100字范文 > 女性消费者 female consumer英语短句 例句大全

女性消费者 female consumer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 18:29:51


女性消费者 female consumer英语短句 例句大全

女性消费者,female consumer

1)female consumer女性消费者

1.The empirical research onfemale consumers’behavior of TV shopping channel is the weak link of the domestic correlative research.电视购物频道女性消费者行为实证研究是国内相关研究的薄弱环节,而忽视市场调查、忽视女性消费者需求是制约我国电视购物频道作出正确的营销策略、实现经济效益的要因。


1.An Empirical Study on the Willing to Engage in Word-of-mouth for Female Consumers;女性消费者口碑传播意愿的实证研究

2.Investigation Study on female Customers in Commercial Fitness Centers in Beijing;北京市商业性健身场所女性消费者情况调查

3.Investigation on Female Consumers in Commercial Body Building Clubs in Weinan City;渭南市商业健身场所女性消费者情况调查

4.Study on Young-adult Female Consumer in Shanghai and Apparel Brand Merchandising;上海青少年女性消费者研究及服装品牌企划

5.The Empirical Research on Female Consumer Behavior of TV Shopping Channel电视购物频道女性消费者行为实证研究

6.Survey Research on Current Situation of Female Customers in Commercial Sports Fitness Places in Jiangu Province;江苏省商业性体育健身场所女性消费者现状调查

7.Empirical Research about Female Consumers" Impulsive Buying Behavior Tendency Based on Role Characteristics基于角色特征角度的女性消费者冲动性购买行为倾向实证研究

8.A Study on Cultural Differences in Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Chinese and American Working Females;中美职业女性消费者购物决策风格文化差异研究

9.A Study on the Impact of Self-Concept of Female Consumers on China Mobile"s Brand Attitude女性消费者自我概念对中国移动产品品牌态度影响的研究

10.He added that the results also illuminate a gap between the male executives who are marketing the magazines and the consumers.他说,这个研究结果也让我们看到做女性杂志市场营销的男业务员对女性消费者还不够了解。

11.The Consumption Psychology of Chinese Female Tourist and Market Selling Tactics;中国女性旅游消费者心理及市场营销策略

12.There is unproductive consumption by productive consumers.生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。

13.schedule of consumer demand消费者需求表列的性质

14.Research on Female Fashion Magazine"s Guidance for Women Consumption女性时尚杂志对女性消费引导的研究

15.The Decision Influence Research on Factor of Consumers" Brand Choosing--Based on the Empirical Analysis of China"s Female Cosmetic消费者品牌决策影响因素研究——基于中国女性化妆品的实证分析

16.a woman employed by a bar to act as a companion to men customers.被吧店雇来陪男消费者的女人。

17.Get to know the differences of Chinese sporting goods market A consuming habit different from Western consumers了解中国消费者行为的差异性 ——不同于西方消费者的消费习惯

18.Intergenerational Influence s Effect on Consumer Socialization:An Empirical Test of Chinese Urban Consumers;代际影响在消费者社会化中的作用——以我国城市母女消费者为例


female tourist consumers女性旅游消费者

3)female consumption女性消费

1.Female Consumption Culture and Its Cultivation in the Era of Mass Culture;大众文化时代的女性消费文化及其培育

2.Female economy includes many aspects,among which female labor,female financing andfemale consumption are its most important facets.女性经济包括很多方面,其中女性劳动、女性理财、女性消费都是女性经济中的重要方面,与建设和谐社会的关系是不言而喻的。

3.Today with rapid development of network economy and e-business,there appears some new trends infemale consumption.我们应针对这些新动向,采取有效的营销策略,以推动电子商务时代的女性消费。

4)women consumption女性消费

1.In the consumption society,women consumption is becoming more and more important.在当前的消费大潮中,女性消费成为经济发展的新契机和商家重要的利润点,诸多学科都开始关注女性消费,并取得了一定的成果,但是通过对这些研究成果的分析发现,女性消费虽然被置于了较高的地位,但是在女性消费中仍有诸多问题被忽视了。

2.The significance of contemporarywomen consumption has been beyond its original meaning in the consumer society, women\"s consumption activities have more and more showed the added value of commodities,which is symbolic value of signs.当代女性消费在消费社会背景下已超越了消费本身的原有内涵,女性消费者的消费活动越来越凸显了商品的附加价值,即商品的符号象征价值。

5)rational consumer理性消费者

6)characteristics of consumers消费者特性

1.According to the results of questionnaire survey in Hangzhou city, Ordinal Logit model was applicated to explain relations betweencharacteristics of consumers and level of tea demand.根据以杭州市区为样本点的问卷调查资料,应用次序性回归常用的Logit模型来揭示消费者特性与茶叶需求水平之间的关系。


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。
