100字范文 > 征地拆迁 land expropriation英语短句 例句大全

征地拆迁 land expropriation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-11 18:10:55


征地拆迁 land expropriation英语短句 例句大全

征地拆迁,land expropriation

1)land expropriation征地拆迁

1.Based on the analyses of preliminary design,land expropriation,project implementation and funding source of the revitalization of Wuchong in the Pearl River delta,Guangdong Province,it was found that the cost of public municipal projects greatly had been increasing with the urbanization of the suburb in the Pearl River plain,P.以珠江三角洲乌涌综合整治工程为对象,通过前期设计、征地拆迁、工程实施和资金来源等分析,发现由于受城市化影响,市政工程实施的难度也逐渐提高。


1.A Balance Between "Authority" and "Benefits" :An Analysis of Implement Process of Government Policy in The Rural Area--A Study of Requisition of Rural Land;征地拆迁中的“权”“利”制衡——某市高校新区征地拆迁个案研究

2.Research on the Benefit Assignment of the Countryside Collective Land s Drafting and Relocating;农村集体土地征地拆迁利益分配研究

3.Analysis of the Difficulty in Rural Collective Land Requisition and Residents Migration;农村集体土地征地拆迁难的原因分析

4.On Negotiating Skills in Drafts Relocation;浅谈征地拆迁工作中的协调技巧问题

5.Reserch on the Innovation of Compensation Pattern of Land Requisition and Removal on the Basis of Property Law基于物权法的征地拆迁补偿创新探讨

6.A Study on the Resettlement in Land Expropriation and House Removal: From the Perspective of Local Governance;地方治理视野:征地拆迁中居民安置研究

7.Interest Conflicts and Modulation in Land-Acquisition and House-Demolishment of Domestic Urbanization Constructions;我国城市建设征地拆迁利益冲突及调整

8.Investigation and analysis of levy land and resettlement in Linghuaigang Project;临淮岗工程征地拆迁及移民安置调查分析

9.Conflicts of interests in land acquisition and house demolition in urban construction of China;我国城市建设征地拆迁中的利益冲突研究

10.Attaching Importance to Land Requisition and Old House Demolishing Improving Executive Ability;做好征地拆迁工作,是提高执政能力的体现

11.A Study on the Contradictions of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition in the Current Process of Urbanization in China当前我国城市化进程中征地拆迁矛盾研究

12.Interest Competition and Political Process of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition in Rural China农村征地拆迁中的利益博弈与政治过程

13.Factor Analysis on Satisfaction of Project Resettlement and Land Requisition--A Case Study on the Land Requisition in a Highway Project;工程性移民征地满意度的影响因子分析——以某公路征地拆迁为例

14.Policies and Strategies on Farmers in Land Requisition in Dongping Lake to Ji nan Segment of the South to North Water Diversion;解决济平干渠工程征地拆迁失地农民问题的成功探索

15.On the System Origins and Solution Countermeasures for Disputes of Land Acquisition and Demolition in Chinese Cities;论中国城市征地拆迁纠纷的制度成因与化解对策

16.Unified Location Compensation Policies Based on Compensation Policies for Demolition and Confiscation of State-owned Land and Collective-owned Land;基于城乡征地拆迁补偿政策一体化的区位价补偿政策研究

17.Thought and Measure about Making a Requisition of Land of Qunli Dyke Project in Loan by Asia Bank;关于亚行贷款群力堤防工程征地拆迁工作的认识和对策

18.How to Coordinate Public & Private Rights from the Perspective of Land Purchase & Demolition;从征地与拆迁看公权与私权如何协调


levy land and remove征地拆迁

1.Development of Levy Land and Remove Data Managing and Processing Software based on ;基于VB.NET征地拆迁数据处理系统的设计与实现

3)land-acquisition and house-demolishment征地拆迁

1.Firstly, it reviews and summarizes the research status ofland-acquisition and house-demolishment, resettlement study and land systems; Secondly, it finds out the main stake-holders of these activities: the government, the PAPs, land demanders.首先,回顾与综述了国内外在城市建设征地拆迁、工程移民学、土地制度的研究现状;其次,对征地拆迁所涉及的政府、被拆迁人(主要指城市拆迁户)/失地农民、用地单位(主要指房地产开发商)等主要利益相关者进行识别,寻找他们在征地拆迁活动中各自的利益,分析强势与弱势群体之间的表层利益冲突(主要为涉及土地资源的经济利益),同时从社会发展与资源保护、农村利益与城市利益、个人利益与整体利益、商业利益与生存利益、短期利益与长期利益五个方面挖掘问题背后的深层矛盾;再次,从土地征收制度、集体土地产权、房地产评估、寻租问题、征地拆迁政策、政府与土地市场关系六个方面论述产生这些利益冲突的原因:最后,提出了在短期内对土地补偿与安置、城市房屋拆迁补偿与安置政策进行调整的思路,长期上,对土地市场运行规范、土地产权制度、政府改革的方向等作出了改革的构想。

4)Disputes of land acquisition and demolition征地拆迁纠纷

5)The Land Expropriation and Housing Removal农村征地与拆迁

6)Contradictions of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition征地拆迁矛盾

1.A Study on theContradictions of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition in the Current Process of Urbanization in China当前我国城市化进程中征地拆迁矛盾研究


