100字范文 > 当代中国马克思主义哲学形态 Marxist philosophical form in contemporary China英语短句 例句大全

当代中国马克思主义哲学形态 Marxist philosophical form in contemporary China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-13 18:39:34


当代中国马克思主义哲学形态 Marxist philosophical form in contemporary China英语短句 例句大全

当代中国马克思主义哲学形态,Marxist philosophical form in contemporary China

1)Marxist philosophical form in contemporary China当代中国马克思主义哲学形态

2)contemporary pattern of Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学的当代形态


1.View on Contemporary Pattern of Marxist Philosophy from "Three Representatives";从“三个代表”看马克思主义哲学的当代形态

2.The Exploration of constructing the contemporary Form of Marxist Philosophy;建构马克思主义哲学的当代形态之探微

3.View on Contemporary Pattern of Marxist Philosophy from the Argument Between Practical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism;从实践唯物主义和辩证唯物主义之争看马克思主义哲学的当代形态

4.On the Construction of Marxist-philosophical Contemporary Formation;试论马克思主义哲学当代形态的建构

5.Study on the Scientific Nature and Value Form of Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学的科学性与价值性——马克思主义哲学当代形态建构中的一个重要问题

6.Teaching Material Construction under Contemporary Modality of Humanistic Marxist Philosophy;以人为本的马克思主义哲学当代形态下的教材建设

7.The Way Out of Contemporary Philosophy Knowed by the Formation of Marxism;从马克思主义的形成看当代哲学的出路

8.Marxist Philosophy and Modern Philosophical Thought马克思主义哲学和当代哲学思潮

9.On the Combined Formation of Marxist Philosophy with the Traditional Chinese Philosophy in the 1930s and 1940s;20世纪30年代~40年代马克思主义哲学与中国传统哲学结合的形态

10.The Philosophy of Practice and Existence as the Contemporary Trends of the Philosophy of Marxism in China;当代中国马克思主义哲学的实践——生存哲学思潮

11.The Paradigm for Research on Marxist Philosophy in Contemporary China;当代中国马克思主义哲学的研究范式

12.Review of the contemporary value of the philosophy of Marxism;马克思主义哲学的当代价值研究综述

13.Several Theoretical Problems of Modern Maxism Philosophy;当代马克思主义哲学的几个理论问题

14.The Contemporary Description of Marxist Philosophy s Spirituality;马克思主义哲学本真精神的当代表述

15.Contemporary Explanation for Marxist Philosophy Innovative Spirit马克思主义哲学创新精神的当代解读

16.The Meeting of Marxist Philosophy and Postmodernism in the Contemporary Era马克思主义哲学与后现代主义在当代的相遇

17.Philosophical Value of Paradigm and Contemporary Dimension of Marxist Philosophy;范式的哲学价值与马克思主义哲学的当代维度

18.The Co-construction of Marxist Philosophy and Contemporary Western Philosophy;马克思主义哲学与当代西方哲学的共建


contemporary pattern of Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学的当代形态

3)contemporary Marxist philosophy in China当代中国马克思主义哲学

1.The innovation of Marxist philosophy takes as a premise the surpassing of materialism philosophy system,as a fundamental basis the heritage and development of the basic spirit of Marxist philosophy,and as an objective the construction ofcontemporary Marxist philosophy in China.创新马克思主义哲学以超越物质主义哲学体系为前提,以继承和发扬马克思主义哲学基本精神为根本,以构建当代中国马克思主义哲学体系为目标。

4)development of contemporary Chinese Marxist philosophy当代中国马克思主义哲学的发展

5)Contemporary Marxism in China中国当代马克思主义哲学

1.Some Issues in ConstructingContemporary Marxism in China关于中国当代马克思主义哲学构建的几个问题

6)sinicization of Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学中国化

1.He holds an initial historical position in the process of the Sinicization of Marxist philosophy,and is called "LU Xun of theoretical circle" by MAO Ze-dong.马克思主义哲学中国化,就是要把马克思主义哲学与中国具体实际结合起来,创造出具有中国特色的哲学形态。

2.Sinicization of Marxist philosophy is the enrichment and development of Marxist philosophy in China, whose historical process has propelled the progressive of economical society and the prosperity of ideological culture, Marxist philosophy of Sinicization has become the mainstream of contemporary social ideology in China.本文从马克思主义哲学中国化历程演进及其与中国当代社会思潮之间的激荡消融过程进行分析,阐述了中国化的马克思主义哲学在引导社会思潮方面的重要作用,引导社会公众要正确运用中国化的马克思主义哲学指导社会实践,进而促进全社会形成健康向上、蓬勃朝气的舆论氛围,推动中国社会意识形态领域的健康发展。

3.With the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the win, China\"s emergence of the " Sinicization of Marxist philosophy " a new upsurge in research, but so far the " Sinicization of Marxist philosophy " to define the meaning of consensus has been reached.随着中国特色社会主义事业的胜利推进,中国出现了“马克思主义哲学中国化”研究的新高潮,但到目前为止,对于“马克思主义哲学中国化”的内涵界定却一直未达成共识。


