100字范文 > 决策有效性评价 Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

决策有效性评价 Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-15 10:54:55


决策有效性评价 Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness英语短句 例句大全

决策有效性评价,Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness

1)Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness决策有效性评价


1.Evaluation Method of Emergency Decision Effectiveness Based on Individual Feature Identification Model基于个体特征识别的应急决策有效性评价方法

2.The Method of Evaluation of Relative Validityon the Multi-objective Decision;多目标决策中的评价相对有效性方法

3.The Relative Efficiency Evaluation of DMUs in Fuzzy Environments;模糊条件下的决策单元相对有效性评价

4.Evaluation of the Effect of Group Decision Making Based on the Attribute Measure Theory;基于属性测度理论的群决策效果评价

5.Application of DEA Method for the Capacity Expansion Problem on Network;数据包络分析在网络容量扩张方案的决策与有效性评价中的应用

6.Evalution of GDSS Validity Based on GA;基于遗传算法的群体决策支持系统有效性的评价

7.An Empirical Study on the Performance of Security Investment Funds Based on Decision-making Usefulness;基金业绩评价方法的决策有用性研究

8.The Theoretical Research of Efficacy Evaluation of Reemployment Tax Policy;再就业税收政策有效性评价理论研究

9.Interview--A Useful Tool and Strategy in Formative Assessment;访谈——形成性评价有效的工具和策略

10.On the Countermeasures of Improving Effectiveness of College Students" Assessments增强高校学生评价结果有效性的策略

11.On Methods for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Linguistic Assessment Information;具有语言评价信息的多属性决策方法研究

12.Study on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Behavior Decision-making Based on Bounded Rationality;基于有限理性行为决策机理与评价研究

13.Performance Evaluation of GSC Based on a DEA Method for Ranking Decision Making Units;基于有效区分决策单元DEA法的绿色供应链绩效评价方法

14.DEA Method in Evaluating the Marketing Decision-Making Comprehensive Effect;营销决策综合效果的DEA评价方法

15.A Corrected Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Estimating the Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units;评价决策单元相对效率的修正DEA方法

16.Study on Countermeasures of Enhancing Public Participation Effectiveness in Environmental Impact Assessment;提高环境影响评价公众参与有效性的对策研究

17.Systematic Reviews for Replacement Strategy and Efficacy in Blood Collection of Peripheral Venous Catheter静脉留置针更换策略及采血有效性的系统评价

18.Management effectiveness of China nature reserves:Status quo assessment and countermeasures中国自然保护区管理有效性的现状评价与对策


decision effect appraisal决策效果评价

1.It has the characteristic of stronger applicability in companydecision effect appraisals.灰靶分析在概率分析方法条件不具备的情况下,为证券公司某项决策效果的评价提供了一种更科学、适用性更强的方法,在公司决策效果评价中具有广泛的应用价值。

3)effectiveness evaluation有效性评价

4)efficacy evaluation有效性评价

1.The applications of chromatographic fingerprint in the quality control of Chinese herbal medicines(CHMs),such as chemical fingerprint in the authentication of CHMs,chromatographic pharmacodynamics,biofingerprint and metabolic fingerprint in theefficacy evaluation of CHMs are reviewed.介绍了色谱指纹图谱在中药质量控制体系,即中药真实性鉴定(化学指纹图谱)、有效性评价(谱效学、生物指纹图谱、代谢指纹图谱)以及安全性评价方面的应用。

2.This article is to introduce FDA s (Food and Drug Administration)general consideration on theefficacy evaluation of the antibacterial drugs, in order to give some suggestion to evaluate efficacy in new antibacterial agent clinical trials in China.本文简要介绍了美国食品药品监督管理局对抗菌药物临床试验有效性评价的相关考虑,希望对中国创新性抗菌药物的临床试验的有效性评价有所提示和参考。

5)validity assessment有效性评价

6)validity evaluation有效性评价

1.Method for preparation of reference map in geomagnetism matching guidance and itsvalidity evaluation;一种地磁匹配制导基准图制备方法及其有效性评价

2.The study onvalidity evaluation of foreign regional policy has made great progress.国外区域政策有效性理论及评价研究已经取得了长足的发展,本文通过综述英国、美国等发达国家和地区的区域政策有效性评价理论和实证研究文献,阐明了国外区域政策有效性评价研究中内容和方法的演变过程,并指出其研究中存在的不足,最后为我国区域政策制定和研究提供了相关的建议。

3.The series of geophysical method and technology in Tarim complex oil-gas reservoir are composed by the seismic high resolution non-linear inversion, the reservoir non-linear integrated prediction, the reservoir seismic non-linear characteristic analysis and thevalidity evaluation.塔里木复杂油气储层地球物理方法技术系列是由地震高分辨率非线性反演、储层非线性综合预测、储层地震非线性特征分析和储层有效性评价等技术组成的非线性综合预测技术系列,具有分辨率高和全局最优化的特点,将储层预测与评价推向半定量到定量的发展阶段。


