,并针对印刷网版目数和墨层厚度两个工艺参数,构建了与天线总阻抗之间关系的线性回归数学模型。

3)Chipping and agronomic trait加工品质和农艺性状


5)artistic quality艺术品质

1.Through the analyses of itsartistic quality and study history, the author finds there are two pillars for literary canonization: one isartistic quality of works and another its reception.通过对《红楼梦》艺术品质的分析、对“红学”流变的分析,发现文学经典化有两极一极是著作的艺术品质,另一极是文本的接受。

2.A combination between the absurd aesthetic taste of the Weird and the exquisite style of the legend, and the focusing on the portrayal of images lend a freshartistic quality to the Tang human-ghost loves.唐传奇中人鬼之恋题材的开发有一个从模仿六朝志怪到独立创造的过程;将志怪的荒诞审美情趣与传奇的细腻笔法相结合,突出人物形象的刻画,从而使唐代人鬼之恋小说具有了新的艺术品质;而这种小说艺术的成长,又与道教精神的影响分不开。

3.It is stressed in this paper that the elevation of Chinese prose in Macao lies in elevating itsartistic quality.本文强调澳门华语散文的提升应落实于散文艺术品质的提升。


1.Manufacturing of mould forartworks based on rapid prototyping and tooling technology;基于RP和RT技术的工艺品模具制造

2.Surface treatment of zinc castingartworks such as electroplating and colouring processes as well as composition of the solutions is described.介绍锌合金铸造工艺品的电镀、着色等表面处理工艺和处理溶液的组成。

3.By introducing the application of 3D scanner PIX-30 and computer aided engraving machine PNC2300A in model stupa s reverse engineering, this paper explained the common process ofartwork s scanning, CAD model building and rapid prototyping manufacturing and points out the development direction of RE technology inartwork s design and manufacturing.通过阐述使用 PIX—30三维扫描仪和 PNC—2300A型三维雕刻机对佛塔工艺品进行反求的案例,介绍了目前使用较为广泛的反求工程软件以及工艺品反求的一般步骤,指出了工艺品反求的特点及其未来的发展方向。


采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)gas production technology,一‘J\匕乙吕天然气开采工艺pro以uetionteehnology)见
