100字范文 > 药物性皮肤反应 cutaneous drug reactions英语短句 例句大全

药物性皮肤反应 cutaneous drug reactions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-25 05:59:52


药物性皮肤反应 cutaneous drug reactions英语短句 例句大全

药物性皮肤反应,cutaneous drug reactions

1)cutaneous drug reactions药物性皮肤反应

1.Drug hypersensitivity can be divided into 2 categories,systemic syndrome andcutaneous drug reactions.药物过敏是药物临床应用和临床前研究面临的一个严重问题,预测性差,发生机制尚未明确,主要分为系统综合征和药物性皮肤反应2类。

2)Radiation skin reaction放射性皮肤反应

3)skin reaction皮肤反应

1.Generalizedskin reactions associated with Jieguling patch;接骨灵贴膏致全身性皮肤反应

2.Objective: To observe the localskin reaction of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients after injected etanercept.[目的]观察强直性脊柱炎(AS)病人注射益赛普后注射部位的皮肤反应。


1.Duoaifu gauzes to treat a case with skin reaction induced by Nave lbine多爱肤敷料治疗诺维本所致皮肤反应1例

2.Effects of botulinum-A on sympathetic skin response after drinking hot waterA型肉毒毒素对交感神经皮肤反应的影响

3.Hand-foot skin reaction by multikinase inhibitor sorafenib多激酶抑制剂索拉菲尼引起的手足皮肤反应

4.Clinical Study of the Role of SSR in the Evaluation of Bladder Sensory Function;应用交感皮肤反应评价膀胱感觉功能临床实验研究

5.Sympathetic Skin Response in Diagnosing Diabetic Autoneuropathy;糖尿病自主神经功能障碍的交感神经皮肤反应研究

6.reversed passive cutaneous anaphylaxis逆转被动皮肤过敏反应

7.The skin graft was rejected.移植的皮肤引起了排拒反应。

8.Advance for Development of In Vitro Methods of Skin Sensitization Test皮肤变态反应体外替代方法研究进展

9.The Effect of Emotionality in Lie- detection Questions on Skin Conductance Response;测谎问题中的“情绪成分”对皮肤电反应的影响

10.The Synthesized Study of the Irritation and Dermal Allergic Reaction of BAISUXIAO Disinfectant白速消消毒液刺激性和皮肤变态反应综合研究

11.Experimental Study on Cutaneous Irritation and Sensitization of Perilla Volatile Oil Emulsions紫苏油乳剂的皮肤刺激和过敏反应研究

12.Effect of myricetin on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice杨梅素对小鼠被动皮肤过敏反应的影响

13.Observation and Treatment of the Adverse Reactions of Narrow-band UVB Treatment of Skin Diseases in 201 Cases窄谱UVB治疗皮肤病201例不良反应的观察与处理

14.Analysis in Sympathetic Skin Response in Pstients with Cerebral Infarction Combined with Diabetics Mellitus脑梗死合并糖尿病患者皮肤交感反应分析

15.PTD-mFoxp3 fusin protein inhibits skin allograft rejection in micePTD-mFoxp3抑制小鼠皮肤移植排斥反应的研究

16.skinregetative reflex皮肤植物性神经反射

17.Experimental Study on Suppressive Effect of Chemokine Receptor Antisense Peptide Nucleic Acids on Murine Skin Allograft Rejection;趋化因子受体反义肽核酸抑制小鼠皮肤移植排斥反应的实验研究

18.Causes and patterns vary. Contact dermatitis appears at the site of contact with an irritating substance or allergen.接触性皮肤炎是因皮肤接触了刺激性物质或让人产生过敏反应的物质。


Radiation skin reaction放射性皮肤反应

3)skin reaction皮肤反应

1.Generalizedskin reactions associated with Jieguling patch;接骨灵贴膏致全身性皮肤反应

2.Objective: To observe the localskin reaction of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients after injected etanercept.[目的]观察强直性脊柱炎(AS)病人注射益赛普后注射部位的皮肤反应。

4)Radiation-induced skin wet reaction放射性皮肤湿性反应

5)Galvanic Skin Response电皮肤反应

6)galvanic skin response皮肤电反应


