100字范文 > 地震预警 earthquake early warning英语短句 例句大全

地震预警 earthquake early warning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-31 21:02:16


地震预警 earthquake early warning英语短句 例句大全

地震预警,earthquake early warning

1)earthquake early warning地震预警

1.Study onearthquake early warning system and intellegent emergency controling system;地震预警系统与智能应急控制系统研究

2.Development,application and suggestion onearthquake early warning system地震预警系统的发展、应用及启示

3.Growing international attention to the Earthquake early warning has been paid in recent years,which can not only reduce casualties caused by the earthquake,but also provide basis for the post-earthquake emergency response and rescue.地震预警系统近年来在国际上日益引起人们的重视,它不仅可以减少地震造成的人员伤亡,而且还可为震后的紧急救援提供依据。


1.Study on Quickly Determining the Hypocenter Parameters in the Earthquake Early Warning;地震预警中震源参数的快速确定研究

2.Study on Automatic Recognition of Seismic Arriving Time and Rapid Estimation of Magnitude in Earthquake Early Warning;地震预警中地震波到时自动识别和震级快速估算研究

3.The basic idea of earthquake early warning and the state of the art of earthquake early warning system and earthquake emergency control system are summarized.对地震预警的基本思想以及地震预警和应急控制系统的国内外建设现状进行综述。

4.Study on the Early Warning System Method Based on a Single Station s P Wave Record;基于单台P波记录的早期地震预警方法研究

5.Internet Survey and Analysis on Earthquake Early Warning基于互联网的地震预警问题的社会调查与分析

6.Alarms can go out before the shaking starts because there is a lag between the time it takes for different seismic waves to travel to the surface.日本即将启用世界上第一个全国地震预警系统 试着翻译一下吧: 牋牋牋牋牋牋牋

7.Although there were signs of some kind of forbading natural disaster, it is generally established that earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted.尽管自然灾害是有一定预警的,但普遍认为地震无法准确预计。

8.Design of the Geohazard Monitoring and Warning System in Wenchuan Earthquake Area汶川地震区次生山地灾害监测预警体系初步构想

9.Study on the Key Problems in the Pipeline Security Monitoring and Pre-warning Technique Based on Multi-Seismic Sensors基于多地震动传感器的管道安全监测预警关键技术的研究

10.Monitoring and pre-warning system for security of pipelines based on data fusion of multi-seismic sensors基于多地震波传感器数据融合的管道安全监测预警系统

11.earthquake [weather] prediction地震预测 [天气预报]

12.The alarm system n the telemetered seismic network introduction for great earthquakes and comparison of the seismic triggerand alarm equipments遥测地震台网大震告警系统──几种地震触发告警设备的介绍与比较

13.Short-term and imminent earthquake prediction shall be released by the people"s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State Council.地震短期预报和临震预报,由

14.This kind of public address alert, recorded at a Tokyo university, will automatically be triggered at certain locations seconds before a big tremor is felt.这种由东京的一所大学发明的公共预警系统,会在大地震爆发之前在一些特定地点自动启动。

15.Progress on earthquake rapid reporting and early warning systems in Taiwan台湾省地震速报和地震早期警报系统的进展

16.radon effect seismic predictor氡效应地震预报装置

17.telemetering systems for earthquake predication地震预报网遥测系统

18.The weather bureau predicts that there will be an earthquake.气象局预测将有地震。


earthquake warning地震预警

1.According toearthquake warning principles,the fire evacuation theory is taken to evacuate people in confined space in public buildings—with an academic building an example—when earthquake happens.根据地震预警原理,利用防火安全疏散理论方法对受限空间类公共场所—某校教学大楼发生地震时的人员安全疏散进行了分析和评价,并根据评价的结论提出了一些建议,为其它类型受限空间抗震安全疏散提供参考。

3)earthquake early warning system地震预警

1.Preliminary study onearthquake early warning system for significant infrastructures;重大工程地震预警初步研究

4)The early warning earthquake预警地震

5)Earthquake pre-alert content地震预警内涵

6)earthquake early warning system地震预警系统

1.Due to the premature status of earthquake predication and the vulnerable structures to earthquakes, it is important to look at theearthquake early warning system hoping to reduce the casualties and the losses from future earthquakes.基于实时强震观测台网和智能应急控制系统得不断发展,地震预警系统日益引起政府部门和广大人民的关注。




“阿德南”系列预警机“阿德南”系列预警机是伊拉克80年代后期开发的空中雷达预警飞机。伊拉克在20世纪80年代初是苏联伊尔-76战略运输机的最大海外用户。此时伊拉克便以伊尔-76作为本国预警机设计的平台。值得注意的是,前苏联和目前俄罗斯的主力预警机a-50也足采用伊尔-76的机体,这就为伊拉克预警机的研制打下了良好的物质基础。1988年,伊拉克在首都巴格达举办国际防务展,推出多种令人吃惊的国产武器,其中代号“巴格达”-1的粗糙预警机最能体现伊拉克人“土法炼钢”的奇思妙想。作为特殊用途,“巴格达”-1在普通的伊尔-76运输机的基础上增加了两片控制横向飞控的大型垂直尾鳍,用来补偿机尾巨大的雷达罩所产生的扰流。其天线罩没有采用国际上流行的顶置式布局,而是设在机尾后部下方。由于预警机上装载着大量电子设备,所以机翼根部增设了燃气涡轮机辅助电力系统充当发动机停车时的临时电源。“巴格达”-1的机鼻不像一般伊尔-76那样采用透明玻璃结构,改为铝制蒙皮,机尾常见的炮塔已被取消。“巴格达”-1的航电系统特别强调数据的自动化处理能力,加上飞机备有空中加油设施,在配备10名机组人员的情况下,一次滞空管制的时间可在12小时以上。尽管“巴格达”-1实现了伊拉克人在预警机方面零的突破,但其由于没有采用顶置式雷达布局,而是削足适履地安排在原来伊尔-76运输机尾舱的地方,探测范围仅有区区240度左右,性能上的不足也促使新一代预警机的出现。1990年伊拉克入侵科威特后,为向国际社会显示自身强大的军事实力,伊拉克电视台公布一段录像,宣称代号为“阿德南”的新一代预警机的已投入伊空军服役。 表现据美国海湾战争后公布的战报称,在海湾战争前伊拉克已经得到了四架“阿德南”飞机机身,三架为“阿德南”-1,由最早的“巴格达”一1预警机机身演化而来,其中的一架在海湾战争期间被毁,另两架和一架性能更好的“阿德南”-2得以幸存。 技术数据全重190吨机长46.59米机高10.97米翼展50.5米,采用上单翼结构,配有四台4d-30pp增压涡扇发动机最大飞行速度850千米/小时,最大航程5500千米,可在1万米高空巡航7.5小时。雷达:“阿德南”1型采用法国泰力斯公司的e/f波段trs-2100雷达,“阿德南”2型是改进的g波段trs-2150雷达。
