100字范文 > 运动补剂 sports tonics英语短句 例句大全

运动补剂 sports tonics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-09 21:49:57


运动补剂 sports tonics英语短句 例句大全

运动补剂,sports tonics

1)sports tonics运动补剂

1.Effect ofsports tonics in improving diastolic function of left ventricle diastole in kidney-yang deficiency model运动补剂对肾阳虚模型左心室舒张功能影响的研究


1.Development of Study of Relationship Between Several Sports Tonics and Exercise Ability;某些运动补剂影响运动能力的研究进展

2.Effect of sports tonics in improving diastolic function of left ventricle diastole in kidney-yang deficiency model运动补剂对肾阳虚模型左心室舒张功能影响的研究

3.Effect of "Sports supplementary medicament" on eliminating athletic fatigue;“运能补剂”消除运动性疲劳的研究

4.The biological research of supplying ITSSN athletic nurtritioustonic in college students′ volleyball training;大学生排球训练中补充ITSSN运动营养补剂的实验

5.Present Situation and Forecast of Exrecise Immunity Enhancement Tonic;运动免疫增强补剂的研究现状与展望

6.The change of scene and outdoor exercise is acting as a good tonic.环境的变换和户外运动无异于良好的补剂。

7.I will now endorse the largest sports supplement line in the fitness industry.我和健身行业最大的运动营养补剂公司签约。

8.Effects of Creatine Supplement on Sports Ability of Mice;肌酸补剂对小鼠运动能力影响机制的研究

9.Advancement of Exercise, Nutriment and Body Immunity Study;运动和营养补剂与机体免疫功能的研究进展

10.Influence of Microelements Tonic to Sports Ability and Health of Human Body;微量元素补剂对人体运动能力及健康的影响

11.Pyeuvate--One Kind of Collection Enhancement Movement Ability With Reasonable Reduction Ideal Nutritional Supplement;丙酮酸盐:增强运动能力和合理减重的营养补剂

12.Effect of Chinese Medical Tonic Products on Activity of Skeletal Muscle Enzyme of Exercise Rats中药复方补剂对运动大鼠骨骼肌酶活性的影响

13.Classification of Chinese herbal restoratives of fatigue recovery in different sports --Establishment and application of basic framework of Chinese herbal restoratives;不同运动类型疲劳恢复的中药补剂分型——中药补剂基本框架的确立及应用研究

14.Research on the Mechanism of Equilibrium Tonifying Series Prescriptions(ETSP) Regulating the Testosterone of Kinetic Fatigue;平衡补益系列方剂调节运动性疲劳血睾酮水平的作用及机理研究

15.The Effects of Different Doses of Supermicro-pulverization of Chinese Herbal Preparation for Invigorating the Kidney and Benefiting the Primordial Energy on the Rats of Exercise-induced Low Serum Testosterone;不同剂量超微化补肾益元中药对运动性低血睾酮大鼠的影响

16.An Experimental Study on the Effect of Libidu Eliminating Elite Women Soccer Players Fatigue;里必度补剂对优秀女子足球运动员疲劳消除的实验研究

17.The impact of Carnosine complex and new sodium bicarbonate preparation administration on anaerobic capacity;肌肽复合物、新剂型碳酸氢钠补充对人体无氧运动能力的影响

18.A Survey on the Progress of Anti-Fatigue via the Means of Non-exogenetic Drug of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医非外源性药物补剂手段消除运动性疲劳的研究进展


ITTSN athletic nutritious tonicITSSN运动营养补剂

1.My paper suggests that any rich sugar,acid ,vitamin,mineral inITTSN athletic nutritious tonic can adjust athletic capacity and make judging move response time keep a relative high level .大学生排球训练补充ITSSN运动营养补剂 ,对心血管系统的影响不显著 (P >0 。

3)the exercise nutritional beverage运动营养补剂

1.This article summarized the development perspective of the lycopene asthe exercise nutritional beverage.对其作为运动营养补剂的发展前景作一综述。

4)Sport nourishment supplement运动营养补剂

1.It states how to improve the biology mechanism of the sport ability, and it is used as the development foreground of sport nourishment supplement .分析了肌肽的多种生物学功能,尤其在抑制自由基的生成,抗疲劳和抗氧化等方面的功效,探讨了其提高运动能力的生物学机制,并对其作为运动营养补剂的发展前景作以展望。

5)sports nutritional supplements运动营养补充剂

6)motion compensation运动补偿

1.Aperture-dependentmotion compensation for airborne SAR with 0.1m resolution;0.1m分辨率机载SAR孔径依赖性运动补偿方法

2.Scan mirrormotion compensation of geostationary satellite;地球静止轨道卫星扫描镜运动补偿

3.Object detection algorithm based on backgroundmotion compensation and hypothesis test;背景运动补偿和假设检验的目标检测算法


补剂补剂 补剂 方剂学名词。系十剂之一。指用补益药物组成。具有治疗阴阳气血诸虚证的方剂。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“形不足者,温之以气;精不足者,补之以味。”《沈氏尊生书·要药分剂》:“徐之才曰:补可去弱,人参、羊肉之属是也。”《本草纲目·序例》:“生姜之辛补肝,炒盐之咸补心,甘草之甘补脾,五味子之酸补肺,苦柏之苦补肾。又如茯神之补心气,生地黄之补心血;人参之补脾气,白芍药之补脾血;黄芪之补肺气,阿胶之补肺血;杜仲之补肾气,熟地黄之补肾血;芎之补肝气,当归之补肝血之类,皆补剂。不特人参、羊肉为补也。”
