100字范文 > 中小型化工企业 middle and small-sized chemical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中小型化工企业 middle and small-sized chemical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-29 20:09:32


中小型化工企业 middle and small-sized chemical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中小型化工企业,middle and small-sized chemical enterprises

1)middle and small-sized chemical enterprises中小型化工企业

1.Numerous dangerous chemicals with various properties are widely used in production and management process ofmiddle and small-sized chemical enterprises.危险化学品数量众多,性质各异,在中小型化工企业生产、管理过程中广泛使用,因其具有易燃、易爆、易中毒、腐蚀性等特点,且中小型化工企业生产条件简陋、技术管理落后、人员素质低、安全管理基础薄弱,导致事故经常发生。


1.Discussion on Safety Management of Dangerous Chemicals in Middle and Small-sized Chemical Enterprises中小型化工企业危险化学品安全管理探讨

2.Discussion on the Mode of Technology Introduction of National Small and Medium-Sized Chemical Industry Enterprises;我国中小型化工企业技术引进模式探讨

3.Discussion on the Problem of Safety Production Management in Small and Medium-sized Chemical Corporation;中小型化工企业的安全生产管理问题的探讨

4.UML-based Small and Medium Sized Chemical Enterprise ERP System Modeling and Implementation基于UML的中小型化工企业ERP系统建模与实现

5.Development Strategic Research of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the New-type Industrialization Process;新型工业化进程中我国中小企业发展战略研究

6.Under the New Industrialization Marketing Channels for SMEs Changes;新型工业化下中小企业市场营销渠道的变革

7.Study on Implementation of Information Engineering in the Small-Medium-Sized Enterprise;中小型企业信息化工程实施方案的研究

8.Research of the Safety Management Model in China s Typical Small and Middle Scale Chemical Enterprises;典型中小化工企业的安全管理模式研究

9.Reflection on Strengthening Accounting Functions for Middle and Small Clothing Export and Process Enterprise;强化中小型服装出口加工企业会计职能的思考

10.Construction of Enterprise Culture in Small and Medium-sized Sci-tech Enterprises;科技型中小企业的企业文化建设研究

11.State Secretariat for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,Commerceand Handicraft国家中小型企业、商业及手工业秘书处

12.Say simply, it is large company chooses culture, medium-sized company chooses a profession, small business elects a boss.简单地说,就是大型企业选文化,中型企业选行业,小型企业选老板。

13.European Council of Crafts and Small and Mediumsized Enterprises欧洲手工业和中小型企业协进会

14.International Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Industrial Enterprises国际中小型工业企业联合会

15.Reflection on the New Product Development of the Small Type Fine Chemical Enterprises;小型精细化工企业开发新产品的思考

16.Development for Chemical Industry Projects of Collective Enterprises in the Large Scale State - Owned Enterprises;大型国企中集体企业的化工项目开发

17.Micro-multinational Corporation-International Model of SME;中小企业国际化的型式——微型跨国公司

18.Analysis on the Index system development of the small & middle-sized mining enterprises;中小型矿业企业信息化建设现状分析


middle and small type enterprises中小型精细化工企业

3)Small And Medium-sized Engineering Business Enterprise (SMEBEs)中小型工程企业

4)small and medium sized chemical enterprises中小化工企业

1.With China joining WTO,small and medium sized chemical enterprises will face more fierce competition.随着我国加入WTO,参与国际市场,我国的中小化工企业将面对更为激烈的竞争。

5)small chemical industy enterprise小型化工企业

1.The inlet wires onsmall chemical industy enterprises can not meet the supply requirements of fire power source.针对小型化工企业进线电源不能满足消防电源供电要求的现状 ,比较分析了各种应急电源的优缺点 ,提出了用 EPS作为应急电源的解决方案 ,并从工程角度给出了 EPS各种典型配电方案及选型原则。

6)Medium and small petrochemical enterprises中小型石化企业


