100字范文 > 马克思主义哲学意识观 Marxist philosophy consciousness英语短句 例句大全

马克思主义哲学意识观 Marxist philosophy consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-22 23:05:15


马克思主义哲学意识观 Marxist philosophy consciousness英语短句 例句大全

马克思主义哲学意识观,Marxist philosophy consciousness

1)Marxist philosophy consciousness马克思主义哲学意识观


1.System Consciousness--the Inheritance and Development of the Marxist Philosophy Consciousness系统意识观——马克思主义哲学意识观的继承和新发展

2.Marxist Philosophical Epistemology马克思主义哲学认识论

3.On “Sense of Issue” in Marxist Philosophy --With a View to Develop Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学的“问题意识”——从发展马克思主义哲学的角度

4.The Lesson of Marxism Philosophy-Arouse Students Consciousness of Thinking;马克思主义哲学课——唤起学生的思考意识

5.On meaning of study of marxist philosophy from the perspective of the hermeneutics;从解释学观点看马克思主义哲学研究的意义

6.On Scientific Outlook on Development from the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy;从马克思主义哲学高度认识科学发展观

7.A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology;认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较

8.Korsch Marxist Philosophy View and Its Contemporary Significance;柯尔施马克思主义哲学观及其当代意义

9.The Connotation and Theoretical Meaning of the Outlook on Marxist Philosophical Practice;马克思主义哲学实践观的内涵及其理论意义

10.The Directive Functions of Marxist Philosophy on Modern People s Values;马克思主义哲学对当代人价值观的指导意义

11.On "Question Consciousness" in Marxism Philosophical Teaching;关于马克思主义哲学教学中的“问题意识”

12.The Awakening of Explanalogical Consciousness in the History of Understanding Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学理解史上解释学意识的觉醒

13.Treating Marxist Philosophy as an Ideology and as a Science;马克思主义哲学的科学性与意识形态性

14.Five kinds of conscious critique in the developing of Marxist philosophy;马克思主义哲学发展中的五种意识批判

15.Marxist Philosophic Attitude to Practice and Labor-the Theory and Teaching of Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学的实践观与劳动观——马克思主义哲学理论与教学

16.A new interpretation of Marxist philosophy from the perspective of dialectic development of philosophy;从哲学观的辩证发展看马克思主义哲学的时代意义

17.On Marxist Philosophy View of S.Hook;悉尼·胡克的马克思主义哲学观评析

18.Change Philosophical Conception of Education and Deepen the Marxist Philosophy Understanding in Education Aims转变哲学教育观念深化对马克思主义哲学教育目的的认识


conception of the Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学观

3)Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学

1.Marxist Philosophy and Construction of New Villages;马克思主义哲学与新农村建设

2.Practice and thought on implement of CAI teaching ofMarxist philosophy;马克思主义哲学课实施CAI教学的实践与思考

3.The Highlighted"Questions"in Consciousness——The Challenges Which Development of Globalization Brought to Marxist Philosophy;“问题”意识的凸显——全球化新发展对马克思主义哲学的挑战

4)Marxism philosophy马克思主义哲学

1.The teaching of Marxism Philosophy and the cultivation of college students creativity;《马克思主义哲学》教学与大学生创新精神培养

2.Issues of Chinese Marxism Philosophy since Thirty Years of Enforcing the Opening and Reform;改革开放三十年来中国马克思主义哲学研究问题域

3.Perceiving Life: The Theoretical Perspective of Marxism Philosophy;“感性生活”:马克思主义哲学的理论视域


1.Trying to Analyze the Sublation ThatMarxism to Absoluteness Category of Hegelianism;试析马克思主义哲学对黑格尔“绝对”范畴的扬弃

2.On the Relationship betweenMarxism and Socialist Construction with Chinese Characteristics;浅论马克思主义哲学与中国特色社会主义建设的关系

3.The Status and Significance of Ontology inMarxism;本体论在马克思主义哲学中的地位和意义

6)Philosophy of Marxism马克思主义哲学

1.On the Ontology of thePhilosophy of Marxism;马克思主义哲学视域中的本体论问题探析

2.The reasons and features of the philosophy of practice and existence exist in certain time and the logic of philosophy itself,and the text clarifies the philosophy of Marxism in 1980s and 1990s in China into two stages.实践及生存哲学思潮兴起的内在动因和主要特征体现于其时代背景和哲学自身逻辑方面,以此将20世纪80~90年代中国马克思主义哲学的发展分为两个阶段。

3.The China-typified philosophy of marxism implication has been enriching and developing with the change of the times and historic tasks.马克思主义哲学中国化的意蕴是随着时代和历史任务的变化而丰富和发展的。


