100字范文 > 平衡协调 balance英语短句 例句大全

平衡协调 balance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 10:13:08


平衡协调 balance英语短句 例句大全



1.In this article, the author tries to analyze the substantial justice, social efficiency, economic security andbalance of economic law to indicate the value difference between economic law and civil law.从经济法的实质正义、社会效益、经济安全和平衡协调的价值着眼 ,说明经济法存在的必要


1.Discussing the Balance between the Construction of Harmonious Society and the Fundamental Principle of Civil Law;论和谐社会的构建与民法基本原则的平衡协调

2.West China Development: An Attempt in Balance and Coordination;西部大开发:平衡协调论的一次伟大尝试

3.The Coordination and Balance of the Relationship about the Current Social Interest;当前社会利益关系的协调与平衡视角

4.Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole;balance or symmetry.均称,平衡整体中各部分之间协调或和谐的关系;平衡或对称

5.Balance of Interest:the Inherent Mechanism of Copyright Law--Analysise on the mechanism of balance of interest;利益平衡:著作权法内在协调机制——解析著作权法利益平衡机制

6.Harmonious. Term applied to wine which is well-balanced.协调的:用于描述酒体平衡良好的葡萄酒。

7.Study on Region Balance and Harmonious Development of China Food Security;中国粮食安全的区域平衡与协调发展研究

8.Performance Analysis and Coordinated Control of Self-balanced and Energy Saving Attachment of Excavator;自平衡节能型挖掘机性能分析与协调控制

9.Pondering over Digital Information Copyright Benefit Balance Mechanism;数字版权利益平衡的社会协调机制研究

10.Research on Regional Economic Uneven and Coordination Development in Inner Mongolia内蒙古区域经济不平衡与协调发展分析

11.Encourage harmonization between international exchange rate policies to balance global economic development加强国际汇率政策协调 促进全球经济平衡发展

12.Coordination and balance between the rights and duties of readers and library图书馆与读者权利和义务关系的协调与平衡

13.How to Coordinate the Relation Between the Benign Development of Animal Husbandry and the Balance of Ecosystem如何协调农牧业的良性发展与生态平衡的关系

paring several data reconciliations applied to a pulp balance system几种数据协调方法在浆纸平衡系统中的应用

15.A Case Study on Cerebral Palsy Child with Maladjustment: Training for Equilibrium and Harmony;脑瘫儿童康复训练个案研究——共济失调型儿童的平衡、协调性训练

16.Well-balanced. Tasting term used to indicate the harmony of wine components.平衡良好的:用于表述葡萄酒中各种成分之间具有协调关系。

17.The basic individual qualities of the archer include balance,concentration,coordination and a sense of timing?个人基本素质包括:平衡,注意力集中,协调和时间感。

18.In a well-balanced organization, reconciling these interests is not usually difficult.在一个平衡较好的组织里,协调这些利益通常是不困难的。


keeping the balance协调平衡

1.Analyzing the importance of current business,new business and business exit to the enterprise’s sustainable growth,we can draw a conclusion: onlykeeping the balance of them,we can realize the enterpriser’s great dream: the enterprise’s sustainable growth.从业务的三个层次 :现有业务、新的业务及业务退出对企业持续成长的作用分析中 ,得出只有保持业务发展的三个层次协调平衡 ,才能实现企业持续成长的结论。

3)balance and coordination平衡和协调

4)balance and cohesion平衡与协调

1.So we have to establish the interest equalization principle,the minimum damages principle and the statutory limits and the amicable limits principle,and achieve thebalance and cohesion between the employer interest,the publ.为了保护自身利益和社会公共利益,雇主对工作场所实施电子监控具有一定的合理性,但是此举也对劳动者的人格尊严权、人身自由权和隐私权产生消极的影响,因此,应当确立利益平衡原则、最小损害原则以及法定限制和意定限制原则,以实现雇主利益、社会公益利益和劳动者精神性人格权法律保护的平衡与协调。

5)Coordination and Equilibrium协调与平衡

1.Coordination and Equilibrium Between Validity of Unauthorized Disposition and Application of Bona Fide Acquisition;论无权处分行为的效力与善意取得适用的协调与平衡

6)balance and coordination principle平衡协调论


