100字范文 > 环境统计工作 environmental statistical work英语短句 例句大全

环境统计工作 environmental statistical work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-21 21:55:53


环境统计工作 environmental statistical work英语短句 例句大全

环境统计工作,environmental statistical work

1)environmental statistical work环境统计工作

1.This paper analyzes on the main problems existing in Chineseenvironmental statistical work,probes into the reasons why these problems have generated,and advances some countermeasures for solving these problems.分析了我国环境统计工作中存在的主要问题,探讨了产生问题的原因,并提出了解决这些问题的对策。


1.Study on the Problems Existing in and the Countermeasures for the Environmental Statistical Work环境统计工作存在的问题及解决方法

2.Analyse and Suggestion for Guangzhou Current Environment Statistic广州市环境统计工作现状分析及建议

3.Brief talk on How to Accomplish Environmental Statistic Work under New Time浅谈如何做好新形势下的环境统计工作

4.Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics环境统计机构间工作队

5.Work Session on Specific Methodological Issues in Environment Statistics环境统计具体方法问题工作会议

6.Workstations as Environments for the Analysis and Design of Control Systems.利用工作站作为控制系统分析与设计的环境。

7.Environmental Statistics by Industry Branch各工业行业环境统计表

8.Environment, Energy and Industry Statistics Branch环境、能源和工业统计处

9.Medical equipment working conditions temperature long-distance monitor system design医疗设备工作环境温度远程监测系统设计

10.Application of Environmental Performance Auditing on Environmental Protection;环境绩效审计在环境保护工作中的应用

11.The Design and Implementation of a Workflow System for Cooperative Editing Environment;一个适用于协同编辑环境的工作流系统的设计与实现

12.A Statistical Analysis on Working Pressure Source of Alliance Manager under the Network Environment of Enterprise企业网络环境下联盟经理人工作压力源之统计分析

13.A Feature based Expert Process Planning System in CIM Environment集成环境下特征基工艺过程设计系统

14.The Assembly Process Planning System Based on SolidWorks in PDM Environment;PDM环境下基于SolidWorks的装配工艺设计系统

15.The Design and Implementation of an Automatic Processing System of Worksheets under Unix Environment;UNIX环境下自动工单系统的设计与实现

16..Personality and environment of workplace·个性与工作环境。

17.The work plan of environmental protection of 2001 was completed.2001年度环境保护工作计划全面完成。



working environment工作环境

1.Consideration on Improving Internal Auditing Working Environment;关于完善内部审计工作环境的思考

2.When architectural acoustic principle is well followed,goodworking environment with less noise can be obtained.若能在生产中正确运用建筑声学 ,以取得尽可能好的工作环境 ,本文针对当前工矿企业厂房内声环境设计的几个方面问题提出建

3.[Methods]The incidence,mortality and the occupational characteristics of lung cancer in the tin miners in Gejiu City and theirworking environment in the period of 1954-2002 were analyzed and assessed.[结论]流行病学综合分析提示,预防和控制云南锡矿工人肺癌高发的关键是降低工作环境中的氡、砷浓度;其次是在矿工中加强戒烟教育并做好个人劳动保护。

3)environmental work环境工作

1.Theenvironmental work means both of taking the advantage of environment for development and overcoming the disadvantage of it.环境工作有开发利用和保护环境的有利条件及克服和改善环境的不利条件两个方面。

4)work environment工作环境

1.A study on correlation betweenwork environment of nurses and personnel drop-out of them;护士工作环境与护理人员流失的研究进展

2.Influence ofwork environment on living quality of nurses of emergency department;急诊室工作环境对急诊护士生活质量的影响

3.Creating awork environment of scientific experiment with high efficiency——myown understanding on work target in laboratory and equipment management department;营造一个高效率的科学实验的工作环境——我对实验室与设备处工作目标的理解

5)working condition工作环境

1.By measuring the temperature and humidity in a digging tunnel with a working shield machine, this paper points out that the warm and humidity work environment leads to the extremely badworking condition, analyzes the reasons, studies heat and humidity transfer characteristics, and calculates fluid flow by preliminary numerical simulation.通过对掘进中的盾构及隧道内的温度和湿度的实地测量,本文针对盾构施工过程中在其作业区域存在的高温高湿等恶劣的工作环境问题,就其形成的原因和热湿传递的特性进行了分析,还对其中的流场进行了初步的数值模拟,提出了改善盾构作业区域内工作环境的措施。

2.The thesis gives a full analysis on the change of theworking condition of libraries in future,and points out how librarians could get adjusted to the rapid change ofworking condition.随着现代科学技术在图书馆中的广泛应用,使图书馆的工作环境发生了翻天覆地的变化,馆员要适应这种变化,必须要改变思维模式,敢于面对现实,按照读者期待我们的方式给自己重新定位,充分利用本馆及其他馆藏和网络信息为读者提供最满意的服务;馆员要具有活性化:不仅是帮助读者借还图书,做好日常服务工作,还应该有创造性地帮助读者解决问题;作为信息用户的帮助者、顾问、教育者,馆员应熟练掌握计算机操作和各种网络系统及技术知识。

3.In this paper, we describe the Chinese scientistsworking conditions and their feeling based on a survey of 201 scientists.同国外 (包括发达国家和很多发展中国家 )相比 ,中国科学家 (包括从事原创性、应用性研究的自然科学工作者和社会科学工作者 )的薪酬水平、综合待遇等工作环境仍然有较大差距。


1.Analysis ofenvironmental effect on HF surface wave radar performance;高频地波雷达工作环境对系统性能影响的分析


